OCDG : In just 3 decades we’ve fallen so far… I remember in the 80’s, the judeo-sewerization was far less mainstream and there were large pockets of humanity… now it is overflowing.
0 thoughts on “Black Friday 1983 vs. NOW – Over 3 Decades Of Further Judaization Of America”
Very interesting video. Thanks for posting it. Western society is indeed becoming more corrupt, degenerate, and otherwise Judified every day.
However I don’t think that Jews alone are to blame for this.
Jews cannot invade a morally healthy society. The disease can only invade a careless and corrupt society. After Jews invade and infect, they greatly accelerate the decay and death.
The corruption of American society began before the Jews invaded en mass. Indeed, the corruption attracted the Jews. It opened the door for Jews. It caused the Jews. It helped create the Jews.
Once the Jews invaded, they doubled, tripled, and quadrupled the corruption — but the door had to be opened to them in the first place. For example, Christians worshipped the Old Testament before Jews gained supreme power.
Jews begin as a symptom of corruption, and end up as a major cause and accelerant of corruption.
Regarding the above video, for me it is not only about consumerism and hyper-materialism.
Today’s Black Friday” shoppers are desperate to save money, because they become poorer each day. They become poorer because rich people (Jews and non-Jews alike) pay politicians to impose policies (such as gratuitous austerity) that are specifically designed to widen the gap between the rich and the rest.
The result is poverty and inequality, which causes anxiety and social sickness, which opens the door ever-wider to degeneracy and Judification.
Every act of greed and selfishness strengthens the Jew. Every swindle, every theft, every lie, every act of hate, racism, and bigotry strengthens the disease. At every moment of our lives we are faced with a choice between God and the Jew. Between charity and generosity on one side, and hate and depravity on the other. Between life and death.
Most people choose death. They worship the disease, whose only purpose is to consume and discard them. And they despise God. https://quatloosx.files.wordpress.com/2014/11/hitler_lightning2.jpg
This is very important-regretably the original producer of this ,did not say ‘JEW’,and take note;the viewers are huge. It is not ‘Dependence’at all…(Right Jew Matrix distraction)people became finacially poorer,due to the policies of Neoconservative/Neoliberalism-which enhanced Jewish FINANCIAL CONTROL He seems to blame ‘values’. No, it’s the ‘Jews stupid’.As Ambassador JP Kennedy said:” They (JEWS) won WW2″ See:SINS OF THE FATHER – Kessler. THE JEWS KILLED JFK :You Tube. The jews took this country with the creation of the US Federal Reserve Act- which connected it back to Britain- Rothschilds,and 11 Jewish Banking familes- See (THE END OF SOVEREIGN AMERICA:Real Jew News/You Tube. THE BAD WAR.COM,but within the US system resistence,aware,or not remained. The Jews were kicked from Nationalist Japan,and the Third Reich,(lesser AXIS Nations)to THEIR spectactular success.(See:THE NATIONALIST SOLUTION TO MONEY- Real Jew News.Com:You Tube,HITLERS MESSAGE TO THE NEW WORLD ORDER- You Tube. After 1945-things began to change ever so slightly,at first-as the Jews were still tentative,and were forced to duck,when the Cold War ensued,and Jewish Spys cropped up all over. Majority elements in the Old Guard ,and the old line social system began quietly fighting back:James Forrestahl,General Marshall, Mac Arthur,Robert Taft,JP Kennedy. Mc Carthy. Anything great about that period,was due to the old world remaining -and notthing else. the Jews vanquised Senator Robert Taft ,for the GOP nomination,and the Democrats Adlai Stevenson,who privately had reservation lost to Jew favorite Eisenhower ( who was De Facto waking up,a bit later)-Forrestahl was murdered,and Marshall discredited:”He lost China”- It was not ours to Loose ! By the late 50’s the Jews manuvered themselves into positions of REAL power.HERE. They set up the LEFT/RIGHT system brilliantly: Owning the opposition. the RIGHT,LYING John Birch Society took off,and as the Soviet System purged the Jews -the Trotzkyite Neoconservatives. The Jews took the Vatican with John 23. The Liberal Jew agenda completed the circle……John F Kennedy made it-the ‘Liberals’slobberd,but HE KNEW,and so did the whole family. Independently wealthy,beyond belief( they were going to take the Jews on WHERE IT COUNTED-The US FEDERAL RESERVE :Exec Order 10001,and the J ews atomic weapons manipulation for Israel(See FINAL JUDGMENT Michael Collins Piper),and RFK was taking on their mobs ( he broke the Jew mob running Reading,Pa example)See WHEN RACKETS RAN READING, Taggert) and wanted the ZIONIST ORGANIZATIONS OF AMERICA registered as foreign agents… “I will make Russia a land of white N s’. Trotszky. Jew LEFT went into action with the death of JFK. social destruction,Vatican 2 Catholics,sloppy dress accepted ( this is VERY IMPORTANT) as the way people look,and feell is who they aspire to be. Respect GONE, manners laughed at. Political Correctness. “Equality”,more important,than HONOR,JUSTICE,AND EXCELLENCE… By the late 70’s:we got fooled again- DEREGULATE ! Ann Rand Pierre Rothschilds mistress was IN,and on Donahue. Ben Freidman of CONSERVATIVE ECONOMICS became ‘COOL’. The Jews TOOK THE SYSTEM BUYING IT UP ! The RIGHT JEW PUNCH after the JEW LEFT HOOK ,was being readied… Now everything you see bad. Commercialiazation,Materialism,Cultural Decay,War, Jew Idolizing Popes,Zio-Christians,Poverty,Struggle,Discontent,Credentialism over talent,and brains,Privateization,Disgusting Media,War Worship (note “Peace Movement “,GONE) UGLYNESS worshipped, is theresult of the Jewish Dicatorship we live in… “Those who cannot recognize beauty are already dead” Aristotle.. The Jews atomize us all,while they unite and rule this prison.
