A campaign of intimidation is underway to stop Democratic lawmakers from staying away from Netanyahu’s upcoming Congress speech. God, save us from our Jews.


Now it’s no longer a “crisis in the relationship” that they try to paper over; now it’s no longer just “tensions with the White House” that they’re making every effort to reduce in between meetings; now, it’s an open war with the United States. It’s Sheldon Adelson versus Barack Obama, and Israel is caught in the cross-fire.

After Vice President Joe Biden, our greatest friend over there, announced an unspecified trip abroad that will prevent him from being in Congress at the fateful hour, Republican Jewish organizations launched a campaign of intimidation against those lawmakers who had already announced their intent to skip the joint session: Their political fate will be bitter.

Nothing like this has ever happened in the history of nations. Only North Korea still uses such violent language. Even tiny Cuba adopted a different style and stopped roaring like a mouse. Ambassador to Washington Ron Dermer, in the service of his master, is rallying his troops and launching a combined assault on Capitol Hill. Benjamin Netanyahu is determined to show the president once and for all who really rules in Washington, who is the landlord both here and there.

It’s easy to imagine what would have happened in eternally united Jerusalem if some such Sheldon had made similar threats from Las Vegas and Macao against our ministers and MKs: Look, if you’re absent, you’ll never see another dollar.

One Matthew Brooks – the executive director of the Republican Jewish Coalition, who does the will of its financial backers – explained over the weekend, “We will commit whatever resources we need to make sure that people are aware of the facts, that given the choice to stand with Israel and Prime Minister Netanyahu in opposition to a nuclear Iran, they chose partisan interests and to stand with President Obama.” Mort Klein, president of the Zionist Organization of America, added unambiguously, “We will, of course, be publicly condemning any Democrats who don’t show up for the speech — unless they have a doctor’s note.” Doctor, this man is sick and urgently needs tranquilizers.

God, save us from our Jews; we can handle the non-Jews ourselves. How easy it is to stir up the highest institutions of democratic America, and how difficult to bomb Iran’s underground nuclear facilities. Ask the heads of your intelligence agencies, or ours, and they’ll whisper it in secret.

From Israel, the land you love so much and are so far away from, we’d like to tell you American Jews, regardless of your opinions and party affiliations – all those of you who won’t openly wash your hands of these risky gambles – that our fate is in our own hands.

Don’t play with fire that will burn us alone, or perhaps you as well: Because of your silence, you’ll be accused of dual loyalty.

Israel, which until now was a cornerstone of bipartisanship, has become loathsome to its traditional supporters. Benjamin Nitay Netanyahu, the Israeli-American, has made it into something that reeks, even among its longtime supporters.

In these very moments, the protocols are being rewritten. Rich Jews are writing them in their own handwriting. They, in their wealth, are confirming with their own signatures what anti-Semites used to slander them with in days gone by: We, the elders of Zion, pull the strings of Congress, and the congressmen are nothing but marionettes who do our will. If they don’t understand our words, they’ll understand our threats. And if in the past, we ran the show from behind the scenes, now we’re doing it openly, from center stage. And if you forget our donations, the wellspring will run dry.

Recently, two friends in Israel had a disturbing conversation: They fear that war is liable to break out at any moment between us and America. One friend cited two possibilities: In the worst case, they’ll conquer us, and we’ll become the 51st star on the flag – that would be unpleasant. True, the other said, but what happens if we conquer them? That, they agreed, would really be terrible.

0 thoughts on “Beware: Republican Jews on the warpath”
  1. Take a good long look. This is how the Jews do it. Money,intimidation,organizing,concentrated source.

  2. Secret talks began three weeks ago between Netanyahu, his American-born ambassador to the U.S. Ron Dermer and Boehner. Their goal (America’s or Israel’s?): Bring Netanyahu back for his third appearance before Congress, an honor allowed previously only to Winston Churchill.

    CNN also reports that the White House was not told of the Netanyahu invitation on January 21, until two weeks after Boehner “first asked Dermer if Netanyahu might be interested.” The Prime Minister was indeed “open in principle to an invitation”.

    Writing in Mondoweiss, Philip Weiss notes that “with even AIPAC washing its hands of the speech, it sure looks as if Israel supporters want an exit from this fiasco.”

    More here:

    Boehnerfide invite with the usual Israeli twisting of arms, careers, and Truth.

    From Haaretz, “in these very moments, the protocols are being rewritten.” Why the rewrite when it has been written as you describe?

  3. We owe Netanyahu a debt of gratitude. Like sonar in a deep ocean, he has revealed an America riddled with treason and corruption. Between this service for the legislative branch and the recent release of a list of American military officers under the control of AIPAC,, we now have a clear picture. As General Chesty Puller said when surrounded at Chosin Reservoir: “Men, we have the enemy where we want him. We can fire at him from all sides!”

  4. Write,call,E-Mail EVERY crazy Republican you can; County Committee’s.Tea Party nut jobs,elected officials. The Speakers Office. Ask them if they are agents of a foreign nation: Israel?

  5. Is this not a clear attempt of taking over the USA? In the past, there were cries such as, “The Russians (aka the communists) are coming!” And recently, we have been bombarded by new songs, “The Muslims are coming and they want to establish ‘Sharia law'” But, it seems, underneath all this cover, schemers have been planning to bring about a bloodless coup. Will their devilish schemes succeed? We just have to wait and see.

