
ed note–But, but, but…all those ‘progressives’ and all those ‘good Jews’ who say they support Palestinian rights have been telling us all along that Sanders is a ‘good Jew’ because he does not support Israel, even though he has consistently voted both $ and political protection for Israel, before, during, and after the various massacres she has perpetrated on the innocent and defenseless people of Gaza.


Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders said Israel has a right to be protected by the United States.

Sanders, who has spoken out in favor of Palestinian interests as well as Israel’s right to exist in security, made the assertion Sunday during an interview with NBC’s “Meet the Press.”

“I am 100 percent pro-Israel in the sense of Israel’s right to exist,” Sanders said. “I lived in Israel, I have family in Israel, Israel has the right to live not only in peace and security, but to know that their very existence will be protected by the United States government.”

Last week, Sanders appointed three Israel critics, including Cornel West, who supports boycotts against Israel, to help draft the Democratic Party platform ahead of the convention in Philadelphia.

On “Meet the Press,” Sanders said the United States “has got to respect the needs of the Palestinian people. They cannot be pushed aside.” Asked whether he wanted the party platform to say the Palestinians were occupied, Sanders said conditions were premature for determining the language, but added: “We’ve got some good people on our platform-writing committee.”

Last month, Sanders suspended his campaign’s Jewish outreach coordinator shortly after her appointment after it was revealed that she had posted an expletive-ridden Facebook diatribe against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Simone Zimmerman wrote last year on Facebook that “Bibi Netanyahu is an arrogant, deceptive, cynical, manipulative a–hole,” and: “F— you, Bibi … you sanctioned the murder of over 2,000 people this summer.”

The campaign of Hillary Clinton, the Democratic front-runner, insisted that the 2016 platform will reflect the party’s longstanding strong support for Israel.

“The Democratic Party has always, in the platform, reflected longstanding, strong support for Israel. I don’t expect that to change,” Wendy Sherman, the former under secretary of state for political affairs and a foreign policy adviser to Clinton, told Jewish Insider on Friday.

“I believe that everybody is in strong support for Israel’s security and I think that Secretary Clinton’s views about the importance of Israel’s security and the unbreakable bond between the U.S. and Israel is something that is held by all Democrats.”

14 thoughts on “Bernie Sanders: Israel has a ‘right’ to US protection”
  1. If Trump said this you would have a piece ready about why he shouldn’t be believed, etc.

    ed note–for the simple reason that Trump says such things as a necessary evil to getting elected, whereas Sanders says it because as a loyal Jew he speaks from the heart.

  2. GSM, go watch Barney tell his irate constituents to “shut up” and get back to me. He’s a Jew in da Peep’s clothing or don’t you know the history of communism.

  3. All along i’ve known this and though i voted for him in the primary i would never vote for him as Pres.. he’s no better than the monsters he’s opposing ~ Israhell does not have the right to exist period.

  4. All you must know about B.Sanders you can see in that scene when he attacks Palestine’s supporters: ” shut up, shut up!” . Since then he’s finished for me,.

  5. Perhaps but your continued propensity to disregard every awful thing Trump says as political expediency is troubling.

    ed note–here is one of the most–if indeed not THE most–perplexing thing about all those who use Trump’s words about Israel as ‘proof’ that he is owned by the Jews.

    It is as common a mantra as it is to discuss the manner by which organized Jewish interests wield seemingly unchallenged control over the political process in the west that those seeking political office will ‘say anything’ in order to get elected. It is common knowledge that candidates lie in order to pass the screening process, and no one in their right mind would challenge this assertion.

    BUT, seemingly, for perplexing and indecipherable reasons, suddenly this application is not used when it comes to Trump. People who claim to be wise to the ways of Zion take him at face value whenever he says something favorable about Israel, choosing to apply only selectively the same well-deserved suspicion that is applied in 11 out of 10 cases to other candidates, which is to assume that if their mouths are open, they are lying.