Sorry for more..but again we must thank Konrad.Another gift of wisdom from this man. HE IS TRUE NS,and not the LIES. He knows it is not LEFT/RIGHT,and the culprit is POVERTY. The fear,and decay that it creates. The Jew “RIGHT’,blames the victims. The culprit is Jewish FINANCIAL.SOCIAL UNITY over society,while they distract the ‘Middle Class”,and “Rich”,by blaming the decline in’Hard Work”,and other NONSENSE… All while the Jews plot the fall of the later . JEWS WANT AUSTERITY. JEWS ARE NOT LIBERALS. JEWS ARE NOT CONSERVATIVES. Jews are JEWS,lock out everyone else,and RULE. When Gentiles break the greed,myopia,prejudice,and LEFT/RIGHT divide,and unite under compassion,and unity,theJews will loose.
Great comments Dante but could you please learn to use paragraphs? A large block of text is off-putting and more difficult to read.
Note:Every company but Mercedes Benz (which Rothschilds have a token 1% share,as a bribe),is JEWISH! Yes Coca- Cola ( Rothschilds Seagrams),and Disney ( Walt fought them tooth,and nail) The FED EX,is preperation for the Jews to take over the Constitutional, Ben Franklin founded US Postal Service. PRIVATIZATION,means JUDIFICATION,and guess who has a major stake in stinky Wall-Mart? ROTHSCHILDS. Your a ‘Conservative’,and ‘hate govermant’.. Enjoy the JEWS OWNING YOU ! Oh, you have credit cards,big loans,and mortgages? THEY DO ! USERY.
I agree about the paragraphs…but when I do it-they revert back to the block on the system for me ! OCDG : Maybe it’s your browser or some configuration causing it. You should try another one just to test things.
Dante Ardenz writes (#2 above) ~ “He seems to blame ‘values.’ No, it’s the Jews, stupid!”
My viewpoint is a bit different. I say that Jews are a disease than cannot infect a healthy social body. The disease must wait until the leaders of the social body (i.e. the rich) voluntarily corrupt the body, usually via greed. When the rich have compromised the body’s integrity and solidarity, the Jews can invade and accelerate the illness. Jews are a disease of opportunity.
The Spaniards killed and enslaved millions of Native Americans. Many “white” people took African slaves. (So did Arabic nations before them.) These invaders and mass murderers acted like Jews. They were consumed by greed and evil, and thus they WERE Jews. And, being Jews in spirit, they spawned and attracted Jews in the flesh.
The way I see it, at every moment we are faced with a choice between the Light and the Jew… https://quatloosx.files.wordpress.com/2014/11/light_and_jews.jpg
Everyone who leans toward the dark side is a Jew. It doesn’t matter if he is white, black, Chinese, Aborigine, or an extra-terrestrial. He is a Jew.
As for people who publicly call themselves “Jews,” in 99.9 percent of cases they are not even human. They ARE the blackness. They are disease. A negative force. The spirit of Satan.
The message of Adolf Hitler and the National Socialists was, “To fight the Jew we must cease to be Jews. We must move beyond all the human vices that drag us into the darkness. We must come together and reach for the Light.”
And reach they did, so much so that the darkness (i.e. the “Jew”) will vilify them for all eternity. Most people will vilify them for all eternity, since most people tend to be Jews.
Incidentally, Neo-Nazis are Jews too. They twist National Socialism into a racist deformity.
Most so-called “progressives” are Jews, since they believe all the Jewish lies about WW II, and they condemn you for using the word “Jews” instead of “Israelis” or “Zionists.”
Most communists are Jews, since they want to dethrone the oligarchs and take their place. Most communists want to replace the plutocracy with an oppressive bureaucracy, with the communists on top. And of course, most communists love to call you “anti-Semitic.”
Anyone – ANYONE – who uses the term “anti-Semitic” as a weapon is a Jew. That includes most people worldwide.
This blog’s target is the Jew. I myself am 100% white, but I would vanish if it became a white supremacist blog, since that would make it a Jewish blog.
That’s just one of the reasons God keeps the jews around… to show by example what NOT to do. Another is, for the astute, that the punishment of the jews is a sign of God’s existence and keeper of His promises. Yet another is that God is infinitely (well more than but why quibble) compassionate and merciful and those jews (miniscule in number they may be) who turn back to God can escape the hellfire promised to the wicked (i.e. cause and effect). That people may learn that God is oft-forgiving, seeing as how fallible we are as human beings.
