ed note (Tony)…Lets face it folks, the lemmings in this country have adopted the Judaic mindset. What this ‘box office record’ tells us, is that the lemmings are prepared for More Wars For Israel! You can bet your bottom dollar that if/when the Jews make a ‘movie’ about the murder of 2,000-plus civilians in Gaza, the lemmings would fall all over themselves to see it, like insects attracted to your front porch light at nighttime in late June. Pathetic.
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Killing civilians in Gaza today is no more murder than killing civilians in Japan in the 1940’s.
I have to post the words of a rather politically wise friend of mine here since, prior to this article, I had just read his commentary over on another site regarding this very topic, the overblown ballyhoo about the success of this obscene movie. The man is an educator and words it so well.
Hmmmm, Perhaps We Are Seeing A “Fandango Tango?”
Hmnmm, perhaps we are seeing a “Fandango Tango” on these high box office earnings being reported by the “ever so honest” Jewish Entertainment Syndicate “trade magazines” . . . 😉
The moderator writes:
“‘American Sniper’ is obvious pro-war propaganda. Are the reports of box office success part of the lie?”
I was thinking the exact same thing yesterday when I was writing a short piece about how the film “Pearl Harbor” just happened to be the reported “#1 Movie” in the country when the Zionists launched their “false flag” attacks on 9-11 for their “Greater Israel/PAX Judaica” agenda.
“Pearl Harbor”
The Zio-Traitor “think tank” known as “The Project For The New American Century” (PNAC) wrote in their September 2000 paper, “Rebuilding America’s Defenses” that a “New Pearl Harbor-type event” would be needed to launch their war plans for regime change in the Middle East.
In May 2001, the film “Pearl Harbor” was released . . complete with Propaganda Blitz of the initial screening being done in Hawaii to lots of “Pomp and Zio-Stance” . . .
If one analyzes the “metrics” used to determine where the “lines” are for convincing a bunch of schmucks to go to War (AGAIN!!!) for the very corrupt Jewish BANKSTER system that is destroying them and their families . . .
. .. there are far too many “matching dotz and patterns” to dismiss as mere coincidence.
I have longed maintained the likes of Game Theorist Dr. Robert J. Aumann and followers used “Pearl Harbor” as a template when they were designing their plans for “9-11” and the follow up “Anthrax Attacks”.
“By Way Of Deception” cowardly warfare takes a LOT of planning sometimes. 😉
So, now The Zionists propagandists wish to convince WE THE PEOPLE . . . of THE WORLD . . .
. . . that WE are ALL just “WILD” about “professional assassins” roaming the entire planet in the shadows ready to KILL anyone their “Authority Figures” say deserves to be “KILLED”. . . .
. . .all based on the “logistics” provided by these Jewish controlled “Intelligence Agencies” . . .
. .. using the very Talmudic based “Game Theory” models of Dr. Robert J. Aumann and his disciples of “Greater Israel” and “PAX JUDAICA”.
What better way to “sell this meme” of . . . “WE THE PEOPLE LOVE COWARDLY ASSASSINS KILLING FOR JEWISH BANKSTER SYNDICATES!!!” .. . than to publish high Box Office Numbers?
In this Zio-Economy . . . that is being squeezed to death by “Weaponized Mathematics” . . . we are to “believe” that WE THE PEOPLE gave up “105.3 MILLION DOLLARS” . . .
. . .because we love to see Cowardly Assassins kill innocent Muslims who were framed as the “Patsies” on 9-11 and subsequent “Crafted Lies” by the “Smartest Guys In Room 101”
Of course, to the uber-rich Zionists, what would “105.3 MILLION DOLLARS” be when one can print money out of thin air and have schmucks “believe” it has value and the power of “debt”?
I would really like to see the theater “security” videos to see if the number of “butts in seats” comes anywhere close to the box office receipts at these theaters . . .
