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The public Hanukkah candle lighting at Sydney’s Martin Place was canceled for the first time in 30 years following the terror attack that killed two Australians.
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The public Hanukkah candle lighting at Sydney’s Martin Place was canceled for the first time in 30 years following the terror attack that killed two Australians.
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Is there no place on earth to escape these satanic symbols otherwise known as menorahs? They seem to be everywhere now.
You are disfiguring the beautiful phallic donkey penises with cobra heads.
“The public Hanukkah candle lighting at Sydney’s Martin Place was canceled for the first time in 30 years following the terror attack that killed two Australians”
Correct, ca. 30 years – in 1980 Australia was still the “White Australia”, Jews, as the Asians were not counted as the “whities” and generally were meeting plenty of obstructions for migrating here permanently.
The end of it came with the election of the first proJewish Australian government of Mr Hawke – he set alight
not only the first menora, but initiated the political correctness, ie: judaisation of all country -probably he was owing something to the donors paying off his election expenses…
Catholics like Jan Paul II and his representative in Australia, prof. Zubrzycki (“multiculturalists”) were, in my personal opinion, nothing more, than f. shabbatgoyim, helping the Jews kill off the “White Australia” policy.
BTW, I think, that the dumbest nation, the most susceptible to the Jewish manipulation, are the Germans, from year 1914 upto today,
Next are the USraelis, of course, and the next: Australia with Canada…
PM P. Trudeau was warned about the Zionists when he took office in the 60’s but he did not heed. He welcomed multiculturalism and to date it has not posed a single problem. Canadians hated Harper bcs he was such a staunch supporter of Israel. We were so happy to see him go, however, Trudeau’s son PM Justin Trudeau is exactly the same as his father. Kissing and hugging the murderer Netanhyu. How gross! Now the Minorah is on display for all to see in Paris. The asked the jews was they afraid. They said no, we want to see the light not the dark or in some kind of words. Of course they are unafraid, bcs they caused the slaughter. Are people too dumb to put 2 and 2 together? OMG so sick of these whiny dogs (sorry pets) I love u beyond beliefl