ANNOTATED NEWS:   How Indie Rock Could Help Bernie Sanders Win the Nevada Caucuses

The banner behind him reads “A Future to Believe in” but depending on your inclination to use profanity you may fill in the part covered by his raised arms as you wish after “FU”

HENDERSON, Nev. — After spending much of the final day before the Nevada Democratic caucuses prospecting for votes in the northern part of the state, Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders returned to the population-rich Las Vegas area Friday night to reconnect with some of his core supporters: people who like to attend indie-rock concerts. [Note” Polls have indeed shown that he has captured the younger democrat voters, to Hillary’s Clinton’s detriment.]

“Tomorrow morning all of you have the opportunity to make American history,” Sanders said, after walking on stage to the sound of Bruce Springsteen’s “We Take Care of Our Own.” [Note: Oy, what a good choice Springsteen is and what a fine irony, yet all true, the title of the song!]

“That’s not just phraseology. That’s reality. It could well be that 10, 20, 30 years from now, people will look back on what happens in Nevada and say this was the beginning of the political revolution.” [Note: If the young are not inspired by these fiery words then what they’re smoking is just tobacco.]

But while Sanders was the headliner Friday night, the vast majority of the program — which featured a culturally and racially diverse roster of California-based bands — was more musical than political. [Note: Diversity! Pay attention, kids! Bernie wants all the diversity he can get. For Goyim, that is.]

This isn’t a new strategy for Sanders. On the weekend before the Iowa caucuses, Sanders teamed up with Killer Mike and Vampire Weekend for a similar concert, even joining the latter on stage to croon “This Land Is Your Land,” an old Sanders favorite. [Note: I bet “This Land is Your Land” is indeed his favorite! I bet he knows the lyrics in Hebrew.]

If Sanders is going to upset Hillary Clinton in Nevada, he needs to convince thousands of new voters to spend several hours locked in a caucus room debating politics with their neighbors on a Saturday afternoon — not the easiest sell in a state that only started caucusing in 2008.

[Note: It all depends on what drugs are consumed by the youngsters, the “new entrants,” at these concerts. Sanders’ campaign team should have consulted the chart below before scheduling the bands that are to perform before the caucus.]

5 thoughts on “Annotated News on the Nevada Caucus”
  1. Lol this article is so funny! You’re trying so hard to say something against Bernie and you can just not find one legit thing. It’s hard I know! You’re feeling the Bern inside but something is holding you back. Let go of the propaganda and the stuff your parents/friends/society told you… Listen to your heart… Being social/helping each other is beautiful- the people having a right to say in politics is beautiful – young people interested in making this world a better place is beautiful – cannabis is medicine and it stays in your body because we and most animals have cannabis receptors.. Our bodies function on a higher frequency when these cannabinoids receptors are being activated. It is natural and healing. And it opens your mind and makes you realize that we’re all on the same boat. We are one. And Bernie is the man of the people- he has been fighting for justice and equality his whole life and he does not do it to gain riches and status- he lives a simple life and takes public transport – he does it because it comes out of his heart and he wants to help people. That’s why so many are standing behind him. Because he is authentic, just and truthful. Don’t be afraid to #FeelTheBern 🙂

  2. Out of admiration for your way with words, allow me to imitate you: “LOL, your comment is so funny.” I guess Hanna is a Lebanese shia name, right? No, wait, Celtic? Never mind. “Feel the BURN” — the correct slogan for your CHOSEN candidate– must refer to his reaction to Israel burning people in Gaza. Oy, the compassion on that man! The same size as his beytsim. He said Israel “overreacted.” They should have burned fewer children. Or does it refer to what the American people would feel if your Chosen candidate gets into the White House? Obama was called the First Jewish President but let’s be serious, “Bernie” is the real McSheckel: mohel stamped. I must say I am impressed to hear he takes the bus. It is not many a Jew who can overcome the Jewish fear of buses since anti-semites everywhere keep trying to “throw them under the bus.”
    “Man of the people”? Which “people”? The ‘secular’ ones that have a mezuzah at their front door?
    We’re “all in the same boat?” Then I must have taken the wrong boat because Gary Cohn of Goldman Sachs is not on it, nor Bernanke, nor Jamie Dimon. You’re not on their boat either. You’re just a brain-washed sayan peddling hasbara.
    Take your dreidel and go play in a Jews-only site. It will make you feel special. Make a list of all the Jews who got Nobel Prizes.

    Hanna, Bernie is a Communist agent. I live in a Communist) Socialist) country and know the signs. Obama is a flaming Commie and you have seen how his policies have elevated the lives of everyday Americans. Not!
    NO election should ever be decided over a candidate’s position on marijuana! (This from a lifetime smoker, btw.) Sadly many Canadians foolishly elected Communist Trudeau as PM due to his stance on legalization of pot.
    He also FULLY supports war. Other than a protest over Iraq back then, he has enthusiastically embraced the Greater israel Wars and supported the Gazan slaughters.
    Oh, Hanna, just remember, this is the man who said that when a woman is being raped she is most likely fantasizing a menage a trois! Just sayin…. man of the people?
    I completely resonate with Mark Glenn’s words on Trump and Sanders. At least Trump would not be AS BEHOLDEN to those who got him into place if he gets that far.
    Personally, I like seeing a man who dresses sharp and wears a royal purple tie for his portraits. There is not a single thing The Donald is doing that is not well planned even if he seems to be totally off-the-cuff or winging it. I have listened to his speaking as far back as the early 1980’s and there is no doubting his sincerity and love of his country. He does care and always has; his comments from even back then .. and his questions… were intelligent and showed he was no sheeple, well informed and connected.
    All the jokes about his hair…. his arrogance… One MUST be arrogant and very self assured to do what he is doing ~ flying in the face of all opposition and changing the face of the elections in unheard of taunts. The jokes about his appearance are the desperate attempts of his enemies ~ they do their best to portray him as a buffoon. They also keep him right in front of our noses 24/7 which leaves one to wonder why they grant him such media coverage.
    A few undeniably delightful things to like about Trump’s campaign:
    First, he is a private citizen, he is not an incumbent, and he is not a professional politician.
    Secondly, he is not a member of the Skull & Bones cult, the Council on Foreign Relations, or the Trilateral Commission. Moreover, he has never attended the secret conciliabula at the Bohemian Grove, the Bilderberg Group, or the World Economic Forum. (THIS IS HUGE)
    Thirdly, contrary to the Bushes, the Clintons, Soetoro and the rest of the globalist crowd, it doesn’t seem that Trump is eager to send young Americans to kill and die in foreign lands protecting the interests of transnational corporations who don’t see themselves as American anymore.
    Finally, as far as I know, Trump is not gay, lesbian, transgender or bisexual, and he has never expressed his support for the New Gay World Order.
    And: Putin respects him!×412.jpg

  4. Noor, did you mean this:
    ” I live in a Communist) Socialist) country”
    or did you mean to say “I liveD”? There is only Cuba and North Korea left now, isn’t there?

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