Why do Muslims insist on migrating to secular, godless Western countries?
Why do they insist on going to those very countries which destroyed their homeland. Why don’t they go to other Muslim countries such as Malaysia, Indonesia, Yehudi Arabia, Dubai, Qatar, etc?
I understand that in time of war, fleeing is the only solution. A quick look into History of Europe shows civilian people fleeing war zones. And we even have the pictures and video footages documenting the mass exodus of civilians during WWI, WWII, during the war against the former state of Yugoslavia etc. WWII even saw thousands and thousands of Europeans fleeing Europe and finding safe refuge in the Middle East and North Africa. This is survival instinct and we would probably all do the same.
But the wars which America/the West have been waging on behalf of Israel since 2001 are different: collectively they represent a war on Islam itself. And so it baffles the mind to see Muslims fleeing to the very same countries which destroyed their own homeland because of their religion.
excellent piece and I am sure must have been difficult to write, given what was sure to be the expected backlash from those who were bothered by its message. Viva Sabba, Viva TUT, and Viva C&C Solidarity
Thanks for excellent article.
go to where the bombs and black ops and hate come from
if jew wears beaver on head and has long curly hairs from ears
and smells
and jew women waddle covered with blankets 365
and smell
do as you wish
tell jew creator of hate and division
go fly foreskin kite