    My theory (s) as to why this ‘selectivity’ exists for Trump is as follows–

    1. To simply state that he is ‘owned by the Jews’, basing it on a few superficial criteria, is a lazy-man’s method for understanding/explaining the political process in America today. Rather than expend the necessary brain power needed to think outside the box, they choose instead to apply simplistic mathematic formulae to what is a complicated and complex political equation rather than admit that they are just too damned lazy to do the work, similar in some respects to someone who is morbidly overweight blaming their condition on a ‘thyroid problem’ rather than admitting that they forgo any kind of physical exercise in favor of sitting in front of the tv eating chocolate chip cookies all day, no disrespect intended to those with a serious weight problem.

    2. My other theory is that there are some people, strange as it may sound, who derive a certain amount of security from the cocoon of ‘the jews control everything’ position. It is a type of fatalism to which some subscribe as a means of explaining/understanding what’s wrong with the world, because as long as it can all be blamed on an exterior force over which they have no control, they are in effect absolved of any responsibility/culpability for the problem.

    3. The other possibility of course is that they are professional disruptors typing away at some computer terminal in Tel Aviv, NY, or DC who are paid to wage psychological warfare on society, something that has been demonstrated to be a fait accompli now without any dispute.


    4. They are just idiots who are not smart enough to pour piss out of a boot while reading the directions on the heel.

  6. I have never said Trump is owned by Jews, and I for the most part share your views about Trump being a threat to Zionist interests. I am not arguing that pro Israel statements he makes are proof that he is a Zionist agent. My point is that I don’t think that it is wise or reasonable to attribute all of Trump’s pro Israel anti Iran and pro torture comments to insincere pandering when just about anyone else would be rightly condemned, just to fit the narrative that Trump is fighting the power. I wish this site would show more caution in its commentary and analysis of the Trump campaign and stop insulting people who don’t 100 percent fall in line with your conclusion.

    ed note–Here’s a Newsflash, the same one that has been screeching out to everyone who has been involved in this discussion vis a’ vis Trump from the very beginning–


    Again, his statements about torture, Iran, Israel, all of them, 100% could be factually, bald-faced lies.

    But whether they are or not, all I and a few others need to do is gauge how organized Jewish interests react to the things he says. Obviously, they are not buying it, and have even come out and said point blank that they don’t believe him and assume he is saying what needs to be said in order to get elected.

    And no, we don’t ‘insult’ people who don’t agree with us 100%. There is plenty of polite and respectful disagreement here, but at the same time you and others have to understand that our patience can wear thin when we are forced to deal with idiocy that only gums up an otherwise productive discussion with a bunch of irrelevant noise, and ESPECIALLY when we have to spend hours upon days upon weeks upon months repeating the same facts over, and over, and over, and over again to people who–if they truly were as smart (and honest) as they claim to be, should know better.

  7. AJ I am no fan of Bernie Sanders, his comments directed at the Gaza protesters is the primary reason why I’m not. I have no illusions or delusions about Bernie Trump or anyone else.

  8. Sanders is a true Liberal Jew. Seemingly agreeable ,and even a bit self critical but he will always be a Jew FIRST !

    Ever talk to a ” Buddhist Jew” , ” Athiest Jew” , ” Right Wing Jew”, ” Left wing Jew” ,” Jew for Jesus ?” ,” Libertarian Jew?” Etc..
    They are JEWS\ Zionist first …they is why they are tagged with, ” International Jews” as everything is predicated on their ” Jewishness “.

    Few exceptions have liberated themselves from this. Late Ben Freedman, Brother Kaptner, Gilad Atzamen are truly liberated ,but I can name more in this ” movement ” who are not ,and never will be.

    Sanders was initially only in the race as a controlled opposition ,and to keep the Liberals from bolting the Democrat Party.
    Only Mrs Clinton boring persoa ,and well known Neoconservative puppet strings has kept him going .

    Pardon for any self promotion on my part,but as I discussed on my podcast(s) of May 27,2016.
    This is a totally Judaized society and NO candidate will take on the Jews in a frontal assault .
    They wiil\ must pander in various ways as the Jews power is almost at its apex…..bigger and bigger it grew since they WON WW2.

