According to the Senate’s new Anti-Semitism Awareness Act, Henrietta Szold, Hanna Arendt and Martin Buber could also be defined as Jew-haters
ed note–a few thing worth noting here–
1. There is no ‘anti-Catholic Awareness Act’, and never will be…
There is no ‘anti-Islamic Awareness Act’, and never will be…
There is no ‘anti-Buddhist Awareness Act’, and never will be…
There is no ‘anti-Hindu Awareness Act’, and never will be…
Only Jews, most of whom are not semites, but of white, western, european origin, which they themselves admit, despite their delusional belief that they ‘descend’ from the biblical character Abraham–qualify for such legislation, but then, what more should we expect, since, after all, they are ‘God’s chosen people’ and the rest of us are stupid Goyim whose only reason for being created was to serve them.
Note as well the Jewish author’s clear assertion that indeed it is Jewish groups pushing for this form of censorship and control of what people seem hear, think, etc. When some lowly goy however says the same thing, the dogs of the ADL, SPLC, etc, along with their lapdog hirlings in the JMSM come barking and snarling with the typical charges of someone promoting ‘old canards’ about Judaic control of the narrative.
2. What are they so afraid of? What is it about how ‘they roll’ in terms of American foreign policy in the Middle East (and elsewhere) that they can’t afford to allow thinking people to have all the facts and to discuss these matters freely?
“With every passing year, Israeli control of the West Bank grows more permanent. And so, with every passing year, more American progressives question Zionism.”
The West Bank is but the tip of a very large iceberg. The rat-like infestation of Palestinian lands by ‘settlers’ is a metaphor-made-literal of what is happening all across the Ziosphere, primarily but by no means exclusively, in Europe and America.
Zionism and Jews in general can only be the objects of continuing and escalating fear and loathing as the effects of compound interest intensify, with further destruction of western economies and concentration of universal wealth in Zionist hands. All they can do is try to impose more and more police-state controls over the ‘Goy’. And control the discourse via ‘political correctness’. A good old Soviet term.
Just remember, Jewish control of the money supply didn’t just happen overnight. It didn’t even just happen since the dawn of ‘Finance Capitalism’. It’s been a historic process. Enabled all the way by willing ‘Goy’. And also opposed by Goy, both of the Christian and Muslim variety. Other money systems have come and gone but Usury has emerged triumphant. I wonder why?
Get the hell out of Palestine, go back to your own countries. With every passing year the people of the world get more aware of the criminality of the Zionist agenda.