That’s just for starters… unfortunately, being “atheist” is now en vogue (one of the long term goals of the jews) and seeing just how evil jews and judaism is, people are willing not only to throw out the baby with the bathwater but burn the house down and level the neighborhood.
As you’ve written, jew is defined as those who disobey God (that is, they who oppose the natural, Divine, goodness).
I’ve long been an opponent of the moronic and nonsensical phrase “anti-semite”. For quite a lot of reasons actually.
OCDG says, “Unfortunately, being an ‘atheist’ is now in vogue (one of the long term goals of the Jews).”
An atheist is someone who believes there is no God.
Jewish atheism is a bit different. Jews say there is a God, and his name is Satan.
Every lie that comes out of a Jewish mouth is faith-based. An example is the “holocaust.”™
i donno ‘organizedcrime’ sounds like any second you’re gonna come out of the clouds and hand me the 10 Commandments ~ wheeeeeeuuuuu ~ you’d make a great Torquemada ~ putting ordinary peasants to the ‘do you believe in god’ question ~ Only True Believers will live… i have to belief in ‘god’ ! if that’s your level of judgement then i’ll be a joo. All this ‘gawd’ stuff ~ believing in super invisible punishing gawd meme should be out grown by age 12.
i believe that Capitalism is the problem aided and abetted by the Neo-liberal. i believe we have 3 Branches of Govt: Wall St, K-Street and the Statagon ~ i don’t know how many of them are Joooz in those branches, but it doesn’t matter it’s all about Israhell First.
Israhell, A Utopian Nightmare conjured up by Zionists (before there were zionists)… i believe if Israhell was vaporized and the Joooz go back to the diasphora IE scattered to the 4 winds the world would be a better place but even better if Capitalism was vaporized. And the Pals got their land back.
i’ve known a lot of Jews in my life, living in Los Angeles for 40 yrs; some very poor some very rich but most middle class. The worst ones, a few, were the ones who didn’t practice their ‘religion’ but knew some gawd gave them ‘that’ land. And ‘true believers’ everywhere buy into this stoopid meme. i’ve come to believe that there is some unwritten or genetic code that makes many Jooz tick… they all called me anti-Semitic… but not all of them.
i’m deeply wanting for a Free Palestine and the vaporization of Israhell ~ The labeling and categorizing the Jew is incidental to the full Right of Return imo.
Great video. Great comments. We have come a long way since ‘1983’ (it does not look like a positive improvement). There was a time when liquior was forbidden to be purchased on Sundays. All retail stores were closed too. Family time was encouraged or in my case growing up, Sunday was a day of mandatory studying. Then everything changed in a blink of an eye. Judging from the video, we have a lot of cleaning up to do. I always ask. Where do we start? Is it possible to go back to a respectable society? I always try to encourage the young ones. There is still ‘hope’. 🙂
@Darwin26 (#10 above) ~ My own “religion” is National Socialism, which I consider to be a spiritual path.
When I mention “Satan,” I am not talking about a person. I am making a symbolic reference to negative attitudes such as greed, selfishness, cruelty, etc.
Along the lines of what you said above, I don’t like the fact that Muslims revere Jewish prophets.
You write, “Only True Believers will live. I have to believe in ‘God.’ If that’s your level of judgment, then I’ll be a Jew. All this ‘gawd’ stuff ~ believing in super invisible punishing gawd meme should be out grown by age twelve.”
I suppose it depends on one’s personal definition of “God.”
Most people start out as children believing in Santa Clause or the tooth fairy, and then they exchange the tooth fairy for Jesus, or Buddha, or Krishna, or whatever. It’s still the tooth fairy. At least, that’s the way it is with most people. Their religion is a game of “My imaginary friend is better than your imaginary friend.”
Anyway, I wish to respond to this comment…
“I believe that Capitalism is the problem, aided and abetted by the Neo-liberal.”
For me the problem is not capitalism, but people. Whether we have capitalism, socialism, or communism, our quality of life depends on the nature of the people in charge. If the leaders are good people, then the masses will be reasonably happy, no matter what administrative system they live with. But if the leaders are evil greedy bastards and Jew-lovers, then average people will be miserable, and will themselves become evil greedy bastards and Jew-lovers.
Capitalism usually leads to plutocracy, and communism usually leads to bureaucracy. Either way, there is a wide gap between the rulers and the ruled. The important question is what kind of people are in charge. Their evil or their goodness determines the quality of our lives. It all flows from the top.
China calls itself “communist,” yet China (today) is no more communist than the USA is democratic. China’s rulers use the word “communist” in the same the way that Western rulers use the word “democracy.” It’s a sham, designed to distract and mollify the peasants. China is fully infected with the neo-liberal plague. China has mass privatization, mass unemployment, a heavily financialized economy, and every other means of widening the gap between the rich and the rest. Why? Because China’s rulers are evil greedy bastards. And make no mistake…they love Jews. Indeed, most oligarchs worldwide love Jews, since Jews foster inequality.
Likewise the ruling parties in France and Germany call themselves “socialists” and “Social Democrats,” and when in reality they are arch-capitalists and neo-liberals who are dedicated to widening the gap between the rich and the rest. That’s all they do. It’s all they think about.
