0 thoughts on “Government Supporters Target of Armed Attack in Argentina”
Cristina was a very slow learner. She didn’t understand that you can’t get in bed with them once and then coyly say “No more.” When she and her late husband met with a group of Jewish leaders in NYC, including the infamous Singer, they agreed to put the blame on Iran for the AMIA attack. It was understood that certain “considerations” will be given in exchange on rescheduling and easing the IMF debt. The two things happened independently: an agreement was reached with the creditors, Argentina looked like it would be out of the woods and separately the investigation could not prove –no mater how hard they tried for years (with Nisman’s cooperation, make that Mossad’s instructions to Nisman) either that the explosion was caused by a car bomb outside the building (as opposed to bombs placed inside) or that Iranian diplomats had anything to do with it. World Jewry was furious. Some of the remaining debt was purchased from the creditors by Singer, who demanded payment on the INITIAL terms on the argument that he was not part of the agreement. Still a slow learner she went to a NYC court to get justice… The Jewish judge was not sympathetic.
Then Cristina got uppity and started (a) a dialog with Iran to cooperate on the investigation: (2) kissing visits with Putin; etc, etc. Clearly she will not be forgiven.
Maybe they will need to kill Tain now and blame her. Macri and his crew of Shabbat Goyim are ready to take over.
We need more Statesmen like Cristina, she have the guts to stand up to the International Hyenas, the Jews.
@ ARIADNATHEO: I agree that Ms. Fernández she is a slow learner.
You say that she and her late husband met with vulture fund billionaire Paul Singer in NYC, and they agreed to put the blame on Iran for the AMIA attack.
This is news to me. If it is true, then I would like to learn more about it.
Do you know of any links that would explain more?
Goodies hiding in the article’s hyperlinks, especially if you remember anything about historic US meddling in central and south American affairs. ‘Right wing’ and ‘soft coup’ scream CLICK & READ ME.
If they want dead or gone, I hope she just spills the beans on AMIA.
@Konrad,’My info comes from Proyecto Segunda Republica, Adrian Salbuchi and some of the local press. You can google but I’ll put together some links and get back to you. I was in the process of translating some videos that don’t have subtitles in English but found the work of going back and forth on the video every couple of sentences (in the absence of a transcript) exhausting. More can be gleaned also from the Urugiayn press, reading between the lines. It was in Punta del Este that Mossad boys, Argentinean intelligence service agents aka Shabbat Goyim and chosen boys like Nisman met when they did not want to be seen together in Argentina. Convenient–only a short boat trip over the La Plata and the excuse of vacationing in the resort.
Back to you soon
Poco más de dos meses después de la incursión israelí en el Líbano, el 22 de septiembre de 2006 se llevó a cabo una reunión privada en el lujoso hotel neoyorquino Waldorf-Astoria de la que participaron: el presidente argentino Néstor Kirchner, su primera dama la entonces senadora nacional (y pronto a convertirse en presidente) Cristina Kirchner, y el canciller Jorge Taiana, junto a representantes de las más poderosas organizaciones judías sionistas, incluyendo el Comité Judío Norteamericano, el Congreso Mundial Judío, la logia B’Nai B’Rith y su brazo militante la Liga Anti-Difamación (ADL).
Durante dicha reunión, se llegó a un acuerdo mediante el cual la Argentina acusaría a Irán por el atentado a la AMIA, para cuyo fin el presidente Kirchner inmediatamente despachó al fiscal Alberto Nisman a los EEUU para “reunir las necesarias pruebas de la culpabilidad de Irán…” “Evidencia” ¡aportada por las agencias de inteligencia CIA y Mossad que claramente deseaban llevar agua a su molino!
Como muestra de la satisfacción de EEUU e Israel con el gobierno argentino, el director político del Congreso Mundial Judío, rabino Israel Singer, expresó públicamente la satisfacción de aquellas organizaciones con la acusación radicada por la Argentina contra Irán, ya que ello probaba que lo acordado en el Waldorf-Astoria estaba siendo ejecutado por el gobierno Kirchner.
