Ultraconservative Islamists make gains in Egypt elections

America is exceptional alright. It is the most frightened nation on Earth, subjected to hysterical propaganda over decades warning about foreign enemies and ideologies. No wonder its supposed democratic freedom is in so appallingly bad shape, when the preponderant population is imprisoned by their rulers in a virtual cage of fear.


One thought on “America: the most frightened and frightening nation on Earth”
  1. A terrific article Sabba .Thank-you for posting this .
    I noticed this American fear since childhood.
    A huge paranoia fsnnrdcby the Jews media ,and base Puritanical culture which is suspicious of anything not fitting petty narrow forms .
    An inate distrust of the outsider different , foreign , that only the most ignorant foster .

    This fanned by the system to create a unity in a people so without connection to a base culture .
    This malleability makes the people easy prey to fear mongering ,and a feeling of moral superiority to everyone else not ” American *.
    Thus we must ” destroy them for their own good ” to ” free them ,and protect our freedom “.
    England built an Empire on this thinking …their people separated by a body of water from Europe see themselves as ” separate ” and ” exceptional ” from their Continental forbears .

    Francis Parker Yockey in his monumental Neo Spenglerian work IMPERIUM comments on this .
    He believed the USA is still a ” colony ” in mindset.

    The US public is in perpetual fear of others …Germans , Frenchman ,Russians ,Arabs , Latins ,Asians ,in fact the entire world at one time or other .
    While seeing themselves as ” tolerant ” and ” inclusive “.

    Orwell referred to this as ” hate of the month “.

    This can change in an instant ,and has !

    Firebombing Berlin in 1945 ,and airlifting food in 1947 !
    One plane known as the ” chocolate bomber ” dripping treats on little parachutes to children they where firebombing a few years before with glee !

    Later the Nationalist Arab world would suffer the same .

    Unless the people of the USA grow out of this juvenile fear and get in touch with their own ethnic ” otherness ” and stop allowing the poison of Judaic manipulation to invest them this will not change and it is they who will continue to suffer the most
    Those who brain wash them into perpetual war ,for perpetual peace seek their end ..not any outside ” enemy “.

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