One thought on “Any negotiations between Iran, US meaningless: Cleric”
  1. The cleric is absolutely correct . . he’s also likely seen the videos of Colonel Ghaddafi being embraced by western leaders who knew that they were going to later betray him.

    These western leaders are criminals, and by definition, cannot be trusted.

    Already we can deduce, without anyone having to tell us, that for the Russian fighter jet to have been shot down, the assassin Turkish fighter jet had to have been airborne for sometime beforehand as there are no hostile aircraft in the area.

    Russia and Turkey had been getting on, it seemed.

    Turkey, being part of the west – though on the periphery, has lost it, just reactive, not strategic in its thinking, not liking its money making oil supply from ISIS in Syria/Iraq being disrupted by Russia’s destruction of the ISIS tanker truck fleet.

    The canker in all of this moral degeneracy of the west, is, of course, Israel, which sets example after example of its brain stem thinking, the latest contribution being the destruction of the civilian Russian Flt9268 over the Sinai, not a month ago.

    There is a perverse logic to it all, the west has encountered an individual who is moral in his dealings, which shows them all up as the fine suited terrorists they have always been, and they are having tantrums.

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