Inmediatamente, el Sr Nisman acusó al ex-presidente iraní Ali Rafsanjani y a sus ministros clave de haber sido los mentores detrás del ataque a la AMIA – ¡una acusación que conformaba prácticamente una declaración de guerra! Sin embargo, Nisman jamás logró reunir pruebas contundentes y serias al respecto.
There is more and i’ll post it.
Ariadnatheo Muchisimas Gracias! 🙂
Ariadnatheo. Muchas gracias igualmente. Yo ya habia oido de este complot pero no lo habia visto tan detalladamente. Mil Gracias. Isaac
I believe that President Cristina Fernandez must spill the beans and tell the truth about what she knows before those international hyenas get her. I always taught there was something gross behind all this.
Her late Husband Kirchner was a Jew and Jews they do not have a qualm in hurting millions of people for advancing their diabolical agenda they are the masters of deception. I am glad President Fernandez did not go along with the monstrous crime. The truth is on her side. We wil prevail.
De nada, amigos. Cristina will not spill any beans. First because she although she knows she has been played she has no proof. Plenty of circumstantial evidence but no proof. Yes, Nisman was acting like the agent of a foreign power: unauthorized trips to Washington and more face time with Ileana Ross-Lehtinen than with his superiors and colleagues, but is that proof?
Second, I admit I am no fan of hers. She is a victim in this game but not an innocent victim, much less a heroine. Corrupt to the bones, she made no moves to stop the wholesale buying of Patagonia by Jews and even the Bush family; in fact she helped herself to a chunk at fire sale prices. I suspect she would have the thrown the Iranians under the bus if Nisman had managed to stitch together a case out of that failed false flag operation. He did not.
I see her as a South American Viktor Yanukovych: corrupt, go-along NWO pawn who, when realizing the train was going off the rails (in his case the EU ultimatum, in hers the debt), balked and made volte-face. Hatsh? Maybe.
Oops, just tried to access Proyecto Segunda Republica and got the message “Site out of service”… I dearly hope it’s some temporary glitch.
Cristina was a very slow learner. She didn’t understand that you can’t get in bed with them once and then coyly say “No more.” When she and her late husband met with a group of Jewish leaders in NYC, including the infamous Singer, they agreed to put the blame on Iran for the AMIA attack. It was understood that certain “considerations” will be given in exchange on rescheduling and easing the IMF debt. The two things happened independently: an agreement was reached with the creditors, Argentina looked like it would be out of the woods and separately the investigation could not prove –no mater how hard they tried for years (with Nisman’s cooperation, make that Mossad’s instructions to Nisman) either that the explosion was caused by a car bomb outside the building (as opposed to bombs placed inside) or that Iranian diplomats had anything to do with it. World Jewry was furious. Some of the remaining debt was purchased from the creditors by Singer, who demanded payment on the INITIAL terms on the argument that he was not part of the agreement. Still a slow learner she went to a NYC court to get justice… The Jewish judge was not sympathetic.
Then Cristina got uppity and started (a) a dialog with Iran to cooperate on the investigation: (2) kissing visits with Putin; etc, etc. Clearly she will not be forgiven.
Maybe they will need to kill Tain now and blame her. Macri and his crew of Shabbat Goyim are ready to take over.
We need more Statesmen like Cristina, she have the guts to stand up to the International Hyenas, the Jews.
@ ARIADNATHEO: I agree that Ms. Fernández she is a slow learner.
You say that she and her late husband met with vulture fund billionaire Paul Singer in NYC, and they agreed to put the blame on Iran for the AMIA attack.
This is news to me. If it is true, then I would like to learn more about it.
Do you know of any links that would explain more?
Goodies hiding in the article’s hyperlinks, especially if you remember anything about historic US meddling in central and south American affairs. ‘Right wing’ and ‘soft coup’ scream CLICK & READ ME.
Reblogged this on Lolathecur's Blog.
If they want dead or gone, I hope she just spills the beans on AMIA.