Of course, I wouldn’t put it past these arrogant clowns to have one “Fandango” purchase of 105.2 MILLION DOLLARS posted at one theater . . . closest to the offices of Booz, Allen and Hamilton!!! . . .lol
P.S. – The phrase “Michael ‘Rahm Emanuel’s Brother Is My Zio-Agent’ Moore is RIGHT” just makes me want to hurl. 😉
Read more: Michael Moore is Right | WHAT REALLY HAPPENED http://whatreallyhappened.com/content/michael-moore-right#comment-1#ixzz3Pr7MI0Tq
What really saddened me was that one link took me to Infowars where I subjected myself to a few minutes reading the commentary on this assassin. The propaganda is really working, so many of them are out defending this movie and this man. Methinks the zio shills are out in full force on this one ~ sort of a branching out from their usual ADL type aggressive victimhood/whinging work. Their work is to alter the mindset….
America is a culture of killing thanks to the judaics. We know all about Hollywood and the military, the bigger the fireworks, the closer the military/movie making connections. This I have documented in the past.
HOLLYWOOD AND THE PENTAGON ~ A love affair from Hades
Xtians are lapping it up. Sarah Palin employed Chris Kyle as a bodyguard and she’s holding up signs telling Michael Moore to f*** off. Chris Kyle considered himself a Xtian and he gave talks at mega-churches.
Thanks for posting blackbird9 Nooralhaqiqa:
Excellent, insightful commentary, which explains why
The movie had been so super hyper inflated at the Fox Zio “News” channel to a sickly saturation point of idolization that it did cause open minds to enquire why so much adulation for this robotic, psychopathically trained murderer?
Hate the sin, love the sinner.
Spiritually, one wonders where the Christians are on this, as it has just done an “in your face” of the “Thou Shalt Not Kill” Christian / Biblical principle. The cold-blooded murderer said he was quite happy to meet his Maker and “ask” for everyone of those deaths. Of course, his Maker was not God, but Lucifer — so of course he’s boiling in hell right now for all the lives he took away.
God mercifully put him down when he was shot by one of his own trainees — who had not quite lost his own Humanity — it may seem — since nothing has been said about him — like Bergdahl and Tillman — once they woke up to the LIES AND INHUMANITY and the EVIL of it all.
Greetings all .. . 🙂
nooralhaqiqa – Thank you so much for posting my words from WRH here . ..
I thought you and some of the readers here might be interested in my “follow up”
comments on this topic. . .
Of course, others may find my words “blasphemous” .. . 😉
This comment is in response to the video analysis of Chris “Zio-Sniper” Kyle
someone posted to WRH this morning.
“Oh, Those Insane Sons And Daughters Of Cain and Lamech . . .”
– bb9
I believe the box office reporting is a ‘push poll’,by the Jews. “Everyone is doing it”. “Everyone is outraged”,is a way the Jews create a bandwagen effect,in their media. But I have no doubt ,the ‘Murikan,’Tea Party,Zio-Christian types,along with old women,of both sexes ;trailing pajama clad unruly children, are going to see the film. ADL brainwashed Cops,and Military Personal. THE X BOX 4 addicted will love it too. Fat,fast food nerds,who’s minds,and back sides never leave a Cheeto,and Mountain Dew stained couch,playing ,automated killing games,where human beings are mowed down like bowling pins. Hollywood Jews ,are the Propaganda Arm of ZOG. Watch what political/history/religious/social cause films, they are pushing,and you will see the next chapter,in the world agenda. I wrote of this yesterday,and see that Nooralhaqiqa mentions the same: PEARL HARBOR back in 2000 ! I recall being in a Farmers Market on a lovely fall day,when a vendor I knew said to me: “That dumb PH film,are we being prepped for war?” I said ‘Yes” . That jingoistic atrocity (it was no TORA,TORA ,TORA,which was brilliant,and a breakthrough in fairness;the Japanese side, produced by THEM,and the films edited together !) and all during the 90’s war was being pushed as moral ,and glorious. Vicious old Red, Court Historian Stephan Ambrose (A vile drunk ,felled by cancer) books : BAND OF BROTHERS (gag,I knew one of the old men in it; Sgt Toy. A VERY BAD PERSON!) Brokows “GREATEST GENERATION, (get me an Antacid),and the disgusting Spielberg garbage SWINDLERS LIE (there goes dinner-adopted from a Novel !) and of course ( get out your tissues) SAVING PRIVATE RYAN ,dehumanizing German Soldiers; where ,’must sees’. The NEOCONSERVATIVES loved the ex Commie Ambrose ,till he wrote lovingly of far out Liberal buddie, George Mc Governs war duty. That did not fit the image,so Ambrose was outted as a plagerist ! (Mc Govern ;the peace nick,just ‘loved;his piloting of a B-17 firebombing German Cities; in Jew instructed ‘terror raids’.,during WW2. SEE : HELLSTORM OVER GERMANY :MT GOODRICH, THE DESTRUCTION OF DRESDEN : David Irving Action Report.Com) HUMAN SMOKE Baker,and THE NEW DEALERS WAR :Fleming. Did not Speilburg cleverly go after both Muslims,and Germans(Christians) in his lousy juvenile films? Clever! The “Liberal Jew” (Don’t believe that ;Jews play that part for the Goyim,they are the most reactionary people on earth) even added what it was all about: YAHWEH;their vicious Tribal Diety,(see YAHWEH ,GOD OF THE NWO & Synagogue Of Saturn – YT) to the story. Now,years later her we are : INGLORIUS BASTARDS ,almost forgotten,and now AMERICAN SNIPER . Beware! The Christ Killing matrix,is up to something !
