[Ariadna: Quick evaluation of the Belarus tempest in a samovar:
If we report 1,000 demonstrators it means there were no more than 500. Since the dollar is up, about the same rates should apply as those we paid in Ukraine to the Maidan democracy lovers for “Color Revolution Level 1” work — “simple streaming in the street and shouting”: $20 per person per hour. Therefore 500 x $20 = $10,000. Add $500 for a few signs in English– a must since it is the native language of Belarusians and also the one they use to communicate with the Russians. Add another $500 for incidentals. Throw in no more than $4,000 for the organizers. Total: about $15,000. Chump change.
Victoria did not put in an appearance. She is still busy with Ukraine and Macedonia.
Why so little effort, such a small investment? Maybe because the chances of success are very small. Lukashenko, Belarus’ president, described by our media as “authoritarian” (also disrespectful of President Obama) is running for re-election with no opposition to speak of. So I guess arranging this demonstration was just an empty gesture on our part, like that of a dog lifting his hind leg against a tree to make a statement, albeit on an empty bladder.]

Belarusians protest against Russian airbase, informs AP:
A pathetic attempt to divert Russia from Syria.
It won’t work.
Hey ugly Jew Victoria Newman ..go home to big fatty hubby Martin Kagan and toast some bagels for the both of you.
Your plans are falling apart.
i wouldn’t buy them bagels but would send an IED with icing; seems fitting for all the carnage they’ve caused and are still causing.
At the rate they are going spending our taxes in uprisings and revolutions there will be nothing left in Washington to do any thing. The Feds are going to SHUT DOWN next month for lack of funds again unless they keep borrowing more money from the Jewish Banks. with the 20 trillion in debt the Feds do not have money to pay the interests on that. It will never be paid off.
The “Fed” IS a Jewish bank.
So is the “Bank of London”(original Fed Res),
As is also the ECB, IMF, BIS etc.
The whole system of usury and credit creation
out of thin air in exchange for control of
human and all other material resources is a
part of the Jewish Ponzi system.
What is holding up these mirrors?
America(and others), have the constitutional
ability and right to coin, and print, it’s own money
and decide its value
(Article 1,Section 8, Clause 5 of the Constitution).
All citizens, could in reality, receive a basic standard
of living wage, with NO COST to the state or country.
Anything more that they deserve or earned, would be
theirs to use at their own pleasure.
Income taxes, and property taxes, DID NOT EXIST HERE
in America before the Fed Reserve Act of 1912/13.
Now, 25+% of your wages for your ingenuity and labor
is taken from you for a kosher pimp that sells you a false
freedom, a false nationalism, a false Allie, and a material
God(I think Jesus mentioned this should not be done).
“Even Soloman in all his glory did not adorn himself so”,
or something like that.
The Jews have recreated the Pharisees and Sadducees
in that the poorest pays the most from what little they have,
and the richest feel no discomfort and have the finest seat
at the masters dinner table.
“Verily I say unto you, she gave more than all of the rest.”
I agree, Darwin 26, but try to keep it polite and UT out of trouble.
Kagen and Nueman are the Right/Left, Jewish Matrix revealed.
The former gets her job when Republicans win, and latter when Democrats are in.
But both work for the same International Jews.
They both are murderous Jew conspirators.
Why do they even have this power ?
The stupidity of the Gentile world gave it to them. I’m
This kind of endless wailing against the Jews is counterproductive. Constantly crying Wolf Wolf, when making comments on all every facet of life numbs the minds of those who don’t understand or believe and bores (annoys) the heck out of those that do.
In this instance, yes, yes the banks are owned by Jews, yawn, heard it before, so what!
Usury existed long before the jewish race. Jews came about, around 1250 BC in Babylon, prior to that they were merely groups of families related to Jonah and brothers, yawn. Usury existed all the way back to Sumer, 12,000 BC.
Babylon 1570 BC : “Interest was charged at very high rates for overdue loans of this kind. Merchants (and even temples in some cases) made ordinary business loans, charging from 20% to 30%.”
You are doing harm to the fight against Jewish domination by repeating nonsensical slogans. If you want to actually take the fight to them, choose your weapons.
Tell people something new and or interesting. Did you know that the man holding the sign in the photo was a Mossad agent?
Neither did I , I just made that up, but now it has you wondering.
The greatest weapon against tyrants and politicians is laughter, when people are laughing at them, they cannot dominate you. The three stooges were probably more intelligent and more moral than all the Israeli prime ministers and presidents put together. (And you can throw in the Brits and Americans with them and still not find a single ethic.)
But they could never win a “Democratic” election. (Trump may become the exception to the rule that “clowns cannot win an election’)
Lighten up, entertain and people will listen, lecture, whine and carp and they will switch off, to you and much worse, to the message.
Ask yourself “Why did PJ become a Muslim?”
“I was devastated to find out my wife was having an affair but, by turning to religion, I was soon able to come to terms with the whole thing. I converted to Islam, and we’re stoning her in the morning!”