The Jew can thrive in a communist, capitalist, or socialist society, as long as the rulers are Jewish in spirit. However the Jew cannot thrive if the rulers are good people. The Jew cannot corrupt a healthy society led by healthy rulers. The Jew cannot invade in the first place.
America’s rulers are absolutely corrupt. Today, every last one of them is a Jew, whether or not he calls himself a “Jew.” American society for the most part has become a Jewish paradise. That is, a sewer. When the USA turned Jewish in spirit, it gone Jews in the flesh.
Therefore, when we ask why Jews have power over most people, the answer is that most people today are themselves Jews. Greedy, selfish, hate-filled supremacists. https://quatloosx.files.wordpress.com/2014/11/big_government.jpg
A video of interest at least to me, that gives food for thought on the issue of purpose.
Khalid Yasin (convert to Islam) on the purpose of life https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zor1et-rT8c
This is the third year we have had a promoted “black friday”. As with other companies that sell Christmas in October and early November, I just avoid them. Completely. It rather upsets me to see my Canada’s continual spiral into the American mold of consumerism.
Along the lines of what you said above, I don’t like the fact that Muslims revere Jewish prophets.
They weren’t “jewish prophets”… they were righteous, holy men sent to guide mankind. Jesus was also sent to guide the lost sheep… doesn’t make him a “jewish prophet”.
People get uncomfortable when the following is said but I’ll say it anyway… all Prophets, from Adam to Muhammad were Muslim, where ‘Muslim” is defined as those who do God’s will, not their own. That is to say, they follow God’s word and not their own desires. Islam means “submission”… you are surrendering your (free) will in order to carry out God’s will. ‘Muslim’ is derived from ‘Islam’.
That’s the goal… but we all fall very short.
Certainly Konrad, people are the ultimate ‘buck stops here’ wither or not they are aware of it or not but that’s now how evolution is …
Man has invented a few systems along the way and Capitalism one of those systems, evolved by hook and crook and, at the outset it was a rich man’s zero sum game
Social Darwinism was in play of our nascent govt. It still is. It did not need a Jew to covet itself. Capitalism must exploit, exploit, exploit, to prosper (sic). No matter who is in charge the goal of Capitalism is to exploit for profit (at any cost). It will corrupt good people in a flash as a result of manipulative lobbies.
National Socialism as a religion i can easily get with that /since i was born an Atheist and have always been a Socialist. I once tried to get a plank in the Dem platform that addressed Integrity. i gather we are on near parallels
I agree with all you say like on China and it being communist and the US being a democracy it’d be funny if it wasn’t such a joke. but i don’t agree that mendacious, pernicious, virulent entities etc can be covered by the word ‘Jew’. Or that most people are Jewish in the sense you discribe. You can make a metaphor of what it means to be a Jew with such collective adverbs but the comparative blanket stmt all things virulent and toxic are Jewish and visa versa condemns the user of the blanket words. If you were to say Neo-liberalism is all those rapacious things i quite agree.
However the goal in my mind and heart is to purge Israhell from the map and re-establish Palestine as the title of all what is now the so called Apartheid State of Israhell.
i understand the direction you come from but replacing the words of repulsive behavior with ‘Jew’ isn’t going to solve the problem or get all the Jooz out of Palestine. i believe you want to purge them and what they stand for from the universe.
i have no problem with Jews petitioning to live on Palestinian soil ~ the folks in that part of the MENA got along quite well until the Zionists targeted Palestine as their new/old homeland.
That said i do appreciate your perspective.
Konrad-you are great! I believe as you. You understand WE MUST NOT BE :LEFT/RIGHT,but offer spiritual unity,and action,for our fellow men.women. I abhor cruelty,hurt,division,o any kind-that is the JEW way,and not the NS way. Those whocombat the jew who advocate it,are as bad ,as those whodo ,whocompare it to NS. When we break Judaic norms on us all,we win.
“They weren’t ‘Jewish prophets’… They were righteous, holy men sent to guide mankind. Jesus was also sent to guide the lost sheep… doesn’t make him a ‘Jewish prophet’.”
Wow. We’re diametrically opposed on this one. The Old Testament, a book written by Jews for Jews, is now holy? YIKES!!!!!!
A book that celebrates the Jewish slaughter of non-Jews, such as 75,000 Iranians (Book of Esther) or the Jewish extermination of every non-Jewish man, women, and child in Jericho? (Book of Joshua) Whoa!
“They weren’t ‘Jewish prophets’… They were righteous, holy men sent to guide mankind.”
That is sophistry. I’m afraid we are not in agreement on this one.
Maybe you don’t realize but I’m talking about the Islamic view of those Prophets. In the Quran, the same stories are very different… Abraham isn’t selling his wife, David is not an adulterer or murderer, Solomon is not a sorcerer and doesn’t have hundreds of wives, Aaron isn’t a sorcerer, etc etc.
If you take the view that the jewish scribes altered the records, then what you’re left with is that all the information therein is suspect at best. Whereas with the Quran, we believe every word is authentic and hasn’t been subject to corruption. Now there are differences in interpretation but the actual words have been permanently imprinted in our reality, unchangeable by dark forces.
