
Our contribution here at TUT to all the April Fool’s Day jokes and pranks–

‘Judaism is a kind, benevolent, altruistic religion devoted to peace and prosperity towards all men, regardless of their status as Jews or Gentiles…Those who follow Judaism–Jews–are kind, benevolent, altruistic people devoted to peace and prosperity towards all men, regardless of their status as Jews or Gentiles, and the nation-state of Israel–founded upon the precepts of Judaism and peopled by those who follow this religion that in is essence kind, benevolent, altruistic, devoted to peace and prosperity towards all men, regardless of their status as Jews or Gentiles is a beacon of morality and a light amongst the nations.’



0 thoughts on “April Fool’s Day at TUT”
  1. And you must believe how nice we are as we attack women and jail children and torture them . Our IDF has kindly blown off the rear of the head of a baby its brains blown away by our sharpshooters (photo on the web ) We have kindly exploded a phosphorus bomb removing all the body flesh of an 8 year old boy (photo on the web ) . We have gladly bombed your hospitals because we are kind and generous polluted your wells with excreta burned down your olive trees to make you happy filled our jails with your people and use radar jamming equipment in the cells to cause you to have epileptic fits . Are we not a kind,generous people ? we even blow up your fishing boats to stop you eating fish and starve you and we must be doing right for the US/UK/EU doesnt do anything against us because we ,and only we, can say ANTI-SEMITIC !

  2. It’s about time you low-down anti semites realized the truth regarding those misunderstood Kosherites! While you are at it, remember ~ them there Moozlims did 9/11!

  3. https://www.facebook.com/uncoverthehiddenworld/photos/pb.546606965387724.-2207520000.1427819919./788143144567437/?type=3&theater
    ‘The Highway of Death is the name given to the horrific war crime carried out by American and Canadian forces on the night of the 26th-27th February 1991, during the Persian Gulf War.

    Massive columns of defeated Iraqi forces (including Kuwaiti hostages, civilian refugees, and Iraqi conscripts as young as 15 years old) retreating from Kuwait in compliance with the original UN Resolution 660 were incinerated and roasted alive by a combination of air and ground forces in a secretive early test of thermobaric weaponry – explosives that work by utilising oxygen from the surrounding air to generate an intense, high-temperature explosion.

    The carnage and horror was such that George Bush Sr was forced to unilaterally declare an end to the war hours later so the US government could begin damage control and a cover-up of the extent of what had taken place. This is why they didn’t keep going to Baghdad the first time around. Like the World War II Dresden atrocity committed by the Allies, the death toll was concealed from the world and reduced to a small fraction of the actual one. BBC estimated at the time that thousands were killed in the 7-mile-long (11km) convoy, and some estimates are in the tens of thousands – the most likely ones. There may have been as many as 80,000 killed.

    Most of the American and Western witness and other personal testimony that can be found in the comments on the public shares of this post is also in agreeance with what is written here.

    The late journalist and editor Michael Kelly wrote on the 10th March 1991 that “For a 50 or 60-mile (approximately 90km) stretch from just north of Jahra to the Iraqi border, the road was littered with exploded and roasted vehicles, charred and blown-up bodies.” (Cited in “Health costs of the Gulf war” by Ian Lee and Andy Haines.) Let the enormity of that sink in for a moment: 90 kilometres of wrecked vehicles and human remains. Biblical proportions. Kelly was also the first American journalist to be killed in the 2003 invasion of Iraq.

    As well as grossly violating all civilised ethics and values, former United States Attorney General Ramsey Clark wrote in a 1991 report that the attacks violated the Third Geneva Convention, Common Article 3, which outlaws the killing of soldiers who “are out of combat”.*

    In an additional event that happened along side and was suppressed all together, a number of US Bradley Fighting Vehicles massacred a group of more than 350 disarmed Iraqi soldiers who had escaped the highway and surrendered at a checkpoint. The US Military Intelligence personnel who had been manning the checkpoint narrowly escaped with their own lives – they were fired on by the same vehicles and managed to flee in their humvees.

    Iraq had committed the cardinal sin of attacking Israel during the war, and so there was a terrible price to pay.

    -The Hidden World

    The massacre of the Iraqi POWs: http://tinyurl.com/q5xzryp

    “Allied forces bombed them from the air, killing thousands in their vehicles on what become known as the “Highway of Death”.”


    *”WAR CRIMES: A Report on United States War Crimes Against Iraq to the Commission of Inquiry for the International War Crimes Tribunal” by Ramsey Clark and others

    The Hidden World with Sa Ba II and Sabba Braun
    The Highway of Death is the name given to the horrific war crime carried out by American and Canadian forces on the night of the 26th-27th February 1991, during the Persian Gulf War.

