ed note–please, despite the length of this interview, read it and pay close attention to what is being presented.
First–it is a political ‘minyan’ of sorts, which is a quorum in Judaism where a certain number of Jews must be assembled in order for a ‘prayer’ session to begin. Glasser, Max Boot, and Eliot Cohen, all devoted Zionists who also hate Putin and Trump. Glasser, right off the back, refers to her 2 Jewish neoconservatives with the adjective ‘fantastic’.
Next, the part dealing with Cohen and the manner in which he personally tried to organize professionals within the State Department, DoD and intelligence circles to come out against Trump’s candidacy and presidency.
We are forced to point this out due to the fact that an entire swarm of political geniuses out there in ‘duh muuvment’ (from henceforth shortened simply to ‘DUH-M’) forget about the fact that despite all Trump’s seemingly pro-Jewish statements and gestures both during the campaign and now during his presidency, that the Jews as a group–BOTH ON THE RIGHT AND THE LEFT–opposed him and continue to oppose him to this day, a sure-as-s*** indicator that whatever he may be assumed to be by these various geniuses in ‘DUH-M’ in terms of his pro-Jewish sensibilities that to Judea Inc, it means NOTHING.
Next, Cohen’s reference to those Republicans who did not jump on board Judea, Inc’s seek-and-destroy mission against Trump as ‘Vichey Republicans’.
These are not just idle words. Everyone who has studied history and especially that history dealing with the ‘holy of holies’–WWII, the Nazis, and the Hollerco$t–understand the implications associated with the term ‘Vichey’, as what Cohen the high priest of war is saying is that Trump is another Gentile leader (like Hitler) whose power and policies threaten Judaic interests and that today’s Republicans who stand by him are viewed as collaborators in the same manner as the French government was seen as collaborative in the aftermath of her fall to Germany and the pro-Nazi government that was instituted afterwards.
Next, Boot’s statement thus–
‘The damage Trump’s doing at home is even worse, where he’s undermining the rule of law. He’s obstructing justice. He’s lending the support of the presidency to monsters like Roy Moore. He is exacerbating race relations. He is engaging in the most blatant xenophobia, racism and general bigotry that we have seen from the White House.’
Keep in mind that if Trump were a rubber stamp for all the wars which these two warlords want, NONE of the aforementioned would be an issue in the least, but they can’t say this–‘we are opposed to Trump because he won’t give us our wars’, so instead they have to go to ancillary issues such as ‘rule of law, obstructing justice, racism, xenophobia and bigotry’. Furthermore, Boot’s problem with Trump being erratic’ and threatening war with North Korea–if Trump unleashed hell upon Iran, Syria, or wherever, then all persons can bet their left whatavers that there would be no complaints from these two warlocks, only grins and giggles that once again an American president was doing the bidding of Judea, Inc by unleashing hell on earth on Israel’s enemies.
Next, Boot’s statement thus–
‘I think what we’ve seen has been pretty bad, and pretty terrifying, and confirms the case that those of us who were #NeverTrumpers were making prior to the election.’
‘No new wars in the Middle East under Trump, which is a BAAAAAAAAAAD thing for Israel…’
Next, Boot’s statement thus–
‘I spent my entire adult life as a Republican. I worked as an adviser on three Republican presidential campaigns, but now I’m actively rooting for Republicans to lose the congressional elections next year, because the Republicans have shown they are unwilling to uphold their oaths of office.’
He is not in the least bit worried about their oath of office, meaning the oath that all officials are required to take, to protect and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic’. What he is referring to are the oaths they took to organized Jewish interests prior to getting elected.
NEXT, Boot’s statement that Trump ‘Kowtows to dictators and undermines American support for freedom and democracy around the world.’–He would say no such thing if Trump were Netanyahu’s rubber stamp for wars throughout the Middle East.
Next, Cohen stating with feigned relief that Trump has not yet started WWIII–This is a lie. If Trump wre to initiate some Judaicaly mandated bloodbath in some AY-rab country, he would be dancing the Hora and drinking himself s***faced on Manishiewitz.
Next, and it’s a BIGGIE–
Boot says that the ‘Republican grassroots’ is rife with a lot of ‘prejudice, racism, homophobia, all sorts of dark impulses’ and that Trump appeals to their ‘dark side’. Cohen adds that it is all reminiscent of the ’20’s and 30’s’.
‘The Gentiles are beginning to figure out just who has caused all these problems for America and they are on the verge of repeating what has taken place over 100 times before in history when it comes to the Jews.’
Next, Cohen’s agreement with Boot that a war with Korea would be an ‘unnecessary war, and it could also be both extraordinarily destructive in the immediate sense of civilians getting killed’.
Cohen doesn’t care about civilians being killed. What he is worried about is American military might being used all the way over on the other side of the world rather than in the Middle East in destroying Israel’s enemies.
But hey, don’t be influenced WHATSOEVER by the fact that these 3 very powerful Jews working for Israel’s interests (and ESPECIALLY when it comes to war in the Middle East) are being very frank about their opposition to Trump. Just pay attention to the nice things Trump says about Israel, as well as the various stage props he uses–including his daughter and son in law–in forming your geo-political positions, and for Yahweh’s sake–GET OUT THERE–on Facebook, Twitter, all your websites and blogs and make sure to put a star of david on Trump’s forehead and refer to him as ‘Tumpstein’ and all the rest of that bs, because, after all, it’s not as if WWIII were hanging in the balance.
And where do the neocons, Zionists, war-mongerers get the funds to bribe legislators, organizes rallies, and corrupt government officials ?? By embezzling money from the U.S. government using the auction accounts for Treasury securities exclusively handled by the Federal Reserve Bank of NY which have NEVER been audited. . Ref. https://ppjg.me/2017/11/09/fiscal-bliss-ignorance-is-bliss/ /fiscal-bliss-ignorance-is-bliss/