OCDG ~ This is news to me, and I would like to learn more about it. Can you suggest a link or two?
May I suggest a link as well……..:)
This shaykh did an excellent audio set on the Prophets and I miss he often. May Allah have mercy on Him and punish his unjust murderers. I used to buy this back in the day and now it is free online.
Ps his hereafter series is also free online.
STORIES OF THE PROPHETS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4d-dIvoihpE
Very interesting video. Thanks for posting it. Western society is indeed becoming more corrupt, degenerate, and otherwise Judified every day.
However I don’t think that Jews alone are to blame for this.
Jews cannot invade a morally healthy society. The disease can only invade a careless and corrupt society. After Jews invade and infect, they greatly accelerate the decay and death.
The corruption of American society began before the Jews invaded en mass. Indeed, the corruption attracted the Jews. It opened the door for Jews. It caused the Jews. It helped create the Jews.
Once the Jews invaded, they doubled, tripled, and quadrupled the corruption — but the door had to be opened to them in the first place. For example, Christians worshipped the Old Testament before Jews gained supreme power.
Jews begin as a symptom of corruption, and end up as a major cause and accelerant of corruption.
Regarding the above video, for me it is not only about consumerism and hyper-materialism.
Today’s Black Friday” shoppers are desperate to save money, because they become poorer each day. They become poorer because rich people (Jews and non-Jews alike) pay politicians to impose policies (such as gratuitous austerity) that are specifically designed to widen the gap between the rich and the rest.
The result is poverty and inequality, which causes anxiety and social sickness, which opens the door ever-wider to degeneracy and Judification.
Every act of greed and selfishness strengthens the Jew. Every swindle, every theft, every lie, every act of hate, racism, and bigotry strengthens the disease. At every moment of our lives we are faced with a choice between God and the Jew. Between charity and generosity on one side, and hate and depravity on the other. Between life and death.
Most people choose death. They worship the disease, whose only purpose is to consume and discard them. And they despise God.
This is very important-regretably the original producer of this ,did not say ‘JEW’,and take note;the viewers are huge. It is not ‘Dependence’at all…(Right Jew Matrix distraction)people became finacially poorer,due to the policies of Neoconservative/Neoliberalism-which enhanced Jewish FINANCIAL CONTROL He seems to blame ‘values’. No, it’s the ‘Jews stupid’.As Ambassador JP Kennedy said:” They (JEWS) won WW2″ See:SINS OF THE FATHER – Kessler. THE JEWS KILLED JFK :You Tube. The jews took this country with the creation of the US Federal Reserve Act- which connected it back to Britain- Rothschilds,and 11 Jewish Banking familes- See (THE END OF SOVEREIGN AMERICA:Real Jew News/You Tube. THE BAD WAR.COM,but within the US system resistence,aware,or not remained. The Jews were kicked from Nationalist Japan,and the Third Reich,(lesser AXIS Nations)to THEIR spectactular success.(See:THE NATIONALIST SOLUTION TO MONEY- Real Jew News.Com:You Tube,HITLERS MESSAGE TO THE NEW WORLD ORDER- You Tube. After 1945-things began to change ever so slightly,at first-as the Jews were still tentative,and were forced to duck,when the Cold War ensued,and Jewish Spys cropped up all over. Majority elements in the Old Guard ,and the old line social system began quietly fighting back:James Forrestahl,General Marshall, Mac Arthur,Robert Taft,JP Kennedy. Mc Carthy. Anything great about that period,was due to the old world remaining -and notthing else. the Jews vanquised Senator Robert Taft ,for the GOP nomination,and the Democrats Adlai Stevenson,who privately had reservation lost to Jew favorite Eisenhower ( who was De Facto waking up,a bit later)-Forrestahl was murdered,and Marshall discredited:”He lost China”- It was not ours to Loose ! By the late 50’s the Jews manuvered themselves into positions of REAL power.HERE. They set up the LEFT/RIGHT system brilliantly: Owning the opposition. the RIGHT,LYING John Birch Society took off,and as the Soviet System purged the Jews -the Trotzkyite Neoconservatives. The Jews took the Vatican with John 23. The Liberal Jew agenda completed the circle……John F Kennedy made it-the ‘Liberals’slobberd,but HE KNEW,and so did the whole family. Independently wealthy,beyond belief( they were going to take the Jews on WHERE IT COUNTED-The US FEDERAL RESERVE :Exec Order 10001,and the J ews atomic weapons manipulation for Israel(See FINAL JUDGMENT Michael Collins Piper),and RFK was taking on their mobs ( he broke the Jew mob running Reading,Pa example)See WHEN RACKETS RAN READING, Taggert) and wanted the ZIONIST ORGANIZATIONS OF AMERICA registered as foreign agents… “I will make Russia a land of white N s’. Trotszky. Jew LEFT went into action with the death of JFK. social destruction,Vatican 2 Catholics,sloppy dress accepted ( this is VERY IMPORTANT) as the way people look,and feell is who they aspire to be. Respect GONE, manners laughed at. Political Correctness. “Equality”,more important,than HONOR,JUSTICE,AND EXCELLENCE… By the late 70’s:we got fooled again- DEREGULATE ! Ann Rand Pierre Rothschilds mistress was IN,and on Donahue. Ben Freidman of CONSERVATIVE ECONOMICS became ‘COOL’. The Jews TOOK THE SYSTEM BUYING IT UP ! The RIGHT JEW PUNCH after the JEW LEFT HOOK ,was being readied… Now everything you see bad. Commercialiazation,Materialism,Cultural Decay,War, Jew Idolizing Popes,Zio-Christians,Poverty,Struggle,Discontent,Credentialism over talent,and brains,Privateization,Disgusting Media,War Worship (note “Peace Movement “,GONE) UGLYNESS worshipped, is theresult of the Jewish Dicatorship we live in… “Those who cannot recognize beauty are already dead” Aristotle.. The Jews atomize us all,while they unite and rule this prison.