  6. Saker has given a dire synopsis about Lavrov’s efforts to make the war mongers understand once again the risks involved in their actions.

    Saker writes:
    “I am going to say something which will trigger the usual spike in hate mail and outraged comments, but what I see today is struggle very similar to the one which opposed the Pharisees and Christ 2000 years ago. You could also refer to it as a struggle between “Conchita Wurst vs Saint George”. Or “Hizb Shaitan vs Hizb Allah”. These are all metaphors for the same reality. And since what is at stake today is really the future of the entire international order you can say that we are living one of the most dangerous and crucial moment in history.

    I don’t see how this conflict could be resolved by negotiations. On a short-term, tactical level, yes, sure. But fundamentally this is an existential struggle for both sides and only one will be left standing. We might well have reached the kind of historical nexus which will determine the future (or lack thereof) of the entire human race. This is the conclusion I have personally come to.”

    Dire indeed is the realization and it IS existential, it has been existential for Muslims for many years welcome to our nightmare Saker with Hizb alshaitan. Now the madmen want nuclear war. God help us all.

  7. Incredible! … This is classic “Deceive Inveigle Obfuscate”, studded with keywords — some of which are actually predictive!

    @Akidahamad : Completely agree with you, brother. It’s all about that frustratingly basic principle of magic that the large majority of people/ Americans can’t get past — distraction(s). And like I often say : this kind of treatment used to be given to developing nations ‘out there’ while most Americans sat apathetically and watched. Now, the same condescending treatment has hit America. And only those who are willing/ capable of regressive inference can see what Hell is coming! … And all it ever took for the Jewlluminati were things like :


    @ Sister MJ : You were one of the only ones who kindly lent me an ear when, after Charlie Hebdo, I kept on saying it wasn’t an attack on any one Religion — it was an attack on Faith/ Belief. And now the “Divine filtration of two camps, through Dajjal and his army” is becoming even clearer to all. And yes, just like Saker said, there is (because throughout history there never was) ANY ‘negotiation’ with Satan (from among jinn OR men)!

    I’ve spent YEARS praying for everything to hit the fan! In 2008, one of the Jewlluminati minions/ insiders told me that the crucial year/ deadline was set at 2016! I didn’t believe a 100% at first, but Allah made it easy over time. Yes, it’s here, finally.

    The “Final Exam” for humanity that the Party of Satan/ Dajjal is administering (for a while now, and esp. as we speak) is going to be extreme (Shadeed), and each question gets tougher than the last! We all need to now take extreme care in determining as to who is the REAL Hizb-Allah/ Party of Allah. May Allah NOT make us (and ALL our sincere brothers and sisters in Faith around the planet) of those whose Qadr/ Destiny is to slip and fall right before finish line! Ameen.

    As more and more people wake up/ away from false dichotomies/ distractions … (e.g., left-right, sunni-shia, catholic-protestant, experts-laymen, pragmatists-metaphysicists, practicing Muslims/ Christians — non-practicing Muslims/ Christians, etc., etc.) … people will soon be COMPELLED to face the Ultimate Truth of all …

    … that ALL this time (and I wish I could say this right away, in the very first comment I ever wrote on TUT) … … the REAL WAR has always been what it was since the very beginning …

    … The War [of Evil] against ‘Al-Ihsan’! 🙂


  8. Let’s see: given the choice to stand either with Prime Minister Netanyahu (“Israel”) or U.S. President Obama, over the negotiations with Iran, if the U.S. Congresspeople decided to stand with President Obama it’s “playing partisan politics”; but of course there’s no “partisan politics” involved with siding with “Israel’s” Prime Minister. Shucks, it’s even “un-American” for the U.S. Congress to side with the U.S. President rather than the “Israeli” Prime Minister!

    How ludicrous can these people be??

  9. Totally agreed brother HM1, 2 groups one with no faith and hypocrisy and one with faith and no hypocrisy and here is the surprise people who come from different faith groups will join each camp and gravitate towards the camp of the real messiah or the camp of the false messiah and many of us will be surprised because people we thought were righteous might go to the wrong camp either through hypocrisy, doubt, or genuine miscalculation……..
    Converging upon the truth is a good cause
    May Allah make us from the righteous. Ameen.

  10. The Republican Party is the Jews total stooge today. Plus the entire established ‘Conservative Movement’. See how clever the slippery Jews are? Like snakes shedding their skins;they have thrown off their old Communist/Red/Progressive/Left/Radiacl/ones to go back to where they began: As the most reactionary,narrow,racist,retrograde,unjust people of the devil possible;Puritan,Fundamentalist religious nuts; stupid materialist Goyims,of the narrow minded Republican Base,are now their slaves. Funny how the isolated GOP Types,who fled to sububurbia,and hide in the rural white enclaves either refused to believe,and never new the Jews founded the ‘Communism’,they ‘hate’. Now the same ones,run there ‘patriotic’ party…take note: The term “Neoconservative”, has been put into the memory hole. Why? It became a code word for JEW. Now to want Jews running your nation,it is merely:”Conservative”.

  11. Neo-liberal Senator Bernie Sanders said Monday he will skip Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s address to a joint meeting of Congress early next month, arguing that President Barack Obama should have been consulted before the invitation was extended.

    Here’s one example of how the ‘liberal’s’ darling New York born and raised Bolshevik really feels about all things Israel at the expense of his New Hampshire constituents:

    Imagine Bernie will not be the only member of the Jewish caucus to ‘skip’ Netanyahu’s speech before congress.

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