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0 thoughts on “Bennett wants to see Palestinians become “water carriers and wood hewers” for Jews”
  1. This is how Jews see all of us on the planet….so do not think this is how the Jews just feel about Palestinian’s. He means YOU! Zion -Christain “Bybull Nuts “,too !

  2. The Evil “god ” of the jews yahweh with apologies to the evil cat owner of the design company Dilbert works in . I am your god and I say to you when you enter the country (Palestine ) I have given to you you will kill all the inhabitants men-woman-children-babies pregnant women shall be ripped up . For those left when you conquer them they shall become water carriers and wood hewers they shall serve you all the days of their life as their life is in your hands . They shall be fed after all Hebrews have fed and all the Jewish animals have been fed . This TUT viewers is what the JWO wants to impose on you they only have to beat Putin and the Jews will rule the World and by their Actions are they known to have made the West servants of Jewry.

  3. Another good Jew in service of the illegal State of Israel. Why the entire world has not thrown up its hands in absolute despair regarding this horrible place is no secret. Blackmail. The Samson Option. Just a whisper of the false flags of the last century into the right ears seems to give Israel carte blanche to behave with impunity.

    Those days are coming to an end. They cannot end soon enough.

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