Sorry for more..but again we must thank Konrad.Another gift of wisdom from this man. HE IS TRUE NS,and not the LIES. He knows it is not LEFT/RIGHT,and the culprit is POVERTY. The fear,and decay that it creates. The Jew “RIGHT’,blames the victims. The culprit is Jewish FINANCIAL.SOCIAL UNITY over society,while they distract the ‘Middle Class”,and “Rich”,by blaming the decline in’Hard Work”,and other NONSENSE… All while the Jews plot the fall of the later . JEWS WANT AUSTERITY. JEWS ARE NOT LIBERALS. JEWS ARE NOT CONSERVATIVES. Jews are JEWS,lock out everyone else,and RULE. When Gentiles break the greed,myopia,prejudice,and LEFT/RIGHT divide,and unite under compassion,and unity,theJews will loose.
Great comments Dante but could you please learn to use paragraphs? A large block of text is off-putting and more difficult to read.
Note:Every company but Mercedes Benz (which Rothschilds have a token 1% share,as a bribe),is JEWISH! Yes Coca- Cola ( Rothschilds Seagrams),and Disney ( Walt fought them tooth,and nail) The FED EX,is preperation for the Jews to take over the Constitutional, Ben Franklin founded US Postal Service. PRIVATIZATION,means JUDIFICATION,and guess who has a major stake in stinky Wall-Mart? ROTHSCHILDS. Your a ‘Conservative’,and ‘hate govermant’.. Enjoy the JEWS OWNING YOU ! Oh, you have credit cards,big loans,and mortgages? THEY DO ! USERY.
I agree about the paragraphs…but when I do it-they revert back to the block on the system for me !
OCDG : Maybe it’s your browser or some configuration causing it. You should try another one just to test things.
Dante Ardenz writes (#2 above) ~ “He seems to blame ‘values.’ No, it’s the Jews, stupid!”
My viewpoint is a bit different. I say that Jews are a disease than cannot infect a healthy social body. The disease must wait until the leaders of the social body (i.e. the rich) voluntarily corrupt the body, usually via greed. When the rich have compromised the body’s integrity and solidarity, the Jews can invade and accelerate the illness. Jews are a disease of opportunity.
The Spaniards killed and enslaved millions of Native Americans. Many “white” people took African slaves. (So did Arabic nations before them.) These invaders and mass murderers acted like Jews. They were consumed by greed and evil, and thus they WERE Jews. And, being Jews in spirit, they spawned and attracted Jews in the flesh.
The way I see it, at every moment we are faced with a choice between the Light and the Jew…
Everyone who leans toward the dark side is a Jew. It doesn’t matter if he is white, black, Chinese, Aborigine, or an extra-terrestrial. He is a Jew.
As for people who publicly call themselves “Jews,” in 99.9 percent of cases they are not even human. They ARE the blackness. They are disease. A negative force. The spirit of Satan.
The message of Adolf Hitler and the National Socialists was, “To fight the Jew we must cease to be Jews. We must move beyond all the human vices that drag us into the darkness. We must come together and reach for the Light.”
And reach they did, so much so that the darkness (i.e. the “Jew”) will vilify them for all eternity. Most people will vilify them for all eternity, since most people tend to be Jews.
Incidentally, Neo-Nazis are Jews too. They twist National Socialism into a racist deformity.
Most so-called “progressives” are Jews, since they believe all the Jewish lies about WW II, and they condemn you for using the word “Jews” instead of “Israelis” or “Zionists.”
Most communists are Jews, since they want to dethrone the oligarchs and take their place. Most communists want to replace the plutocracy with an oppressive bureaucracy, with the communists on top. And of course, most communists love to call you “anti-Semitic.”
Anyone – ANYONE – who uses the term “anti-Semitic” as a weapon is a Jew. That includes most people worldwide.
This blog’s target is the Jew. I myself am 100% white, but I would vanish if it became a white supremacist blog, since that would make it a Jewish blog.
That’s just one of the reasons God keeps the jews around… to show by example what NOT to do. Another is, for the astute, that the punishment of the jews is a sign of God’s existence and keeper of His promises. Yet another is that God is infinitely (well more than but why quibble) compassionate and merciful and those jews (miniscule in number they may be) who turn back to God can escape the hellfire promised to the wicked (i.e. cause and effect). That people may learn that God is oft-forgiving, seeing as how fallible we are as human beings.