@Konrad,’My info comes from Proyecto Segunda Republica, Adrian Salbuchi and some of the local press. You can google but I’ll put together some links and get back to you. I was in the process of translating some videos that don’t have subtitles in English but found the work of going back and forth on the video every couple of sentences (in the absence of a transcript) exhausting. More can be gleaned also from the Urugiayn press, reading between the lines. It was in Punta del Este that Mossad boys, Argentinean intelligence service agents aka Shabbat Goyim and chosen boys like Nisman met when they did not want to be seen together in Argentina. Convenient–only a short boat trip over the La Plata and the excuse of vacationing in the resort.
Back to you soon
@ariad – thank you. 🙂
vulture funds
The truth about the death of Att’y Gral Nisman
Especially starting with this portion:
Poco más de dos meses después de la incursión israelí en el Líbano, el 22 de septiembre de 2006 se llevó a cabo una reunión privada en el lujoso hotel neoyorquino Waldorf-Astoria de la que participaron: el presidente argentino Néstor Kirchner, su primera dama la entonces senadora nacional (y pronto a convertirse en presidente) Cristina Kirchner, y el canciller Jorge Taiana, junto a representantes de las más poderosas organizaciones judías sionistas, incluyendo el Comité Judío Norteamericano, el Congreso Mundial Judío, la logia B’Nai B’Rith y su brazo militante la Liga Anti-Difamación (ADL).
Durante dicha reunión, se llegó a un acuerdo mediante el cual la Argentina acusaría a Irán por el atentado a la AMIA, para cuyo fin el presidente Kirchner inmediatamente despachó al fiscal Alberto Nisman a los EEUU para “reunir las necesarias pruebas de la culpabilidad de Irán…” “Evidencia” ¡aportada por las agencias de inteligencia CIA y Mossad que claramente deseaban llevar agua a su molino!
Como muestra de la satisfacción de EEUU e Israel con el gobierno argentino, el director político del Congreso Mundial Judío, rabino Israel Singer, expresó públicamente la satisfacción de aquellas organizaciones con la acusación radicada por la Argentina contra Irán, ya que ello probaba que lo acordado en el Waldorf-Astoria estaba siendo ejecutado por el gobierno Kirchner.
Inmediatamente, el Sr Nisman acusó al ex-presidente iraní Ali Rafsanjani y a sus ministros clave de haber sido los mentores detrás del ataque a la AMIA – ¡una acusación que conformaba prácticamente una declaración de guerra! Sin embargo, Nisman jamás logró reunir pruebas contundentes y serias al respecto.
There is more and i’ll post it.
Ariadnatheo Muchisimas Gracias! 🙂
Ariadnatheo. Muchas gracias igualmente. Yo ya habia oido de este complot pero no lo habia visto tan detalladamente. Mil Gracias. Isaac
I believe that President Cristina Fernandez must spill the beans and tell the truth about what she knows before those international hyenas get her. I always taught there was something gross behind all this.
Her late Husband Kirchner was a Jew and Jews they do not have a qualm in hurting millions of people for advancing their diabolical agenda they are the masters of deception. I am glad President Fernandez did not go along with the monstrous crime. The truth is on her side. We wil prevail.
De nada, amigos. Cristina will not spill any beans. First because she although she knows she has been played she has no proof. Plenty of circumstantial evidence but no proof. Yes, Nisman was acting like the agent of a foreign power: unauthorized trips to Washington and more face time with Ileana Ross-Lehtinen than with his superiors and colleagues, but is that proof?
Second, I admit I am no fan of hers. She is a victim in this game but not an innocent victim, much less a heroine. Corrupt to the bones, she made no moves to stop the wholesale buying of Patagonia by Jews and even the Bush family; in fact she helped herself to a chunk at fire sale prices. I suspect she would have the thrown the Iranians under the bus if Nisman had managed to stitch together a case out of that failed false flag operation. He did not.
I see her as a South American Viktor Yanukovych: corrupt, go-along NWO pawn who, when realizing the train was going off the rails (in his case the EU ultimatum, in hers the debt), balked and made volte-face. Hatsh? Maybe.
Oops, just tried to access Proyecto Segunda Republica and got the message “Site out of service”… I dearly hope it’s some temporary glitch.