    However, within the system their is Gentile interests still breathing ,and the way Trump has defied openly the Neoconservative\ Fundamentalist coalition which seemingky had absolute power over the Republican party is a true achievement toward some break in the Jewish monolith which confronts the planet .

    William Krystal king of the Jews in the GOP and Rothschild’s agent ( Hudsen Institute \ CFR ) is still balking at Trump. He is coming up with a third party ( Jew trick since 1912 ,1992) to put Mrs.Clinton into office .
    They will go that far to stop Trump.

    Saying ” awful things ?” Trump was/ is running on the GOP ticket ,and his red meat bit him passed the GOP base .
    But name me ANY candidate in history ( Robert Taft ) at Trump’s level of operation. who had been more defient ?

    Opposes Iraq War, Neutrality between Israel \ Palestine , Anti NATO, audit the Jew Fed, Anti Globalist trade sell outs of the International Jews.

    Sanders is

  9. I agree with MG; We cannot attribute all the evils of the world on the fn’g Jooz ~ nor make safe bets on our election processes. And i understand where gsm is coming from. Diagnosing Strategies and tactics calls for lots of alcohol; Drinks on me for the whole damn bar:)

    However, it appears that Field Marshall Adelson is behind that PoS F5 jingoist Trump… i can only hope that F5 Jingoist Trump plays the Adelson against the ADL and they all die in a frenzy for winner.

    i keep an eye on The Forward ~ they tend Not to be too friendly with F5 Jingoist Trump but little or nothing on Frump HRC ~ and of course they are sympathetic to BS Librul.

    In the end i’d prefer F5Jingoist Trump to FrumpHRC… AIPAC et all will still court the winner no matter who. But it’d be interesting to see da Burn kick AIPAC down the road and call for Right of Return…

    Bernie probably was not courted by the Dem pty in anyway to fence in the wanabe Socialists. In Montana there is no going out of the way by the machine, est by Max AIG Baucus, to cuddle this ‘newcomer’ ~ The Dem Pty machine here is not holding hands with BSmovement ~ Libruls are Capitalists to the core. And FrumpHRC is waaaaay Capitalist.

    ed note–agree with you Wild Bill on reading the Forward. As the late/great/irreplaceable MCP used to say, we have to read their literature if we have any desire to know what is coming next.

    Must disagree with you however on Trump being ‘jingoist’–he may not come off like a peacenik, but he does not want any more wars, one of the reason that OJI are out to prevent his candidacy.

    AS far as Adelson’s endorsement, we have already commented on the WHY” of that–‘keep your friends close, but your enemies closer’.

    Best 2 u

  10. “1. To simply state that he [Trump] is ‘owned by the Jews’, basing it on a few superficial criteria, is a lazy-man’s method for understanding/explaining the political process in America today.” ???

    Which means you haven’t bothered to read the “Full Text of Donald Trump’s Speech to AIPAC”: http://www.timesofisrael.com/donald-trumps-full-speech-to-aipac/

    Trump (the Kissingerite) declared, “I love the people in this room. I love Israel. I love Israel. I’ve been with Israel so long in terms of I’ve received some of my greatest honors from Israel, my father before me, incredible. My daughter, Ivanka, is about to have a beautiful Jewish baby.” This is the sound of ‘ownership’ spoken by Trump, Hillary Clinton, and all other Presidential contender. Sanders is genetically pre-owned.

    To not understand this “political process in America today,” is probably the result of drinking piss from an idiot’s boot.

    ed note–not only have we read it, we heard it and have discussed/commented upon it ad nauseum from the beginning. You must have missed that episode.

    This is not checkers, it’s political chess with a ‘twist’, meaning that you can move your pieces in any direction you want, at any time and in any manner and where the only rules that apply are the ones that lead to you getting elected, so, as we said earlier, don’t get too animated with what appear on the surface to be Trump’s goo-goo eyes towards Israel. It’s obvious that the Jews don’t like him, and that is the best indicator we have that his plans are not their plans.

