ed note–the reader should prepare thyself for a schmorgas-board of the typical schmoozing that is part and parcel of all liberal Jewish clap-trap, where ‘good Jews of conscience’ from the left moralize how it is ‘not nice’ to oppress the Palestinians and how what Israel is/has been/always will be doing is a flagrant violation of the ‘peace and justice’ that flows through the vascular system of ‘true Judaism’ like sewage flows through a 6-inch drain pipe.
The reason for posting it is to highlight that indeed the entire ‘Greater Israel’ paradigm is the real deal, and despite the fact that our unesteemed Hebress does not go into any details as to what ‘Greater Israel’ portends, the fact of the matter is that indeed, the idea of ‘Greater Israel’ is a matter of fact, despite the denial-based hasbara campaign that is put into motion by Judaic interests plying their ‘by way of deception, we shall make war’ protocols whenever some mouthy Gentile decides to bring this fact up for discussion.
The usual verbal diarrhea with no substance and of no consequence.
‘Jewish Federations of North America is hosting its annual General Assembly in Israel, and this year’s theme is “We need to talk.”’
Sure, they’ll do plenty of talking and schmoozing; they’re pros at that. It’s in their make-up.
As for any action by Jews that actually derails the Greater Israel plan, well, hell hasn’t frozen over yet, has it?
‘Israel’s drift to the far-right is part of a global move towards illiberalism. But American Jewish establishment organizations have been the Israeli government’s crucial partners, funders, enablers and defenders.’
It is a fine thing indeed to see the Jeweish ‘community’ tearing itself apart over its own moral bankruptcy. This is surely to be encouraged and supported.
‘So yes, we do need to talk. We need to talk about the extent of the American Jewish Establishment’s support for the occupation and the damage done by those claiming to represent us.’
And it is not just a matter of the American Jewish Establishment’s support for occupation that needs to be questioned. But the material support each and every ‘Goyim’ in the Zest is compelled to provide for ze drim of ‘Ersatz Israhell’. Via the usury Big Jewelry exacts on every shekel in circulation and every tax dollar coughed up to pay down the ‘national debt’. And every bribe paid to every corrupt politician at public expense. Not to mention all endless taxpayer handouts to Israhell by way of military and every other kind of ‘aid’.
The time has come to scrutinize very carefully the gargantuan and utterly irresponsible ‘debt’ the Jeweish central banksterin’ system has been ALLOWED to clock up across the world since it managed to get a stranglehold on the money supplies, not just of Amerika, but of all nations. A world debt bigger than the capacity of 10 worlds to ‘repay’. Clocked as ‘debt’ to Organized Jewelry.
And what are the fruits of this ‘debt’? For starters … the hideous running sore which is Israhell and its dream of Erstaz Israhell and direct control of the world’s oil supply. Not to mention the complete trashing of the Zest and the current disarray it finds itself in.
‘We must stop working with groups that silence dissent and facilitate human rights abuses, in violation of the principles of our people. We must work to remedy the harm we have caused.’
Indeed we must. Otherwise, the fate which has befallen the Palestinians is the fate which awaits us all. We have already seen it play out in Rusklandia under the utter and total tyranny of Bolshevik Jewes and the crazed lunacy of Vlad ‘The Impaler’ Lenin. Backed, as they were, by Schiff, Warburg and ultimately Rotshite money. We cannot let this happen again.
And indeed there will be time
For the yellow smoke that slides along the street,
Rubbing its back upon the window panes;
There will be time, there will be time
To prepare a face to meet the faces that you meet;
There will be time to murder and create,
And time for all the works and days of hands
That lift and drop a question on your plate;
Time for you and time for me,
And time yet for a hundred indecisions,
And for a hundred visions and revisions,
Before the taking of a toast and tea.