The rebbe suddenly announced that “Ishmaelites are not bnei adam [literally, children of Adam, the first human being; i.e., Arabs are subhuman] because they are cruel by nature.”
Above: The Vizhnitzer Rebbe
Arabs Are Subhuman, Hasidic Rebbe Says
Shmarya Rosenberg •
The Vishnitzer Rebbe visited the families of the haredi victims of Tuesday’s terror attack in a haredi synagogue in Har Nof, Jerusalem. He spoke with local haredi leaders who described the gruesome attack in detail.
Then, on Shabbat during seudat shlishit (the third meal) the rebbe suddenly announced that “Ishmaelites are not bnei adam [literally, children of Adam, the first human being; i.e., Arabs are subhuman] because they are cruel by nature,” Yeshiva World reported.
God will avenge the spilled blood of the victims of the Har Nof terror attack, the rebbe said, but the haredi community must strengthen its Torah study and the increase the holiness of its speech [i.e., not speak lashon hara and gossip].
One of the victims of the attack was a Druze police officer who was killed by the terrorists as he was rescuing a haredi woman.
The Druze, who are Muslim Arabs – and therefore Ishmaelites in the rebbe’s parlance – serve in the IDF and in the police force.
WTF is this Lizard-Hyena low-bred, low life, baby killer, baby penis sucking, dog breath bucket of suck to be calling any person subhuman. This is a classic example of the “projection” that is symptomatic of the psychopath. He and his ilk are not fit to allowed to roam free in civilized society
“God will avenge the spilled blood of the victims……..” Yes He will, but it won’t be in favor of the jews. It’s interesting to hear them speak so vile of others and in between the lines it is themselves they are referring to. Jews talk so much crap.
General observation…
Have you noticed this? Reading articles on the Internet is like watching movies. Most are complete wastes of time. You read a lousy article like you watch a lousy movie, only half paying attention to it, hoping it will get better, but despairing as it remains pointless and boring – until finally you ask yourself, “Why am I watching \ reading this?”
Even worse, you plod through a lousy article, wondering why the author uses fifty words to say what he could say in five words, and then –BOOM – he mentions “World War II and the horrors of the Nazi Holocaust,” as the author did in the above Counterpunch article.
“Damn you!” we think.
“Not only did I give you ten minutes of my life I can never get back; you INSULTED me for my generosity!”
The subhuman he is talking about is himself n the zionist follower,the one that is cruel n evil doer its they themselves,pathetic they dont even know how to diffrentiate between fellow humans n themselves
WTF is this Lizard-Hyena low-bred, low life, baby killer, baby penis sucking, dog breath bucket of suck to be calling any person subhuman. This is a classic example of the “projection” that is symptomatic of the psychopath. He and his ilk are not fit to allowed to roam free in civilized society
“God will avenge the spilled blood of the victims……..” Yes He will, but it won’t be in favor of the jews. It’s interesting to hear them speak so vile of others and in between the lines it is themselves they are referring to. Jews talk so much crap.
Subhuman? How does he explain this rabbi (also a convicted pedophile but that is beside the point here).
Subhuman? How does he explain this rabbi (also a convicted pedophile but that is beside the point here).
why isn’t this in the NY Times?
General observation…
Have you noticed this? Reading articles on the Internet is like watching movies. Most are complete wastes of time. You read a lousy article like you watch a lousy movie, only half paying attention to it, hoping it will get better, but despairing as it remains pointless and boring – until finally you ask yourself, “Why am I watching \ reading this?”
Even worse, you plod through a lousy article, wondering why the author uses fifty words to say what he could say in five words, and then –BOOM – he mentions “World War II and the horrors of the Nazi Holocaust,” as the author did in the above Counterpunch article.
“Damn you!” we think.
“Not only did I give you ten minutes of my life I can never get back; you INSULTED me for my generosity!”
The subhuman he is talking about is himself n the zionist follower,the one that is cruel n evil doer its they themselves,pathetic they dont even know how to diffrentiate between fellow humans n themselves