    Massive columns of defeated Iraqi forces (including Kuwaiti hostages, civilian refugees, and Iraqi conscripts as young as 15 years old) retreating from Kuwait in compliance with the original UN Resolution 660 were incinerated and roasted alive by a combination of air and ground forces in a secretive early test of thermobaric weaponry – explosives that work by utilising oxygen from the surrounding air to generate an intense, high-temperature explosion.

    The carnage and horror was such that George Bush Sr was forced to unilaterally declare an end to the war hours later so the US government could begin damage control and a cover-up of the extent of what had taken place. This is why they didn’t keep going to Baghdad the first time around. Like the World War II Dresden atrocity committed by the Allies, the death toll was concealed from the world and reduced to a small fraction of the actual one. BBC estimated at the time that thousands were killed in the 7-mile-long (11km) convoy, and some estimates are in the tens of thousands – the most likely ones. There may have been as many as 80,000 killed.

    Most of the American and Western witness and other personal testimony that can be found in the comments on the public shares of this post is also in agreeance with what is written here.

    The late journalist and editor Michael Kelly wrote on the 10th March 1991 that “For a 50 or 60-mile (approximately 90km) stretch from just north of Jahra to the Iraqi border, the road was littered with exploded and roasted vehicles, charred and blown-up bodies.” (Cited in “Health costs of the Gulf war” by Ian Lee and Andy Haines.) Let the enormity of that sink in for a moment: 90 kilometres of wrecked vehicles and human remains. Biblical proportions. Kelly was also the first American journalist to be killed in the 2003 invasion of Iraq.

    As well as grossly violating all civilised ethics and values, former United States Attorney General Ramsey Clark wrote in a 1991 report that the attacks violated the Third Geneva Convention, Common Article 3, which outlaws the killing of soldiers who “are out of combat”.*

    In an additional event that happened along side and was suppressed all together, a number of US Bradley Fighting Vehicles massacred a group of more than 350 disarmed Iraqi soldiers who had escaped the highway and surrendered at a checkpoint. The US Military Intelligence personnel who had been manning the checkpoint narrowly escaped with their own lives – they were fired on by the same vehicles and managed to flee in their humvees.

    Iraq had committed the cardinal sin of attacking Israel during the war, and so there was a terrible price to pay.

    -The Hidden World

    The massacre of the Iraqi POWs: http://tinyurl.com/q5xzryp

    “Allied forces bombed them from the air, killing thousands in their vehicles on what become known as the “Highway of Death”.”


    *”WAR CRIMES: A Report on United States War Crimes Against Iraq to the Commission of Inquiry for the International War Crimes Tribunal” by Ramsey Clark and others


  4. I am against everybody that has the type of psychological make up that is deceptive, manipulative, murderous. a selfishness that is over the line, knowingly lies to cover deeds. and trespasses upon the ‘self’ of others.

    Many people have this type of make up that they carry out and act upon each day. There are millions of such people. From small acts to very large consequential acts by powerful people. This is why I believe that 7 billion people are not personally my responsibility. There are many low lifes out there.

    But there are those that work together to achieve their goals; it s a finely tuned network all working together to achieve their goals. And again, there are many finely tuned groups of like minded peoples that do this all across the World every day but, they do not control the money supply. They do not say that their God has chosen them to enslave everybody else.

    This puts the jew in a class of their own.

    If a person in your neighborhood treated all the other neighbors as Jews have done to peoples in other countries, that person would be scorned in that neighborhood. They may even be driven out. Its not the World’s fault and it wouldn’t be the neighborhood’s fault.

  5. Sorry nooralhaqiqa it wasnt “Moozlims ” that did 9/11 .Several years ago I spoke to a University Professor who lost his job because of telling the Truth about 9/11 .On that day the 15 minute airforce jets that attack anybody who is causing trouble to the US -were stood down . the control room for emergencies were told -dont answer the phone the head of the emergency retaliation was out helping the wounded instead of looking for enemies . The buildings were blown up using military explosive -no jet fuel could reach the temperatures required to melt a whole building frame the janitor heard explosions but was not called to the investigation the steel girder construction was built round the elevators so that more open plan construction could be used . I am an ex-engineer in no way shape or form could the building collapse -BEAUTIFULLY VERTICAL like that Totally impossible in natural physics unless it was Martians with a death ray as per -the movie -Independence Day. I challenged any US civil engineer to tell me how that could occur -no offers ! And guess who got phone calls NOT to go to work that day ??

  6. Then my apologies to Noor I did not know and wish her well thank you for pointing this out. I have been in the battle too long and am used to replying to attacks by paid posters before I was banned from Press TV and RT websites for being too Truthful and answering back.

  7. Duncan, no worries at all. My rather vicious sense of humour does get me into trouble at times, but as an old TUTopian, most folks know what I am up to. Most of the time. I never bother to get into a lather in a discussion in any virtual forum because it is painful for all around!

    I do hope you take a look around my place too. I have been very slack for the past year or so but there is a lot of old material in there on almost anything. I don’t hesitate to name names….

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