PJ: “Usury existed all the way back to Sumer, 12,000 BC.”
Whew. I was aware that in Sumer c3,000 BC there were preharvest loans based on a unit of account defined in terms of a standard weight of silver (shekel) convertible with a standard weight of barley (gur). The rate of interest was pretty hefty. I quote from an article by Michael Hudson, ‘The Archaeology of Money: Debt versus Barter Theories of Money’s Origins’ [Chapter 5 in ‘Credit and State Theories of money: The Contributions of A. Mitchell Innes’, edited by L. Randall Wray, published by Edward Elgar, 2004; p 113]: “The rate of interest was set at the unit fraction, a shekel per mina (that is, 1/60th) per month.” That = 1.67% per month = 20% per year. That qualifies as usury – no doubt.
PJ can you please tell us more about usury in Sumer 12,000 BC?
@PJ London,
Now go watch the Ken O’Keefe video posted here
where he made mention of the same things I spoke
of and offer him your cardinal advices as well.
But thanks. I will put what you told me in my pocket.
It will be most convenient for me to have it there, in
case I need something to blow the snot out of my
nose onto. Again, very helpful and thanks.
Whoops. I meant “shalom”.
@8 Alan
Thank you for your response, it will take me a little while to find my sources. I read of the pre-flood Sumer some 30 years ago and need to get out my books. (Sitchin, Kramer and a couple of others).
From what I remember, the flood took place about 7000 – 8000 BC, and in the cycle (3000 – 4000 years) before the flood, Enki and Enlil had a big argument over who should run the agriculture, transport, navigation kingdom “between the rivers” and who should be responsible for the mining, metallurgy kingdom in the underworld. It seems bizarre today that they were fighting over who got Iraq and who got Zimbabwe.
In Shinar / Sumer there was extensive commerce and taxes, I recall references to valuables and to the bad harvests and who was “paying their way”.
I gave the reference to interest on bad loans and I am “reaching” in that the same system applied in antediluvian Sumer. I must reread the sources to get a real reference for you. However, I am sure that you agree that “commerce” was conducted at that time, and I am certain that where there is commerce, people will find a way to create “interest” on loans and debts.
#7 PJ London
“Usury existed long before the jewish race. Jews came about, around 1250 BC in Babylon, prior to that they were merely groups of families related to Jonah and brothers, yawn. Usury existed all the way back to Sumer, 12,000 BC.
Babylon 1570 BC : “Interest was charged at very high rates for overdue loans of this kind. Merchants (and even temples in some cases) made ordinary business loans, charging from 20% to 30%.”
This is useless info – not many TUT visitors comes here for something like this, me thinks that they hope to find rather history of usury in time of Christians & “jews”/Khazars.
If you yawn and yawn and yawn reading
#4 Todd Raine:
“The “Fed” IS a Jewish bank.
So is the “Bank of London”(original Fed Res),
As is also the ECB, IMF, BIS etc.
The whole system of usury and credit creation
out of thin air in exchange for control of
human and all other material resources is a
part of the Jewish Ponzi system.
What is holding up these mirrors?”
then go to bed…sleep well and be more modest from morning, please.
@11 Jack
If Usury is of no interest to the people here, why would @4 have raised? It was not me who started the rumpus.
The point is that repeating the same tired arguments over and over is counterproductive.
But you seem to not have read my comment.
The thread started about Belarus and a staged demonstration against Russia, how does Usury and Joooz come into the picture?
If you do not like my comments, by all means skip them.
#10 PJ: Thanks PJ. I’ll wait for you to excavate the sources before responding further. Usury is of immense interest and vital importance.
#12 PJ London
“If Usury is of no interest to the people here, why would @4 have raised? It was not me who started the rumpus.”
Exchanging any info about usury in the Babylonian/Summerian ancient times has value only for these TUT intellectual pillars like you and Dante Ardenz – for the average user of a dozen of credit cards this is impractical, IMHO the Todd Raine cliche’ must be repeated and repeated “ad nauseum”… yours queasiness only, of course, until those idiots reduce the number of c. cards in their wallets and pay off in full the used credit on the due date.
“The point is that repeating the same tired arguments over and over is counterproductive.
But you seem to not have read my comment.”
You’re wrong: I’ve read and valued it accordingly to my ranking of urgent problems.
Everyday some young people are so happy receiving their first credit card…
“The thread started about Belarus and a staged demonstration against Russia, how does Usury and Joooz come into the picture?”
You don’t know?
What a pity… Add a bit of your imagination into my explanation: Jews/”jews”/Khazars and their weapon, the usury, are in EVERY TODAY “PICTURE”, sometimes hidden under the warnish of lie.
Don’t say “thank you, Jacek”, because I didn’t work too hard over my explanation.
“If you do not like my comments, by all means skip them.”
Do not pretend to be so sensitive as the mimosa plant –
I’ve only ONE credit card ( and only one time have paid the interest plus some fine ca. 35 years ago, because I misunderstood the fine print – and never more repeated my mistake!) –
so do not push me away from your comments, please, oh, please…