In possible riposte to Israel flag-burners, husband of Democratic presidential nominee wears Hebrew badge on his lapel during Obama speech at national convention
ed note–Over the years encompassing their political careers, the Clintons have been known to do over-the-top things and to be as greasy as imaginable in the various theatrics they have employed. However, no one should make the mistake of thinking that this is just for show–If Hillary is elected, the US will indeed experience war as we have never experienced it and instability the likes of which even John on the island of Patmos did not envision when he was writing his book. It is for this reason that rational, thinking people need to dial down their understandable skepticism and paranoia when it comes to Trump and recognize that this is deadly serious business we all find ourselves in right now.
They both knew each other’s plan to give him the Hebrew pin….this is how they work. Sick but smart bad yards