Ursula Vargues meets with representatives from Jewish community after losing job because of anti-Semitic posts

ed note–Gosh, even the Argentines recognize a ‘pattern’ here. What gives? Must be their inherent ‘anti-Shemitism’.

In all seriousness, these little vignettes are very important in helping us understand better how ‘they’ operate and why it is an ABSOLUTE waste of time trying to appease them. Unlike the gas tank in your car where the fuel stops pumping once it has reached full capacity, what we are dealing with here is a gas tank that has no bottom to it. Anyone trying to be a force of good and working against dangers of organized Jewish power who thinks that such a mission can be accomplished through careful omission of the ‘J’ word is worse than deluded, they are delusional. It’s like being a crusader trying to eradicate lung cancer while at the same time assiduously avoiding discussion of the cause of that cancer, which is smoking tobacco.

So, just for the record, let’s get the playing field established here–

Jewish interests own the media, at least in the West and CERTAINLY in America.

Jewish interests own the banks, at least in the West and CERTAINLY in America.

Jewish interests own the government, at least in the West and CERTAINLY in America.

Jews as a group in general are united in their war against Gentiledom, at least in the West and CERTAINLY in America.

Jewish interests as a group in general–at least in the West and CERTAINLY in America–are united in their drive to take over the Middle East in exactly the manner as called for in their religion and in their ‘holy’ books, beginning with the Torah and moving on to the ‘new and improved’ version, the Talmud.

These are not conspiracy theories, these are conspiracy facts, every bit as much as saying that water is wet and that fire is hot, and the survivability of all life on earth depends upon thinking, rational people coming to terms with these facts. Anything short of that is the equivalent of a declaration of suicide intent.


An Argentine model and TV celebrity was fired as the host of a national television show after she posted anti-Semitic comments on her Twitter account.

Ursula Vargues was fired recently from “Us In The Morning” a day after tweeting that Jews control the media. She called herself a “shitty atheist” and said “religion is not an excuse to victimize.” That tweet and others deemed offensive were deleted from her account.

Vargues met this week in Buenos Aires with representatives of the Jewish political umbrella DAIA to talk about her tweets.

At the meeting Monday, when asked if she was sorry for her tweets, Vargues reportedly replied, “I regret having hurt the people of the community. I cannot apologize for something I did not intend. I did not want to hurt anybody.”

DAIA leaders said they used the opportunity to educate Vargues about anti-Semitism, the history of discrimination against the Jews and about how far-reaching such tweets are. They said they would continue to meet with her to teach her about anti-Semitism and about the Jewish people.

Vargues has more than 128,000 followers on Twitter.

In March she tweeted about the atrocities committed by the last military dictatorship, which ruled the country between 1976 and 1983, and compared them with the Nazis under Hitler, specifically Nazi experiments on children, but concluded that the Argentine military was worse.

On the day of her firing, the National Institute Against Discrimination, Xenophobia and Racism published a statement repudiating Vargues’ “racist” declarations.

The anchor of “Us In the Morning,” Fabian Doman, said she “apologized to those who she may have hurt but showed no remorse and did not retract the content of tweets.”

4 thoughts on “Argentine TV host fired over ‘Jews control the media’ tweet”
  1. How benevolent of the jews.They’ll give her a free education and the only price for this is her job. Once rehabilitated, along with a few choice donations (to jewish causes no doubt!) they just might let her work again. After all,Mel Gibson is making movies again isn’t he?

  2. ‘They’ never miss an opportunity to “educate” people about “anti-Semitism” and the “Hollowco$t”. In the Middle-East, they educate ‘da peepos’ by murdering the real Semites by the hundreds of thousands.

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