Bob Carr has increasingly become known for his critical stance on Israel, but in earlier days cofounded the Labor Friends of Israel.
Danny missed two letters, one syllable, in his commentary:
“His willingness to misrepresent historical fact while currying favor with his new friends does him no credit, nor does it aid the cause of peace which he claims as his motivation,” said Lamm
It should have read, “His UNwillingness to misrepresent historical fact…”, as we are all aware that one has to misrepresent the truth of israhell in order to get others to go along with the actions of this despicable little state.
And, “israel”, is not an apartheid state! It is worse than that. It is a prison for the indigenous people of the land. It is a bully state. It is a lunatic-state. It is a RACIST-state (though jewry is not a race.) I see nothing, at all redeeming in the land of the zionist-theology, which is why I am sure the only way to fix this is:
The fact that every Jew immediately attacked Bob Carr for seeking justice for the Palestinians is an indication just how much every Jew in the world fears Zionism. No Jew would dare tell his or her true feelings about the disgraceful , racist, anti-human policies of Israel. Just as no Jew would ever tell the truth about the Holocaust ( there was no gassing) , nor any of the deep dark , never to be mentioned secrets of how the Zionists and Nazis united to drive the Jews out of Nazi Germany by way of the Transfer Agreement. Nor would any Jew ever tell how the Zionists created such false flags as Kristallnacht, the attack on the SS Liberty , The Lavon affair or who really attacked the synagogues of Iraq that stampeded the Jews of Iraq into their fleeing to Israel. Or more ,to the point, how the Zionists killed Yitzhak Rabin , Chaim Arlosoroff and , horrors, perhaps even Vladimir Jabotinsky ( Who, it is claimed died of a heart attack) for opposing the Zionists.
Every Jew in the world fears the Zionists for good reason. There never will be support or justice for the Palestinians as long as the Zionists can terrify anyone, particularly Jews, who oppose their plans for the creation of a Greater Israel from the Nile to the Euphrates and , instead, seek a fair deal for all humans on earth, including , of course, the Palestinia
I salute Prime Minister Carr honesty. He is a decent man who cannot keep quiet any more when he sees the injustice and oppression by the zionists.He is fulfilling the following command in the Qur’an:
Al-Qur’an: Chapter 4 verse 135. “O ye who believe! Stand out firmly for justice, as witnesses to God, even as against yourselves, or your parents, or your kin, and whether it be (against) rich or poor: for God can best protect both. Follow not the lusts (of your hearts), lest ye swerve, and if ye distort (justice) or decline to do justice, verily God is well- acquainted with all that ye do.”
In other words, he developed a conscience.
however the so-called “Jews” are in fact Gog & Magog “Japhetic” proselytes
to Talmudic Judaism and therefore cannot be “Semites”…
in fact the entire “Jewish” narrative is a continuous lie, since Abraham
did not Have a Talmud and Hate Jesus, and the 9th Commandment
forbids bearing false witness.
No one on Earth HAS to stay in the Stool sculpture deity cult compound
They could come out !
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“Every Jew in the world fears the Zionists for good reason.”
Yes. Jews are good. Zionists are bad. It’s not the Jews’ fault. It’s the Zionists’ fault.
In reality they are one and the same, since they are all supremacists. They are all “Chosen.”
This supremacism is very hard to rise above. Even if a Jew no longer champions the “holocaust” (which is 1 in 500 million Jews) he still hides behind the fake distinction between “Jews” and “Zionists.”
“No Jew would dare tell his or her true feelings about Israel.”
I see. So Jews do not express their true feelings when they hold pro-Israel demonstrations.
By arbitrarily distinguishing between “Jews” and “Zionists,” we legitimize Jewish evil. “It’s not the Jews’ fault. It’s the Zionists’ fault. “
Jews are good at shifting blame from their own racist ideology onto the zionists. Sorry but jews aren’t going to get to cop out from the inherent racism of Judaism by blaming the zionists. Without judaism there would be no zionism. jews just look for anyway they can to get to keep their racist, supremacist title of “chosen”. No way Jose.
Well done Bob Carr. Well done mate!! Australia is currently the world’s laughing stock with little Tony Abbott (youtube is not at all generous with this mental menial). Never too late to ‘right a wrong’!! We need more like Bob Carr!!
N. S. Minister of Propaganda and Make Believe, D.A. should read Mr Wiseman’s post carefully. Would serve him well I think. Or at least a little better.
Judaism is Zionism. I see more controlled opposition here as well as a war of words; empty words, to be precise. I wonder how Zionism is so much different from Judaism since the former is an extension of the latter. Actually they are interchangeable. Two heads on the same snake. And as far as any jew/”israeli” recognizing Palestine? HA!!! Forget about it! When they say “Shalom” they ain’t talking ’bout Palestine or any other State. They mean “Peace” for the jews. End of story. The whole ‘Peace Talks’ charade is just that. A meaningless act, meant to divert attention away from the ongoing colonization of the entire Country. The jew wants everything. And that includes EVERYTHING!!!
Don’t blame the Jews for being too afraid to fight back against such a powerful force as Zionism. We live in a world controlled by Zionism and no people are more controlled by it than the Jews. After all if the US congress, the US President and every other Western leader, particularly in Germany, of course, but also in Australia, Canada, England and France are too afraid to speak out against the crimes and lies of Israel, and s, and instead suck up to Israel constantly, how can anyone expect an ordinary Jew to speak out . Particularly when they already suffer the humiliation and disappoint in Israel and the prejudice of so many people already. Who would they then turn to for support if they fight Zionism?