  11. You wrote: “…the only rules that apply are the ones that lead to you getting elected, so, as we said earlier, don’t get too animated with what appear on the surface to be Trump’s goo-goo eyes towards Israel.”

    Here’s some “goo-goo eyes” stuff from the candidate whom the Jewish media describes, “When it comes to Jewish ties, no GOP candidate trumps Trump.” This is him ‘moving his pieces’:

    “When I become President, the days of treating Israel like a second-class citizen will end on day one.”

    “Israel needs more than just our support. They need strength, they need real power behind that.”

    “Sheldon knows that nobody will be more loyal to Israel than Donald Trump.” 

    “We will support Israel one thousand percent.”

    “You truly have a great prime minister in Benjamin Netanyahu. He’s a winner, he’s highly respected, he’s highly thought of by all… Vote for Benjamin – terrific guy, terrific leader, great for Israel.”

    So your malleable, ‘getting elected’ “rules” would see the foregoing as all pointing to the “surface,” and having no depth. This analysis will apply, moreover, to the politically-driven statements of every presidential candidate. The only recourse, obviously, is to hear everything they say as subject to flip-flop modification, if not outright denial.

    But if you really want to see what getting “too animated” looks like, try applying the facile dismissal of ‘surface statements’ to a candidate who would fault Israel’s arbitrary imprisonment of Palestinians, invoke memories of the USS Liberty, promise to withdraw bottomless US funding, or expose Israel’s nuclear weapons ‘secret’. We’re not talking about a mere “twist” in political “checkers” or “chess”—we’re talking blind fury.

    ed note–and this is what I meant in my previous response in saying that there are some individuals who are not intellectually equipped to participate in a discussion such as this, who operate on a very short intellectual leash and can only go so far in a game of political chess when they are only barely skilled in political checkers.

    Each and every one of the quotes you listed are perfectly expectable from someone like Trump who is not in this thing to ‘run’, but in it to win, and, as I already said, many, many, many, many times, the Jews are not buying it. What amazes me is the credibility that people afford him in considering that he actually means what he says when he talks about Israel.

    I find myself somewhat perplexed in discussions like this in the sense that I can’t decide whether to say ‘mamma mia,’ ‘leaping lizards,’ ‘jumpin Jehosephat’, or just plain old ‘good grief.’

  12. Dear Editor/MG i do not comprehend where you stand. Mei King Hei’s post is mamma mia or he’s spot on… please do make a clear concise stmt on Where you stand?
    (over and over and over and short political chess leashes do not ‘splain where you are coming from)

    ed note–WB, his/her comments clearly state that he/she believes Trump to be a bought-and-paid for supporter of the status quo vis a vis American support for Israel and all her demands. A simple reading of the various quotes attributed to Trump that he/she listed and it seem pretty clear the point that they are trying to make. My point is that these quotes mean nothing if they are merely empty noises that Trump is making in order to get elected and that no one should make the mistake of thinking that he would not be willing to A. Lie through his teeth in order to get elected, and B. once elected do as he pleases without any consideration being paid to his earlier promises. If I have misunderstood/misinterpreted the comments from Mei King Hei and the direction that he/she was trying to go, then he/she and everyone else have my sincerest apologies, but as of this moment, I think I read it correctly.

  13. Someone who, presumably, has gone “far in a game of political chess” makes this claim: “My point is that these quotes mean nothing if they are merely empty noises that Trump is making in order to get elected.” Your point is tellingly naive, seeing how _all_ presidential candidates have/will make “empty noises… in order to get elected.”

    As a zealous “supporter of the status quo vis a vis American support for Israel and all her demands,” Trump is in lockstep with Qbama, the Bushes, Clinton, and a long line of presidential forerunners. Why be amazed at the credibility people afford him “when he talks about Israel”? You should be able to cite documents, interviews, incidents, authoritative anecdotes, or historical precedents which indicate he will deny, renounce or abandon what he has clearly, continuously and robustly affirmed about loving and supporting Israel.

