The U.S. evangelical community is in raptures over Trump’s decision to declare Jerusalem the capital of Israel, believing it moves the world closer to Armageddon
ed note–doubtless what we are about to say here will result in the typical reflexive, autonomic, reactionary, and ill-considered campaign of screeching from all the usual corners, but we’ll do it anyway.
By declaring Jerusalem to be the ‘capital’ of Israel, Trump has just touched the J-Spot–that religious erogenous zone existing only with Jews and with their Christian Zionist lickspittle lackeys–of as many as 95,000,000 voters in America.
Let me spell that out for you again–95 MILLION VOTERS.
For purposes related to Trump’s domestic agenda, these people represent a veritable army of activists who can now be counted on to march in exactly the manner as needed by their CiC who–in their eyes–is a foreshadowing of the return of the Messiah. That means if he needs them to engage in the kind of hive-activities that we see take place on a regular basis with Judea Inc, where busy little bees are activated into flooding comments sections of websites and blogs, calling representatives and chewing them a you-know-what for whatever position they maintain (such as the witch hunt presently against the President taking place) or even–drum role please–organizing boycotts of certain products in the interests of hitting Hollywood and the JMSM where it hurts, they have now had their batteries charged, their guns locked and loaded and are ready to go.
I/we understand the ‘rage on the street’ within the Muslim community, and–lest we forget–the Christian community as well. We are not endorsing what Trump has done, merely giving a perspective to it that rises a wee bit higher than the typical noise coming out of ‘duh muuvmnt’ at any given moment that goes no further than ‘TRUMP DID THIS ‘CUZ HE IS OWNED BY DUH JOOZ’.
If only politics were as simple as some people imagine them being, where EVERYTHING can be explained with that one sentence comprising 10 words, well, just as that old song sung by Louis Armstrong went, ‘what a wonderful world…’
Not all Christians are automatons when it comes to thinking and Israel. I concede that many are however. I’m a Christian and I oppose what Trump is doing and what Israel is doing, what they have done and what they will more than likely do.
God is just and, the Palestinian people deserve a better go than what they have been given. Israel has the US by the balls and their ‘Might is Right’ attitude will eventually backfire on them.
Christians have been brainwashed by the whole Israel thing and they’re not encouraged to think outside accepted parameters. If Christians KNEW that Israel was behind ISIS they may soon change their minds but, I doubt that little gem will escape via the pulpit.
Any thinking Christians don’t usually last long in these organisations because they don’t/can’t buckle under the system that demands their brains to be turned off.
It’s not like that everywhere but yea, there certainly is a lot of it.
To me, this whole Christians lauding Jews & Israel thing, is like a person being impressed that a Boa Constrictor is giving them a hug and gushing over how cute it is as it slowly raps around them just before they take their last breath. Yep that stupid.
Most of the evangelical “leaders” are not truly believers of Christianity; their summons and preaching sessions have one goal — to collect as much money from their congregations and Zionist supporters as possible. The concept of ‘Judeo-Christian heritage’ is a myth. How can true believers of Christianity honor and respect people who call Jesus and his mother terrible names — names that my Islamic upbringing does not allow me to repeat them here!
Don’t they see what some Israelis do to the churches in Jerusalem?
According to Koran, God’s land will be inherited by true believers. Very few Israelis can be called true believers; therefore their claim that God has given them the land they are occupying is false.