synagogue of satan 2

“The spiritual rot is now so deep and pervasive that the people no longer even recognize the decay–they have been lulled into a false belief that this culture of fraud, embezzlement, manipulations, propaganda and parasitic financial Elites has always held sway.

This is precisely how a people act when they have lost their way, spiritually and morally: they elevate sins to virtues, and forget the lessons of their past.

Americans no longer hate me, they hate sacrifice, with a passion that enlivens my enthusiasm for their self-destruction.”


11 thoughts on “A Xmas Message From Satan – "Ignorance, My Poor Dear Americans, Will Not Save You"”
  1. This is a great article.
    No persons of any culture ,substance or nobility could digress.
    What this author cannot say is why it is like this.
    Jews .
    They are the culture distorters who inflict the unnatural on the natural.
    They come to ” save the world ” for themselves and succeeded beyond their temporal dreams …in preparation for the really big overthrow when Yahweh returns .
    The ” Christmas blues ” is in many because the promise of Christ’s New Covenant is gone…as is all Christmas wonders because one must ,” have no other Gods but Yahweh “.
    The Jews love ” Democracy “, as they can buy it ,and distort it….they hate ” Democracy ” when it catches on and overthrows them. (:1 30 33 ,Germany )….
    But its the mob who protects the Jews.
    The ” Goyim ” of the Left/Right con fest.
    The Tea Party ” capitalists cheerleaders driving rusted cars and living in run down houses ,who blame ” the lazy poor ” on their problems and sorry about the” Illuminati ,Satanists ,Marxist ,Socialist ,Nazi Muslim Jesuit Arhiests, Reptiles ,” for ” ruining them.
    The stupid pompious Liberals see the same only sans blaming ” the poor ” as to them its a code word for race …they are right ,but really don’t care who is hungry either.
    They just love being oh so ” caring ” ,and ” Anti Fascist “.
    Communist Leader ,the Jew Leon Trotzxky ( Bronstein ) , who’s revolutionary fervor was paid for by
    Jewish Finance Capital in London once said ,” We will make Russia a land of white n. s” ,and I apologize for the expression.
    But he meant to create a mob of dummies …rootless culture deprived ,morons devoid of sense ,taste ,culture ,and high aspirations.
    That ” promise ” disguised as a ” workers Paradise ” is now the ” opportunity society ” of modern Neoconservative /Neoliberal ” Murika”.
    Jewish Finance Capital behind the former ,and later !
    But the Jews dont intend to give any Gentile a ” workers Paradise” ,or ” Opportunity “.
    That belongs to them alone ,and for you to cheer !
    They created Judeo Christianity to lead the cheer ,” Gods Chosen People ” .
    Yea !!!
    The rich are poorer than ever in ” Obama’s Marxist Mutika” ,and the ” poor ” so ” lazy on food stamps” even poorer.
    The stupid ” Middle Class shrinking insist more Jew Wars against those ” Muslims” ,and Putin’s ,Evil Russia”, along with more support for all things Judaic the solution.
    Yahweh is their God now ,and the Jews laugh at them.
    ” Happy Holidays “… The Jews coined that one …get over it.

