Education minister says he’s launched programs to rehabilitate young Jewish extremists; insists Israel must control West Bank ‘forever’; rules out change to status quo on Temple Mount
ed note–Again, at the risk of over-repetition, keep in mind a few concepts here when ‘decoding’ all of this drama–
‘By way of deception, we shall do war’–Motto of Israel’s Mossad, which is just a sanitized and politicized version of what we say here at TUT–
‘Fish swim, birds fly, Jews lie’
The recent Judaically-inspired violence taking place against the Gentiles of the West Bank, Gaza or wherever else is nothing new. It has literally been going on for almost a hundred years, ever since the Jews began their re-invasion of ‘the promised land’ last century.
What HAS changed however, and which is new dynamic within this paradigm is this thing known as the internet that (at present) is beyond their control, thus allowing reality–undiluted and in full strength–to flow freely through the eyes and ears and therefore into the consciousness of people all around the world.
Therefore, Bennett–himself caught on tape bragging about his role in murdering Arabs–is in damage control right now, as the mask is coming off of the ugly face of Judaism and leaving it exposed for all to see.