I think that JewWood is fudging the data as they do everything else. I think this show is bullshit. I think the viewing numbers are bullshit and I lend no credence. To hell with this movie and to hell with JewWood.
Contrived celebrity and controversy?
1. American
2. Assassinate (Ro(u)th was shooter introduced to Kyle by Ro(u)th’s mother)
3. Build celebrity
4. Make movie
5. Build more celebrity
6. Create Controversy
7. Generate Max Profit!!!
Americans have short memories. The Interview was released barely a month ago.
Don’t take your eyes off the ball. They want us to argue among ourselves about contrived celebrity in order to distract from the real issue and divide us. Call it “Kim Kardashianed” for some “V for Vendetta”d for others.
No matter how we feel about Chris Kyle, feelings are strong enough to divide and distract us, he should not be the topic of our discussions. Please, don’t focus on “Chris Kyle”. Or, rather, the contrived controversy surrounding ‘Chris Kyle’. Chris Kyle is one specific Big Lie tool among hundreds, thousands, if not millions of tools at their disposal. “Proper tool for the proper job”.
Look deeper and not at the surface. Concentrate on the hidden apparatus pulling the strings and not the string pulled objects they want us to see.
It is shame to see so many American people go to see this junk movie and enjoy watching homicides; to see how their soldiers kill innocent Iraqis who are defending their country, it is shame… Is this lack of ethics, carelessness or brainwashed people?… or maybe all…
“Zionists make us brothers kill each other”
Two combat veteran Ukrainians discussing their differences about the current situation.
They don’t want us talking among ourselves:
Jewish leaders call for Europe-wide legislation outlawing antisemitism
@ kittie kittie: I didn’t see that article.
Jewish leaders call for Europe-wide legislation outlawing anti-Semitism.
“Proposal would criminalize activities such as banning the burqa, forced marriage, female genital mutilation and holocaust™ denial.”
The Jews always throw hoax denial into the mix, since they know that the hoax is a cornerstone of Jewish power and righteousness in the minds of the Goyim.
Their verbiage is like saying, “Proposal would criminalize activities such as planetary genocide, galactic disruption, annihilating solar systems, and holocaust™ denial.”
And get this…
“The proposed legislation would also curb, in the wake of the Paris attacks, freedom of expression on grounds of tolerance and in the interests of security.”
In order to save free speech, we must destroy it. In order to show tolerance, we must not tolerate people we don’t like.
“There is no need to be tolerant to the intolerant.”
Indeed, there is no need to be tolerant to the intolerant Jews regarding the hoax.
“’There’s a real threat of another Jewish exodus from Europe,’ Moshe Kantor, president of the European Jewish Congress and co-chair of the ECTR, told the Guardian. ‘The only way to fix these problems is deep changes in legislation to protect all, not just Jews’.”
There is no threat of any Jews leaving Europe. And even if there were, why would that be bad?
If Europe enacts this Jew garbage, then Europe deserves what it gets.
I tell the lemmings “Before serving your country, discover who your country is serving.”
I ask them if our war in Iraq helped us or Israel.