  2. Great article and comment below from Dante. We here understand that this so called jewish tribal deity known as lord god, yhwh, jehova and on and on (how many different names does he have and why?) is actually satan/adversary. We can try to tell others this but without proof of such a claim we are ridiculed at the thought. What amazes me is this. People who study english bibles will always tell us that satan wants to take the Throne of God. I do not believe that anyone who has belief that God exists would disagree with the statement. Where do they get this notion from though? Is it just obvious to them looking at everything around them in this world? Could it be that this is a story in the bible they are reading but do not recognize for what it is? The answer has just been read in the last question above. The story starts on page number two or three depending on the size of the font in the bible they read. They can not recognize this because it clearly states in english he is GOD. This is the deception with english translated bibles. They all will also tell you satan rules tbis world. Well , yes he does because tbey all worship him unknowingly as a result of their intentionally mistranslated english bible. They are not connecting these dots. How could it be that the god of the holy bible is satan? That is blasphemy they will very aggresively object. It is the truth though. They can not see it in english though. Theywill also be first to tell us that the bible has lost much meaning in translation. Yeah, true, the most important being what I am stating here. English bibles are judeofreemasonic translations which obscure by way of semantics what these texts actually say, they are occult bibles(hidden knowledge). The proof that we do have is in a complete and uncorrupted Latin Vulgate. Now they will object as this was the translation that the catholic church used and we all know that the catholic church is heretical. True, it had been increasingly infiltrated by the same people that gave them their english bibles. They refuse to connect these dots as well. How do we prove that the Latin Vulgate(which has been corrupted as well since the reformation period) is the most accurate translation of the jewish bible, especially the old testament? It is easy to prove directly from the very jews they worship. Till this day the jewish encyclopedia states that the latin vulgate , translated by Jerome and the quid hebraeorum(many hebrew scholars) is theonly translation in existence of the ORIGINAL PALEO HEBREW TEXTS. It praises the the work and accuracy. You can see for yourself just by looking up “Vulgate” and “Jerome” entries. So why would anyone want to reference any other mistranslation of the jewish bible? Because the judeofreemasons push this KJV ONLY line. The KJV come from an entirely different set of texts written in sixth century and later by the masoretes(jewish talmudic scribes and pharisees) who translated these texts into what became known as the Mesorah/ Received Texts or Masoretic texts. Now why they would accept a translation from this group after being warned to “beware the pens of the scribes and teachings of the pharisees” is beyond my comprehension as well but they do. So where do we get an uncorrupged set of these texts to prove what it actually states? I am going to post it in next comment as I must change my battery here and post tbis before it is lost. be right back!

  3. Complete Biblia Sacra (Catholic Latin Vulgate) from 1685. Contains the rare Nominum Interpretatio list for decoding the various Jewish Lords of the Hebrew/Chaldean/Greek originals which were unilaterally interpreted incorrectly as a monotheistic deity in subsequent English editions. Also contains the Esdras Apocalypse (Esdras 3 and Esdras 4) which were removed by the Vatican around 1816. Very hard to find text. Comes in 10 parts. Total file size of the 10 pdfs add up to around 1 gigabyte. I can also provide older (such as gutenberg bible, original Douay and others that all concur on this). What is shown is undeniable as to what these texts actually say. Queen Elizabeth made owning one these punishable by death. The judeomasonic protestants burned every copy they could find. There were thousands of martyrs. A list of them I can provide from encyclopedias. What exactly do these texts show? It states above but let me simplify it by saying this in street language. The texts show that all divine sounding names(remember the old testament lord godvhas so many names) are nothing more than dead ancestors. They are not GOD at all. All dead jews. Therefore what has been accomplished is the world who subscribe to a bible based faith have been tricked into worshipping jews as their God without their knowledge. A scheme so diabolical could only come from hell and demons that are invoked in judeofreemasonic sceances as to pull something like this off is beyond the human imagination without help from supernatural forces. How does one study this subject if they can not read latin? It is not very difficult as included with the vulgate is the bible code. It is called the ” Biblia Sacra Nominum Intetpretatio”. It is an list/index that translates the divine sounding names. Take whatever english bible you have and read it verse for verse or horizontally as Ron Hall(remember him?) has called it. Wherever you ser a divine sounding name in your english bible just refer to same verse in vulgate. Note name in latin and then look it up in the BIBLE SACRED NAME LIST. That simple.If you do not know who the jew is just type into a search engine and read. Stop worshipping dead jews, expose this fraud known as the bible and you will see the Jew World Order collapse before our eyes, in our lifetime. I promise. This is the best arsenal we have. unfortunately it may offend our muslim brothers as they find their faith is based on worship of a dead jew named Elias. However, I have already shown this to a very good muslim friend who studied this subject for only two months and is almost ready to convert knowing these truths . Convert to what you ask? Our Lady is GOD. He now prays a rosary. Our Lady is NOT mary of the bible. This is asubversion of the heretical judeofreemasonic catholic church. This is another topic that deserves deep study to understand. I have all the proof in the world of everything I say.