    Trump has spoken zealously, and repeatedly, on behalf of Israel. You say “the Jews are not buying it.” But apart from a vacuous truism about Trump saying these things only “in order to get elected,” you’ve never detailed why. If those quotes “mean nothing,” then there has to be a reason for believing them to be empty—beyond indulging in a ‘sophisticated game’ of paranoid, ethnic hand-wringing.

    ed note–and this is precisely why we get a little ‘impatient’ here, when commentary such as this goes round, and round, and round, and round, similar in many respects to the infamous scene from ‘Joe vs the Volcano’ with Joe’s manager, Mr. Waturi on the phone–


    And on that note, this will be the last ’round and round’ on this issue here.

    The list of things Trump has said favorable towards Israel would fill up one sheet of loose leaf paper, whereas the amount of commentary, the lists or articles and other piece of prime efface evidence that Israel and her supports do not want him president would fill up a book. We have Netanyahu’s top gun in America, none other than William Kristol, threatening to form a 3rd party to keep Trump from getting elected. We have ARCH neocons such as Robert Kagan writing opeds for the Washington Post throwing his support behind Hillary Clinton because he fears what a Trump presidency will do vis a vis Israel. We have an entire list of Arch Neocons–ALL Israel-firsters to a man and woman, writing in Kristol’s National Review and listing their reasons why Trump MUST not be Prez. I could literally sit here–not just for hours, but days, and tick off all the evidence indicating that indeed Israel and her 5th column both in America and in Europe–is gunning to shoot down a Trump presidency, and all that the other side can bring are a handful of quotes attributed to Trump ‘proving’ otherwise.

    Perhaps it is best compared to the situation that existed when another candidate for president–JFK–bent over backwards to curry the Jewish vote, but then once elected, did things his way, including targeting Israel’s nuclear weapons program and putting pressure on the American Zionist Council to abide by Federal Law and register as a foreign agent under the FARC rules, as convincingly laid out by investigative journalist Michael Collins Piper in his book ‘Final Judgement’ to wit–

    Ch 5–JFK’s Secret War With Israel

    The history books have told us of John F. Kennedy’s epic struggles with Fidel Castro and the Soviets in the Bay of Pigs debacle and the Cuban Missile Crisis.

    Yet, only in recent years have we begun to learn of Kennedy’s secret war with Israel. Much of the conflict stemmed from Israel’s determination to build a nuclear bomb.

    This is a hidden history that helps explain in part the dynamic forces at work resulting in Kennedy’s assassination.

    By mid-1963 Israeli Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion hated Kennedy with a passion. In fact, he considered JFK a threat to the very survival of the Jewish State.

    One of John F. Kennedy’s first presidential appointments was naming his former campaign aide Myer (Mike) Feldman as his point man for Jewish and Israeli affairs—an important post, especially considering JFK’s tenuous relationship with Israel and its American lobby.

    According to author Seymour Hersh, “The President viewed Feldman, whose strong support for Israel was widely known, as a necessary evil whose highly visible White House position was a political debt that had to be paid.” 79

    However, the administration was determined to make certain, according to Hersh, that nobody—Feldman in particular—would be able to circumvent any administration policy insofar as the Middle East was concerned.

    “The President’s most senior advisors, most acutely McGeorge Bundy, the national security advisor, desperately sought to cut Feldman out of the flow of Middle East paperwork.” 80 Hersh quotes another presidential aide as having said, “It was hard to tell the difference between what Feldman said and what the Israeli ambassador said.”


    President Kennedy himself had his own suspicions about Feldman, according to the president’s close friend, Charles Bartlett (to whom Kennedy in 1960 had previously voiced concerns about Israeli influence as noted in Chapter 4).

    Bartlett recalls a visit with the new President at his home in Hyannis Port, Massachusetts one Saturday (the Jewish Sabbath). Talk turned to Feldman’s role in the White House bureaucracy. “I imagine Mike’s having a meeting of the Zionists in the cabinet room,” the president said, according to Bartlett. 82

    The President’s brother, Robert Kennedy, himself said that his brother admired Feldman’s work, but added, “His major interest was Israel rather than the United States.” 83

    However, while Myer Feldman was busy promoting Israel’s interests at the White House, the president was sending out a message to the rest of the foreign policy-making establishment in Washington.

