Ed note, Sabba–This should rejoice the MEN of Russia, China, Hezbollah, Iran, Syria and all the men of the Global South in general!
This is stage 3 in the jewish controlled demolition of the USA.
Stage one: they destroyed the american economy (Reagan).
Stage two: the attack was on its currency – see: https://theuglytruth.wordpress.com/2009/02/15/september-11th-2008-america%E2%80%99s-economic-911
And that is continuing as we speak.
And now the attack is being shifted on the last thing the USA still have – a strong military. The destruction will take place from within with acts such as this one. But also from without by sending America to fight foreign wars – the ultimate prize would be of course to send her to fight Russia….
In the jewish messianic world, there can be only one world super-power: Israel.
Pax Americana must die in order for Pax Judaica to take over.
They gave us ‘Germany must perish!’ in the 1940s. Looks like it is now ‘America must perish!
Long ago , the Jews began arriving into what is called America. George Washington, Ben Franklin, Thomas Jefferson write about them. General Grant and Sherman of the Civil War era wrote about their ways also. They wanted them banned from entry / deported.
But what the Jews do (and they did it to Egypt, Rome, Greece, Britain, Spain, and elsewhere …is they overtake where the power is centralized. For example, it is easier to take control of one place like Washington DC, rather than taking over each if the 50 states, they take the top of the pyramid, then it begins working exactly how a virus works.
They have sucked the “Main Street” economy right out if America. Wall Street too would have shriveled up a long time ago but what the Jew did is to make the US currency into an instrument of internationalism and tied it to trading hubs around the world such as in Tokyo , Shanghai , London , Sydney , and elsewhere. Then they packed up their “American” businesses and moved them to China. Wall Street and investment companies didn’t miss a beat.
They have used the US military no bounty about it and it has been extremely beneficial for them across the board. As they use US forces to hop fr country to country, the tooled countries them become subjects to be used for further military objectives. Gradually, the US military is not needed as much bit only for the high tech advantages.
What most people do not se to be considering though is this. The US will be left holding the bag, The Jews have left a very long history of illegal wars and all sorts of illegal activities when going to war or otherwise taking over countries. The Jews that have worked behind the scenes in these decades of warfare will come out squeaky clean and the goy will be put on trial. The US will overwhelmingly be found guilty of all sorts if war crimes and will have to pay for reparations as well as the national debt. This is how America will go into 100% capitulation AS WELL how they will extract every single penny from American accounts.
They have used Erica at this point for nearly all they can. It is now time for them to destroy it the way they did Germany; kill it economically , make every American guilty of the escapades of the US military’s machine, and force America to pay for war reparations
Besides the inner putrefaction due to perversity …
Obama only fired two hundred generals? There are 5000 more that need more than firing..
Untruthfulness is surprisingly common in the U.S. military even though members of the profession are loath to admit it. Further, much of the deception and dishonesty that occurs in the profession of arms is actually encouraged and sanctioned by the military institution. The end result is a profession whose members often hold and propagate a false sense of integrity that prevents the profession from addressing—or even acknowledging—the duplicity and deceit throughout the formation.” Taken from the censored February 2015 report.
Long ago , the Jews began arriving into what is called America. George Washington, Ben Franklin, Thomas Jefferson write about them. General Grant and Sherman of the Civil War era wrote about their ways also. They wanted them banned from entry / deported.
But what the Jews do (and they did it to Egypt, Rome, Greece, Britain, Spain, and elsewhere …is they overtake where the power is centralized. For example, it is easier to take control of one place like Washington DC, rather than taking over each if the 50 states, they take the top of the pyramid, then it begins working exactly how a virus works.
They have sucked the “Main Street” economy right out if America. Wall Street too would have shriveled up a long time ago but what the Jew did is to make the US currency into an instrument of internationalism and tied it to trading hubs around the world such as in Tokyo , Shanghai , London , Sydney , and elsewhere. Then they packed up their “American” businesses and moved them to China. Wall Street and investment companies didn’t miss a beat.
They have used the US military no bounty about it and it has been extremely beneficial for them across the board. As they use US forces to hop fr country to country, the tooled countries them become subjects to be used for further military objectives. Gradually, the US military is not needed as much bit only for the high tech advantages.
What most people do not se to be considering though is this. The US will be left holding the bag, The Jews have left a very long history of illegal wars and all sorts of illegal activities when going to war or otherwise taking over countries. The Jews that have worked behind the scenes in these decades of warfare will come out squeaky clean and the goy will be put on trial. The US will overwhelmingly be found guilty of all sorts if war crimes and will have to pay for reparations as well as the national debt. This is how America will go into 100% capitulation AS WELL how they will extract every single penny from American accounts.
They have used Erica at this point for nearly all they can. It is now time for them to destroy it the way they did Germany; kill it economically , make every American guilty of the escapades of the US military’s machine, and force America to pay for war reparations
Besides the inner putrefaction due to perversity …
… even the following factors play a part in the overall putrefaction of the army:
— “Censored: War College says Army Filled with Liars and Cheats”
Obama only fired two hundred generals? There are 5000 more that need more than firing..
Untruthfulness is surprisingly common in the U.S. military even though members of the profession are loath to admit it. Further, much of the deception and dishonesty that occurs in the profession of arms is actually encouraged and sanctioned by the military institution. The end result is a profession whose members often hold and propagate a false sense of integrity that prevents the profession from addressing—or even acknowledging—the duplicity and deceit throughout the formation.” Taken from the censored February 2015 report.