Even Norm Finklestein , Naomi Wolfe, and Naomi Klein, for example , have suffered greatly for speaking the truth . Moreover I do not recall very many people, Jews or not, coming to their rescue. when they have been punished for doing so. Even Noam Chomsky can be quite vague when speaking out about the holocaust. And , finally, the great Stephen Spielberg found out just how much even he had to fear when he created his movie Munich and gave too much understanding to the “ other side. Now that is power, that is fear.
QUESTION FOR STEVE WISEMAN (ABOVE): How do you define “Zionism”? If you mean “pro-Israel,” I disagree. That was the definition of Zionism before Israel existed.
Today, Zionism means global Jewish supremacy. Almost all Jews share in this supremacy, with its hatred, its arrogance, and its “Chosen-ness.” Therefore almost all Jews are Zionists. To claim that mainstream Jews are somehow “victims” of Zionists is to try and conceal Jewish supremacism, which is universal.
“Don’t blame us Jews. It’s the Zionists and Israel.”
I’m sorry, but you’ll have to do better than that.
Most Jews throughout the world worship the “holocaust,” which never happened. Jews use this lie to justify their supremacy, and to vilify the Goyim. This lie alone makes Jews hideous and evil. It alone is reason enough to condemn Jews.
And yet, it is only the beginning. Most Jews fanatically support Israeli atrocities. It’s all part of being “Chosen,” and it is disgusting.
Yes, there is occasionally a Jew who questions the lies, and is brutally attacked by other Jews as a traitor. But look at the examples you gave. Norm Finklestein believes in the “holocaust.” He claims to be the son of “holocaust survivors.” Thus, Finklestein remains a supremacist. He merely questions the “holocaust industry” through which a handful of Jewish lawyers get rich, leaving little or nothing for the Jewish “holocaust survivors.”
Naomi Wolfe questions the “ISIS” lies, but she does not question the “holocaust,” nor Israeli atrocities. Naomi Klein attacks predatory capitalism, but she too does not question the “holocaust.”
Let’s say that these people dare not question the “holocaust” because they know it would destroy their careers. Fine, but they remain Jews, don’t they? They remain “Chosen,” don’t they?
As for Noam Chomsky, he calls himself a “Zionist.” Chomsky has never questioned the “holocaust,” and has never admitted that the Israel Lobby has any power in Washington.
Essentially Chomsky defines Israel as America’s bitch. Yes, Israel commits atrocities, but it’s the USA’s fault.
In short, Chomsky remains a supremacist Jew.
You mention the movie “Munich.” You say that even “The great Stephen Spielberg found out just how much even he had to fear when he created his movie Munich and gave too much understanding to the ‘other side’.”
WTF? Did you actually SEE that movie? First of all, it supports the lie that Palestinians killed Jews at the Munich Olympics (Sep 1972), when in fact it was a Jewish false flag operation to vilify Palestinians. Second, it portrays Israeli assassins as heroic, and with a moral conscience. Jews feel sorry for the Goyim they joyously slaughter. Third it portrays any resistance to Jewish supremacism as the evil acts of “terrorists.” There’s a sex scene involving one of the psychopathic Jew assassins that nauseated me, and made me finally walk out of the theatre.
Sorry Steve, but I need more convincing.
Thankyou Konrad. The clarity of your reply to Steve Wiseman makes horse sense. Like a kick in the head! I hope he reads our replies repeatedly, as he really needs to.
Hello Konrad …Thanks for your letter. Confession: I didn’t see Munich. I have no historical faith in anything that Hollywood produces. But had I read that it was really quite ridiculous- historical, factual garbage. For example, I had read ( CODOH) that the scene of the Nazi internment boss randomly shooting and killing internees from his office window was not physically possible because, as a matter of fact, there was no such clear view from the office to where the internees worked.- aside from the fact that the killing of an internee was punishable by death according to Nazi Law. I had also read that Spielberg got into trouble because he had not made the Arabs out to be complete monsters… Consequently his movie was panned . So instead of grossing at least 400 hundred million dollars as most of his other big movies had and even more such as Jaws and E.T.,which both grossed over a billion dollars and saving Private Ryan grossed 482 million, Munich only grossed about 130 million and was 25’th in the order of the highest grossing Spielberg movies….that’s a loss about of 300 million dollars for giving, as you might say, even the tiniest ,miniscule bit of fair play to the Arabs.
The trouble with anyone speaking out against the holocaust is that regardless of whom you might be , in view of the enormous propaganda used to create the most extreme claims of the Holocausters, and the fact that most people in America and the West believe this nonsense of the gassing of Jews ( as if Jews would be so stupid as to allow themselves to be gassed ), to tell the truth and state that most of the several hundred Jews who died in the camps died of typhus and starvation…just as several million German Nationals died after the war….one risks all sense of being taken seriously if one denies the standard myths of the Holocaust. Consequently if one has a serious message to give to the world about so many of the other crimes that are taking place all over the world from the Ukraine, for example , to Palestine to , well, everywhere there is oil or wealth, one has to sidestep , dodge, or pretend to accept the holocaust or you will lose all credibility. You will lose your audience. And , therefore no one dodges and sidesteps as well as Chomsky. He has to. An aside: I don’t know why he was so stupid about 9-11. Do you?
.oops my letter, of course, should read ….several hundred thousand Jews died in the camps….