
Ed-note (Sabba) – Jews worldwide have stood up like a man to demand that she gets fired while they only ask for ‘disciplinary actions’ against their brother, Sir Gerard Kaufman, in the UK. I have found it interesting that the many articles which reported on Kaufman’s comments on jewish money did not highlight that he is a jew himself, nor did they highlight that the Labor party is as much enslaved to jewish money are the Tory. 


Austrian MP Susanne Winter has been fired by the far-right Freedom Party for agreeing with an antisemitic comment on her Facebook page.

A Facebook user had written on the MP’s page: “Zionist money Jews are the global problem. Europe, and in particular Germany, are now getting what they deserve from Zionist Jews, particularly rich Zionist Jews in the USA, for the century-long persecution of Jews in Europe. According to the Zionists, Europe, particularly Germany, should be cut off as economic competitors to the US.”

Ms Winter responded: “It is great. You are taking the words right out of my mouth. There are a lot of things I am not allowed to write. Therefore I’m even more pleased about courageous, independent people.”

Freedom Party General Secretary Herbert Kickl said in a statement that Ms Winter’s post was “absolutely unacceptable”. Ms Winter was later dismissed from the party.

The MP apologised on Sunday speaking to the Austrian edition of newspaper Der Standard. She called the post “foolish” and said: “I am not antisemitic, I have Jewish friends.”

Oskar German, president of the Austrian Jewish Community, said she is “a disgrace to the Austrian Parliament”.

5 thoughts on “Austrian”far right” MP fired for antisemitism”
  1. Obviously it’s not just that “There are a lot of things I am not allowed to write,” you’re not even allowed to think them.

    Oskar German, president of the Austrian Jewish Community is a traitor to Austria and a disgrace to his country. He should be deported to Israel, where his loyalties lie.

  2. It’s so notorious the big power of the vampires. I wonder how can them (the yids) to want conceal, occult this enormous evil and treacherous influence all over the goverments of the world? It’s so patent and notable. And how is that that the goy can not see the obvious, the evident per se, that the jew is the master of all the politicos, the evil and diabolic master of the world, the 666, the ugly and damn beast? Poor mankind, we are fried!!

  3. There is no freedom of speech in the world ,when it comes to Jewish power .
    They are immune from all criticism.

    Austria is a dictatorship of the Internatiinal bankers…..they even jailed famed historian David Irving over a speech !

    See David Irving Action Report.Com.

  4. I hope Austria, Germany and other countries get liberated from the Jewish tyranny. Things are changing now. I hope some day Palestine be liberated before I go from this planet.

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