That’s just for starters… unfortunately, being “atheist” is now en vogue (one of the long term goals of the jews) and seeing just how evil jews and judaism is, people are willing not only to throw out the baby with the bathwater but burn the house down and level the neighborhood.
As you’ve written, jew is defined as those who disobey God (that is, they who oppose the natural, Divine, goodness).
I’ve long been an opponent of the moronic and nonsensical phrase “anti-semite”. For quite a lot of reasons actually.
OCDG says, “Unfortunately, being an ‘atheist’ is now in vogue (one of the long term goals of the Jews).”
An atheist is someone who believes there is no God.
Jewish atheism is a bit different. Jews say there is a God, and his name is Satan.
Every lie that comes out of a Jewish mouth is faith-based. An example is the “holocaust.”™
i donno ‘organizedcrime’ sounds like any second you’re gonna come out of the clouds and hand me the 10 Commandments ~ wheeeeeeuuuuu ~ you’d make a great Torquemada ~ putting ordinary peasants to the ‘do you believe in god’ question ~ Only True Believers will live… i have to belief in ‘god’ ! if that’s your level of judgement then i’ll be a joo. All this ‘gawd’ stuff ~ believing in super invisible punishing gawd meme should be out grown by age 12.
i believe that Capitalism is the problem aided and abetted by the Neo-liberal. i believe we have 3 Branches of Govt: Wall St, K-Street and the Statagon ~ i don’t know how many of them are Joooz in those branches, but it doesn’t matter it’s all about Israhell First.
Israhell, A Utopian Nightmare conjured up by Zionists (before there were zionists)… i believe if Israhell was vaporized and the Joooz go back to the diasphora IE scattered to the 4 winds the world would be a better place but even better if Capitalism was vaporized. And the Pals got their land back.
i’ve known a lot of Jews in my life, living in Los Angeles for 40 yrs; some very poor some very rich but most middle class. The worst ones, a few, were the ones who didn’t practice their ‘religion’ but knew some gawd gave them ‘that’ land. And ‘true believers’ everywhere buy into this stoopid meme. i’ve come to believe that there is some unwritten or genetic code that makes many Jooz tick… they all called me anti-Semitic… but not all of them.
i’m deeply wanting for a Free Palestine and the vaporization of Israhell ~ The labeling and categorizing the Jew is incidental to the full Right of Return imo.
Great video. Great comments. We have come a long way since ‘1983’ (it does not look like a positive improvement). There was a time when liquior was forbidden to be purchased on Sundays. All retail stores were closed too. Family time was encouraged or in my case growing up, Sunday was a day of mandatory studying. Then everything changed in a blink of an eye. Judging from the video, we have a lot of cleaning up to do. I always ask. Where do we start? Is it possible to go back to a respectable society? I always try to encourage the young ones. There is still ‘hope’. 🙂
@Darwin26 (#10 above) ~ My own “religion” is National Socialism, which I consider to be a spiritual path.
When I mention “Satan,” I am not talking about a person. I am making a symbolic reference to negative attitudes such as greed, selfishness, cruelty, etc.
Along the lines of what you said above, I don’t like the fact that Muslims revere Jewish prophets.
You write, “Only True Believers will live. I have to believe in ‘God.’ If that’s your level of judgment, then I’ll be a Jew. All this ‘gawd’ stuff ~ believing in super invisible punishing gawd meme should be out grown by age twelve.”
I suppose it depends on one’s personal definition of “God.”
Most people start out as children believing in Santa Clause or the tooth fairy, and then they exchange the tooth fairy for Jesus, or Buddha, or Krishna, or whatever. It’s still the tooth fairy. At least, that’s the way it is with most people. Their religion is a game of “My imaginary friend is better than your imaginary friend.”
Anyway, I wish to respond to this comment…
“I believe that Capitalism is the problem, aided and abetted by the Neo-liberal.”
For me the problem is not capitalism, but people. Whether we have capitalism, socialism, or communism, our quality of life depends on the nature of the people in charge. If the leaders are good people, then the masses will be reasonably happy, no matter what administrative system they live with. But if the leaders are evil greedy bastards and Jew-lovers, then average people will be miserable, and will themselves become evil greedy bastards and Jew-lovers.
Capitalism usually leads to plutocracy, and communism usually leads to bureaucracy. Either way, there is a wide gap between the rulers and the ruled. The important question is what kind of people are in charge. Their evil or their goodness determines the quality of our lives. It all flows from the top.
China calls itself “communist,” yet China (today) is no more communist than the USA is democratic. China’s rulers use the word “communist” in the same the way that Western rulers use the word “democracy.” It’s a sham, designed to distract and mollify the peasants. China is fully infected with the neo-liberal plague. China has mass privatization, mass unemployment, a heavily financialized economy, and every other means of widening the gap between the rich and the rest. Why? Because China’s rulers are evil greedy bastards. And make no mistake…they love Jews. Indeed, most oligarchs worldwide love Jews, since Jews foster inequality.
Likewise the ruling parties in France and Germany call themselves “socialists” and “Social Democrats,” and when in reality they are arch-capitalists and neo-liberals who are dedicated to widening the gap between the rich and the rest. That’s all they do. It’s all they think about.
