By demanding their voices be heard, Open Hillel students are making “dissent” within the Jewish community impossible to deny.
By Sarah Anne Minkin
Hillel is the Jewish home for college students. With more than 550 Hillels worldwide, mainly in North America, it is one of the primary sites where young Jews express, explore, and cultivate their Jewishness. So a few years ago when Hillel International, the parent organization, imposed strict guidelines around engagement with Israel, many students were upset to find themselves facing formal prohibitions.
After years of struggles within Hillels over who was in the “big tent” of Jewish community, the guidelines were supposed to clarify the boundaries of what was acceptable within the Jewish community. They prohibit hosting or cosponsoring an event with any organization or person who support BDS or commit Natan Sharansky’s “3 D’s” – demonizing, delegitimizing, or applying a double standard to the state of Israel.
Participants in the Open Hillel Conference, Harvard University. (photo: Gili Getz)
The guidelines epitomize the marginalization and exclusion of dissent from within the confines of formal Jewish community on college campuses. Just look at the attempt to establish a JVP chapter at Brandeis, for instance, or the Breaking the Silence controversies at Penn and other places, or the brouhaha over Jews and Palestinians wanting to co-host former Knesset Chairman Avraham Burg at Harvard.
Frustrated students responded by getting organized. In 2013, under the “Open Hillel” banner, students launched a campaign and petition calling on Hillel to cancel its guidelines. Starting at Harvard, the effort caught on; Swarthmore Hillel declared themselves Open in December 2013, followed by Vassar in February 2014 (timeline here).
Open Hillel held its inaugural conference on October 11-13, gathering more than 350 people, mostly students and young alumni, representing a range of backgrounds, interests, and connections to Israel/Palestine. Some arrived as committed BDS-ers planning campaigns on their campuses. Some oppose BDS and align with J Street. Others arrived without a firm position.
The point of Open Hillel is to flex the muscles of inquiry and analysis rather than constrict debate. This aim will lead some to political action and others to inquire more. But in an age in which conversation is preemptively sterilized – speakers barred, ideas silenced – just convening an open conversation is a political act.
Five takeaways from the conference:
1. Students reject the idea that the Israel they are supposed to “love” is somehow separate from the system of ethnic privilege that they reject. That is, the mainstream approach of featuring Israel “beyond the conflict” does not work with this crowd. They want to unpack the ways in which occupation, discrimination against non-Jewish citizens, and the Nakba are central features of this Israel that they are instructed to support. In pursuing the debate, Open Hillel airs big questions with no clear answers.
2. Israel/Palestine is not just a Jewish issue. Organizers invited Palestinians to lead workshops and asked Palestinian historian Rashid Khalidi to give a keynote. Where most Jewish organizations might hold “dialogue” sessions with Palestinians behind closed doors, Open Hillel made it clear that hearing from and engaging with Palestinians is an imperative.
Penny Rosenwasser and Judith Butler speak during a panel at the Open Hillel Conference. (photo courtesy of Open Hillel)
“they make dissent within the Jewish community visible and impossible to deny.” A little more divisiveness within the Israeli entity is a good thing with these folks ~ a little of the same divide and conquer used on the rest of the world in one way or another.
When you see that this is the same methodology used everywhere you realize what you are seeing is enforcement of the JWO that recognizes no particular group over another and will genocide them all equally. When you think about that you question who is behind all of this considering the everyday Jewish people are just as in peril as everyone else. This is no excuse for their behaviour; but it just makes you sit back and think about the current application of International Communism /Zionism in all its ugly forms.
Some races may be considered to be more expendable than others, but all nations serve as pawns; once they are in, this looting and the subsequent civil wars resulting (if they are lucky) “austerity” Communism being enforced under the hands of powerful Jewish families (IE Perle, Wolfman, Greenspan, Bernanke, Kaplans and Emmanuel)
I guess what I am saying is, these kids might mean well. They may also help fractionalize jewish society a bit more. But for us and the rest of the gentile world, eternal vigilance is key.
I dealt indirectly with them in college. They’re powerful.
This is good news that Judaists are waking up. The more we speak out against their evil, the more it might antagonize the Judaists at the top and they will fight back, but a lot more silent Judaists might wake up and get the courage to speak out against organized Jewry. And they can be the biggest force, as the Judaists have to reckon with them and cannot easily dismiss them anti-semites .
The final hope is that enough people will leave this criminal cult that this criminal cult will perish.
I I mean dismiss them AS anti-semites.