
2 thoughts on “AN INCONVENIENT 9/11 TRUTH [Part I]”
  1. Great video.

    Those 4,000 Jews that stayed away from work at the WTC on Sept 11, 2001, whose names and addresses were all known by the Israeli publication, The Jerusalem Post, should all be arrested and interrogated Nuremberg Trials style, till the truth comes out and is published for all the world to see, and appropriate military action then taken against Israel and the traitorous governments of the US and all the other traitorous coalition governments .

    People need to come to understand that it is not good having militaries that you pay for with taxes if they remain under traitorous Jewish control and keep on fighting the wrong people.

    They need to know that when they sign up for military service, some Jew bastard will not be leading them in wars against innocents, when they should be destroying the enemy who attacked America on 9/11.

    Israel just used America and NATO coalition countries to have more than 7 million innocent people in Iraq and Afghanistan unjustly and illegally slaughtered over 9/11, yet all that people are permitted to do by TPTB, controlled by our deadly enemy Israel and the Jews, is to mourn the falsely alleged holocaust of 6 million Jews.

    People need to get educated through means like this excellent video, and make sure their military does the right thing.

    Revolution by the current military establishments is the way to go, as they are heavily armed enough, if a lightning strike can be accomplished by military officers still loyal to their own countries, rather than to Israel, with all traitorous officers and politicians then immediately executed.

    Those more than 7 million innocents brutally murdered in Iraq and Afghanistan are owed at least that much, and vastly more than that.

  2. A 3 hour video? Do most people have unlimited GBs? I don’t. Clue me in if I can get more than 10 GB/mo. without breaking the bank….I’d love to view this documentary.

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