  4. Complete Biblia Sacra (Catholic Latin Vulgate) from 1685. Contains the rare Nominum Interpretatio list for decoding the various Jewish Lords of the Hebrew/Chaldean/Greek originals which were unilaterally interpreted incorrectly as a monotheistic deity in subsequent English editions. Also contains the Esdras Apocalypse (Esdras 3 and Esdras 4) which were removed by the Vatican around 1816. Very hard to find text.

  5. Lolathecure ,thank you heartily for your compliment ,and commentaries.
    You are into something very very important !
    ” I first revealed myself as El Shaddie ,but my real name was Yahweh “.
    ” By deception Thou shall do war “.
    ” Make no graven image of me”.
    ” Thou shall not blaspheme the name of Yahweh “.Most important….” Thou shall have no other Gods but Yahweh ” ,and ” I shall curse those who curse thee ,and bless those who bless thee” ..
    His Chosen People ,the Jews meant to RULE.
    No Gentile need apply …what person could worship such a ” God?”
    See any love, compassion or saving grace ?
    All of these commands by Yahweh ,the Jews exclusive God ,are prescriptions for SLAVERY.
    All based on exclusion ,domination ,exploitation ,and aggression.
    JamesII was a a proto Mason under the Jews control.
    He reserved the Jews every seat on the new Londons stock exchange in 1695.
    He deposed James 1 st rather amicably, as he was accused of being ” too Catholic “.
    This was not long after the English Civil War ,which the victorious Puritans ( lovers of Yahweh/Jew worshippers) took power .
    Although discredited in time ,the residue remained ,and Cromwell the ” Judeo Christain ” had given the tribe the money power.
    The damage was done.
    The Catholic Church ,despite its foibles was the least Judaic in outlook ….as was High Episcopal Charles 1 St ) .
    They pushed the New Covenant ,and was Anti usury.
    Their Foundations where more Gentile .
    Statues ,Saints ,Trinity.Neo Platonism.
    This was in vareance to whom ?
    ” Thou shall have no other Gods but Yahweh “.
    Christ is considered ” another God” by the Jews, but Yahweh is hidden by Christ by ” Judeo Christianity “.
    By deception Thou shall do war “.
    ” I first revealed myself as El Shaddie by real name was Yahweh “.
    Please see,Yahweh God zif The NWO & Synagogue Of Saturn ,You Tube.

  6. Dante, here is that quote by the syphilitic Trotsky; This Jew was preparing, was preparing for the Russians for the implementation of Communism, which Marx based on the Babylonian Talmud for Gentiles:
    “We should turn Her (Russia) into a desert populated with white Niggers. We will impose upon them such a tyranny that was never dreamt by the most hideous despots of the East. The peculiar trait of that tyranny is that it will be enacted from the left rather than the right and it will be red rather than white in color. It’s color will be red literally because we would spill such torrents of blood that they will pale all human losses of the capitalist wars and make the survivors shudder.”
    Just for “fun” there is also this one:
    “The largest overseas banks will cooperate with us most closely. If we win the Revolution and squash Russia, on the funeral pyres of its remains we will strengthen the power of Zionism and become a power the whole world would drop in the face of on its knees. We will show the world what real power means.
    By way of terror and blood baths we will bring the Russian intelligentsia into a state of total stupor, to idiocy, to the animal state of being. So far our young men dressed in leather ~ the sons of watch repair men from Odessa and Orsha, Gomel and Vinnitza ~ oh, how beautifully, how brilliantly do they master hatred of everything Russian! With what a great delight do they physically destroy the Russian intelligentsia ~ officers, engineers, teachers, priests, generals, agronomists, academicians, writers!” ~ Secret Forces in History of Russia. U.K. Begunov 1995, p 148

  7. Thank you for the post nooralhaqiqa. It shows clearly the agenda and who is responsible. It is satanic/luciferian to the core and comes directly from hell itself. Better believe it.

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