    Kennedy was making it clear that he was very much interested in finding a path to peace in the Middle East and was, in particular, looking for ways to solve the problem of finding a home for the Palestinian refugees who had been displaced by Israel in 1948.


    According to Hersh, “State Department Arabists were pleasantly surprised early in 1961 to get word from the White House, according to [one source], that ‘just because 90 percent of the Jewish vote had gone for Kennedy, it didn’t mean he was in their pocket.’”84

    Former high-ranking U.S. diplomat Richard H. Curtiss, writing in ‘A Changing Image: American Perceptions of the Arab-Israeli Dispute,’ elaborated on Kennedy’s attitude toward the Middle East controversy. In a chapter appropriately titled: “President Kennedy and Good Intentions Deferred Too Long,” Curtiss comments: “It is surprising to realize, with the benefit of hindsight, that from the time Kennedy entered office as the narrowly-elected candidate of a party heavily dependent upon Jewish support, he was planning to take a whole new look at U.S. Mideast policy.

    “He obviously could not turn the clock back and undo the work of President Truman, his Democratic predecessor, in making the establishment of Israel possible. Nor, perhaps, would he have wanted to.

    “Kennedy was determined, however, to develop good new personal relationships with individual Arab leaders, including those with whom the previous administration’s relations had deteriorated.

    “As a result, various leaders of newly independent countries were surprised to find their pro forma messages of congratulations upon Kennedy’s assumption of office answered with personalized letters from the young American President.” 85


    The key Arab leader at the time was Egypt’s Gamal Abdel Nasser, the voice of Pan-Arabism. Kennedy was especially intrigued with the possibility of opening up relations with Nasser.

    According to Kennedy associate, Theodore Sorensen, “Nasser liked Kennedy’s Ambassador, John Badeau, and he liked Kennedy’s practice of personal correspondence. Kennedy put off, however, an invitation for a Nasser visit until improved relations could enable him to answer the political attacks such a visit would bring from voters more sympathetic to Israel.” 86

    (Unfortunately, however, as noted by Richard Curtiss, “As with most good intentions deferred, the invitation to Nasser for a personal meeting with Kennedy was never issued.” 87)

    Thus, it was that upon assuming office, Kennedy made positive attempts to contact Arab heads of state asking how the U.S. could help each country in its individual disputes with Israel.


    However, Kennedy wanted one thing in particular understood by all sides in the conflict: the new U.S. president wanted “to make it crystal clear that the U.S. meant what it said in the Tripartite Declaration of 1950—that we will act promptly and decisively against any nation in the Middle East which attacks its neighbor.” 88 This policy was directed not only to the Arabs, but Israel as well. Kennedy did indeed mean business.


    Soon after Kennedy assumed office, Israel and its American lobby began to understand the import of Kennedy’s positioning in regard to the Arab-Israeli conflict. Israel was not happy—to say the very least—and began putting heat on the White House through the egis of its supporters in Congress, many of whom relied upon support from the Israeli lobby for campaign contributions and political leverage.

    According to America’s most noted longtime Jewish critic of Israel, Dr. Alfred Lilienthal: “While the President, more often through Vice President Lyndon Johnson, gave much lip service to Israelist aspirations, his administration continued to resist pressures, including a round-robin petition signed by 226 Congressmen of both parties (aided by a large New York Times advertisement on May 28, 1962) to initiate direct Arab-Israeli negotiations. Kennedy had decided to shelve his pledge in the Democratic platform to bring Israeli and Arab leaders together around a peace table in order to settle the Palestine question.”


    But, I’m sure, despite all of this, there will be a response from Ho Chi Min, something to the effect ‘but…but.,,but…Trump spoke at AIPAC…That means he MUST be friendly towards Israel.’

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