THE SAKER – On the surface, American exceptionalism appears to represent a boldly-stated concept but when contrasted to the subtleties of personal experience, the lessons and flow of history and individual geographically-rooted place, horribly small-minded and delusional, conceivable only as a statement by a crazed, power-hungry overlord to an underling.
Such, I’m afraid, are the consequences when you allow a pack of Jews to take over the credit flows of the entire nation, set the interest rates, and issue the money. Everyone becomes a slave. A debt slave to be exact.
It’s not rocket science. I mean, it would be madness to give the power of the purse to ANY private cartel. Obviously, being private, they are, by definition, self-interested. But the Jews are, by definition, the MOST self-interested, self-serving, self-enriching, not to say, parasitical crowd of self-worshipers on the planet. And THEY were given the power, in 1913, to issue the money of Yanklandia! Contrary to that damn piece o’ paper … the Constitution!
Absolute madness.
Money is meant to be a ‘store of value’. A ‘known quantity’. Otherwise, what purpose does it serve? What’s the point if it is worth less tomorrow than than the day you received it? And yet, the dollar, or more precisely, the ‘Federal Reserve Note’, is said to have lost 95% of its value since 1913, the year the Federal Reserve Akt was passed by Woody Woodpecker Wilson. Just google ‘value of american dollar since 1913’ and hit ‘images’ to bring up any number of charts.
The difference in value between the top of the chart and bottom, represents the money which has been siphoned off to pay for Jewzone enterprises. Enterprises such as, oh, the Meeja and ‘Entertainment’ industries. Not to mention WallEye St. Not to mention the arms industries. Not to mention, the court system, the education system, the government. Oh dammit, EVERYTHING that can’t be nailed down! And then some.
And we’re surprised?