ed note (Tony)…Aside from the pure violation of the 1st Amendment that this Israel-worshiping buffoon wants, it is really all just ‘code-speak’ for “I will not allow criticism of Israel on any college campus in America”. Plain and simple.
8 thoughts on “Ben Carson Wants To Police Speech On College Campuses”
Love the graphic. This is the guy who says that the conflict in Palestine is the result of Palestinians being “of Esau.” His Zio Dispensationalist nutjob. Read Galatians. The physical doesn’t matter, according to the Holy Spirit, Who says that “the Jews” are SPIRITUALLY Esau. I’m so sick of these wackjobs. The same guy who will save the life of two conjoined babies sees nothing wrong with babies being blown up in the Gaza because Gazans are “of Esau.” How spiritually blind can one man be?
One can see how evil the system is ,and sick the population,if a total moron like Ben Carson has support for the Presidency.
Make noooo mistake about it, this man is dangerous!
Ever see the 1979 film with Peter Sellers called BEING THERE ,with Peter Sellers, Shirley Mc Klean ,and Melvin Douglas ?
It even has open Masonic Symbolism ! The Mausoleum.
Carson is all about supporting everything ISREAL…his mother converted to the 7 th Day Adventist Cult ,he belongs while a patient in a ” mental hospital “.
Beware of the sanctimonious fool …he was first a no intended winner token for the racist GOP, to look good, and is now a tool to push Trump away ,allowing desperate Bush,or Rubio an opening !
He throws out bunkum cliches for the Fundamentalists ,and Tea Party crowd.
They could take him allll the way !
Yahweh can then start WW 3.
How did that imbecile ever become a brain surgeon? He needs a lobotomy.
I thought ” Connnnnservstives” ,where for freeeeeeeeeeedom?”
Not !
“Democracy in Action”…. Congratulation to those stupid Americans who still believe in this evil system, especially to the Republican Party… It is shame
And you had better do as he says or he will come after you with a hammer.
Yes, ‘Christians’ decry ‘political correctness’ when the ‘politically correct’ position is contrary to what THEY believe and wish to say; but if and when the ‘politically correct’ position is in agreement with what THEY believe and wish to say, then they’re all in favor of ‘political correctness’.
This is nothing new among ‘Christians’. In the early ‘Christian’ centuries, ‘Christians’ complained about how they were persecuted; but when they became powerful themselves, they were quite willing to persecute others and seek to ‘convert by the sword’.
When the ‘Christian’ Puritans and Pilgrims fled to the “new world”, they were all in favor of “freedom of religion” for themselves; they just weren’t prepared to grant that same freedom to those whose beliefs were “wrong” (that is, contrary to what the ‘righteous’ Puritans believed – Baptists and Quakers for example).
Ben Carson is just following the footsteps of his ‘Christian forefathers’. The “freedom of religion and of speech” he desires for himself is somehow not to be granted to those who oppose his beliefs.
ed note (Tony)…Puritans, Pilgrims, and Quakers. The Forefathers of today’s Evangelical ‘christian’ zionists
Ben Carson must if performed a labotomy on himself…but the idiots who like him ,say ” he is a man of Guuuuuud”…
Hey Evangelicals nut jobs,the Presidency is not a Church …OK ? Get it ?
Your Carson is a dangerous moron with no qualifications.
Love the graphic. This is the guy who says that the conflict in Palestine is the result of Palestinians being “of Esau.” His Zio Dispensationalist nutjob. Read Galatians. The physical doesn’t matter, according to the Holy Spirit, Who says that “the Jews” are SPIRITUALLY Esau. I’m so sick of these wackjobs. The same guy who will save the life of two conjoined babies sees nothing wrong with babies being blown up in the Gaza because Gazans are “of Esau.” How spiritually blind can one man be?
One can see how evil the system is ,and sick the population,if a total moron like Ben Carson has support for the Presidency.
Make noooo mistake about it, this man is dangerous!
Ever see the 1979 film with Peter Sellers called BEING THERE ,with Peter Sellers, Shirley Mc Klean ,and Melvin Douglas ?
It even has open Masonic Symbolism ! The Mausoleum.
Carson is all about supporting everything ISREAL…his mother converted to the 7 th Day Adventist Cult ,he belongs while a patient in a ” mental hospital “.
Beware of the sanctimonious fool …he was first a no intended winner token for the racist GOP, to look good, and is now a tool to push Trump away ,allowing desperate Bush,or Rubio an opening !
He throws out bunkum cliches for the Fundamentalists ,and Tea Party crowd.
They could take him allll the way !
Yahweh can then start WW 3.
How did that imbecile ever become a brain surgeon? He needs a lobotomy.
I thought ” Connnnnservstives” ,where for freeeeeeeeeeedom?”
Not !
“Democracy in Action”…. Congratulation to those stupid Americans who still believe in this evil system, especially to the Republican Party… It is shame
And you had better do as he says or he will come after you with a hammer.
Yes, ‘Christians’ decry ‘political correctness’ when the ‘politically correct’ position is contrary to what THEY believe and wish to say; but if and when the ‘politically correct’ position is in agreement with what THEY believe and wish to say, then they’re all in favor of ‘political correctness’.
This is nothing new among ‘Christians’. In the early ‘Christian’ centuries, ‘Christians’ complained about how they were persecuted; but when they became powerful themselves, they were quite willing to persecute others and seek to ‘convert by the sword’.
When the ‘Christian’ Puritans and Pilgrims fled to the “new world”, they were all in favor of “freedom of religion” for themselves; they just weren’t prepared to grant that same freedom to those whose beliefs were “wrong” (that is, contrary to what the ‘righteous’ Puritans believed – Baptists and Quakers for example).
Ben Carson is just following the footsteps of his ‘Christian forefathers’. The “freedom of religion and of speech” he desires for himself is somehow not to be granted to those who oppose his beliefs.
ed note (Tony)…Puritans, Pilgrims, and Quakers. The Forefathers of today’s Evangelical ‘christian’ zionists
Ben Carson must if performed a labotomy on himself…but the idiots who like him ,say ” he is a man of Guuuuuud”…
Hey Evangelicals nut jobs,the Presidency is not a Church …OK ? Get it ?
Your Carson is a dangerous moron with no qualifications.