‘Most students said Rabin did terrible things – like planning to give the Arabs all of Israel,’ one teacher who took part in school activities in memory of the slain Prime Minister says.
This is what these little animals are taught. Should there be any surprise when it is what they emmulate?
This is in direct opposition to what most Americans want to see in their own so we just don’t get it. Here’s something;:
Good song Anne. 🙂
Excellent song.. From my youth. Yet, it’s too bad that the west, (U.S. specifically), has done anything BUT teach them well. They are MORE ignorant, MORE arrogant, MORE barbaric than they were then. Plus, BONUS they’ve fallen away from their “Christian” dogma to the point that to avoid being “politically incorrect” they deify perversions in the bible shoved down this nation’s throat by the Talmudic demons who (apparently) own the blow-flies in D.C. as well as our polluted economic/political/moral compass. In light of the last short-coming, we should add cowardly. In closing, they’re MORE apt to stay that way.
Wheres the live link?
This article confirms what I have said before about most Israelis hating Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin because he signed the Oslo Accords, and worked out authentic deals with Arafat and the Palestinians. Rabin and Arafat even shared a Nobel Peace Prize for this in 1994.
So what went wrong?
In July 1992 the Likudniks lost power to the Labor Party, and they wanted back in. To do that, the the Likudniks had to re-stoke Jewish hatred of Arabs. Therefore the Likudniks bombed the Israeli embassy in Buenos Aires (1992), the Argentine Israelite Mutual Association building in Buenos Aires (18 July 1994) and the Israeli Embassy in London (26 July 1994). Then the Likudniks tried three times to assassinate Yitzhak Rabin, finally killing him on 5 Nov 1995. Shimon Peres served as acting PM for eight months until the next general elections (June 1996) at which point Netanyahu and the Likudniks got back into power. Voila.
Jews blamed the international bombing on Palestinians. Later they changed the lies to say that Hezbollah did the bombings, helped by Iran. The Jews have no proof of this, and they don’t need any proof, since the whole world knows that Jews never lie.
Therefore most Israelis hate Yitzhak Rabin, although teachers like him, because he gave a lot of support to teachers and schools.
The Haaretz article says, “Many students have no desire or patience to learn anything about history, civics or geography. They simply recite the slogans they hear at home or on television.”
True, but then, that’s the case in most part of the world.