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0 thoughts on “Beware-Aryans For Jeremy Has Launched Its Campaign Today”
  1. Frankly I don’t understand the headline, as if is “Jews for Corbyn”, which as Gilad explains gives a “Kosher Card”, to the anti Israel Labor Leader.

  2. What is one to think?
    1. This could be a bona fide group of sincere Jews who actually support a bona fide Gentile candidate who is actually working towards serving the interests of the ordinary people of England.
    2. This could be a group of mala fide insincere Jews, concerned that the attempt to smear Corbyn by attacking his sympathies for the ordinary people of Palestine has failed to poison Corbyn’s campaign as severely as hoped for. So the Jews for Corbyn could be an attempt to inversely smear Corbyn as yet another Gentile political lackey for Organized Jewry.
    3. After centuries of infiltration and domination from within, could some of the English Gentile political lackeys actually be Cryptos?
    We are trapped in a tangled web where nothing that is done or said by anybody can safely be trusted.
    I am willing to allocate the major blame for this to Organized Jewry [By Deception etc].
    But I have to admit at least equal disgust and loathing towards the Gentile political lackeys, assuming they are not Cryptos.
    Can you not see that what Gentiles need above all else is HONESTY IN PUBLIC LIFE?!
    In case you did not notice Tali Atzmon’s witty “NOTICE: INTOLERANCE WILL NOT BE TOLERATED.” – where the “NOT” was struckthrough.
    Is such an objective achievable?
    I’d like to think so, but my gizzards don’t feel so.
    We need fundamentalists and extremists for Honesty!

  3. Quote from Atzmons’s text:
    ‘There is no collective solution to the Jewish Question.’
    :End of Quote
    As far as I understand it:
    The ‘Jewish question’ is started, at least much of this ‘Jewish question’ is startedby calling right, valid two
    logically provably wrong bits of the Kol Nidre.
    And then you have in regard to all items pertaining to this bits the Scholastic ‘Ex falso sequitur aliquid’ This can also be called: You have established nihilism in regard to all ‘texts’ and all ‘oaths’. (You can expand this ‘nihilism’ to the ca 10 000 pages of the Talmud or more!)
    Best regards

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