By Jonathan Azaziah – I understand the visceral need to rejoice over certified demon Shimon Peres finally kicking the bucket, especially our Lebanese and Palestinian brethren whose families have suffered the most unspeakable things at his hands of ruination. I truly do. And admittedly, I smiled ear-to-ear when I read the breaking news. Rejoicing in delirium however is not only counterproductive and out of place but completely out of touch with reality.
Rot in Hell maggot.
That filthy, deplorable monster who understood by the name of Perez (Perzky) is already in hell. He had to answer too many questions to God before the devils took him deep down in the eternal flames where he is joining his predecessors since David Ben Gurion and all of their cohorts in crime. Rot in hell Perzky.
hold the flames
I’m shedding a tear
does it help