ed note–as predicted here on this website in the aftermath of the Supreme Court’s ruling regarding gay marriage–this is a BOON for Netanyahu and the war-mongering crowd who will use this to energize the right wing in America in getting another George Bush look-alike elected who will bring war, war, and more war for the benefit of Israel.
Here it is all ! The Talmudic tactic of contradictions working for the same goal !
The Left/RightvMstrux, deployed for the same power !
A political circus to distract, and deploy.
You know shy Ohio stuck out like a shire thumb for cretinious criminal W Bush in 2004 ?
The Fundamentalists allied with the GOP, put an Anti -Gay marriage measure on the ballot there.
This energized the GOP base,in Ohio, giving that NAFTA, depressed state to the President, by a very slight margin…..his ONLY large state except Israel/Texas.
The Jews have no ideology ,but there own power. If you rrnrmber this,you will see far,and if you get off of the Left/Right divide.
Please see instructive film, OCCULT FORCES,1943,You Tube. Study it carefully, and pay attention to it! So true,the Jew allies executed the producer.
what do you think of Bernie Sanders?…you think he’ll go meshugane if he gets elected?