The Jew can thrive in a communist, capitalist, or socialist society, as long as the rulers are Jewish in spirit. However the Jew cannot thrive if the rulers are good people. The Jew cannot corrupt a healthy society led by healthy rulers. The Jew cannot invade in the first place.
America’s rulers are absolutely corrupt. Today, every last one of them is a Jew, whether or not he calls himself a “Jew.” American society for the most part has become a Jewish paradise. That is, a sewer. When the USA turned Jewish in spirit, it gone Jews in the flesh.
Therefore, when we ask why Jews have power over most people, the answer is that most people today are themselves Jews. Greedy, selfish, hate-filled supremacists.
A video of interest at least to me, that gives food for thought on the issue of purpose.
Khalid Yasin (convert to Islam) on the purpose of life
This is the third year we have had a promoted “black friday”. As with other companies that sell Christmas in October and early November, I just avoid them. Completely. It rather upsets me to see my Canada’s continual spiral into the American mold of consumerism.
They weren’t “jewish prophets”… they were righteous, holy men sent to guide mankind. Jesus was also sent to guide the lost sheep… doesn’t make him a “jewish prophet”.
People get uncomfortable when the following is said but I’ll say it anyway… all Prophets, from Adam to Muhammad were Muslim, where ‘Muslim” is defined as those who do God’s will, not their own. That is to say, they follow God’s word and not their own desires. Islam means “submission”… you are surrendering your (free) will in order to carry out God’s will. ‘Muslim’ is derived from ‘Islam’.
That’s the goal… but we all fall very short.
Certainly Konrad, people are the ultimate ‘buck stops here’ wither or not they are aware of it or not but that’s now how evolution is …
Man has invented a few systems along the way and Capitalism one of those systems, evolved by hook and crook and, at the outset it was a rich man’s zero sum game
Social Darwinism was in play of our nascent govt. It still is. It did not need a Jew to covet itself. Capitalism must exploit, exploit, exploit, to prosper (sic). No matter who is in charge the goal of Capitalism is to exploit for profit (at any cost). It will corrupt good people in a flash as a result of manipulative lobbies.
National Socialism as a religion i can easily get with that /since i was born an Atheist and have always been a Socialist. I once tried to get a plank in the Dem platform that addressed Integrity. i gather we are on near parallels
I agree with all you say like on China and it being communist and the US being a democracy it’d be funny if it wasn’t such a joke. but i don’t agree that mendacious, pernicious, virulent entities etc can be covered by the word ‘Jew’. Or that most people are Jewish in the sense you discribe. You can make a metaphor of what it means to be a Jew with such collective adverbs but the comparative blanket stmt all things virulent and toxic are Jewish and visa versa condemns the user of the blanket words. If you were to say Neo-liberalism is all those rapacious things i quite agree.
However the goal in my mind and heart is to purge Israhell from the map and re-establish Palestine as the title of all what is now the so called Apartheid State of Israhell.
i understand the direction you come from but replacing the words of repulsive behavior with ‘Jew’ isn’t going to solve the problem or get all the Jooz out of Palestine. i believe you want to purge them and what they stand for from the universe.
i have no problem with Jews petitioning to live on Palestinian soil ~ the folks in that part of the MENA got along quite well until the Zionists targeted Palestine as their new/old homeland.
That said i do appreciate your perspective.
Konrad-you are great! I believe as you. You understand WE MUST NOT BE :LEFT/RIGHT,but offer spiritual unity,and action,for our fellow men.women. I abhor cruelty,hurt,division,o any kind-that is the JEW way,and not the NS way. Those whocombat the jew who advocate it,are as bad ,as those whodo ,whocompare it to NS. When we break Judaic norms on us all,we win.
“They weren’t ‘Jewish prophets’… They were righteous, holy men sent to guide mankind. Jesus was also sent to guide the lost sheep… doesn’t make him a ‘Jewish prophet’.”
Wow. We’re diametrically opposed on this one. The Old Testament, a book written by Jews for Jews, is now holy? YIKES!!!!!!
A book that celebrates the Jewish slaughter of non-Jews, such as 75,000 Iranians (Book of Esther) or the Jewish extermination of every non-Jewish man, women, and child in Jericho? (Book of Joshua) Whoa!
“They weren’t ‘Jewish prophets’… They were righteous, holy men sent to guide mankind.”
That is sophistry. I’m afraid we are not in agreement on this one.
Maybe you don’t realize but I’m talking about the Islamic view of those Prophets. In the Quran, the same stories are very different… Abraham isn’t selling his wife, David is not an adulterer or murderer, Solomon is not a sorcerer and doesn’t have hundreds of wives, Aaron isn’t a sorcerer, etc etc.
If you take the view that the jewish scribes altered the records, then what you’re left with is that all the information therein is suspect at best. Whereas with the Quran, we believe every word is authentic and hasn’t been subject to corruption. Now there are differences in interpretation but the actual words have been permanently imprinted in our reality, unchangeable by dark forces.
OCDG ~ This is news to me, and I would like to learn more about it. Can you suggest a link or two?
May I suggest a link as well……..:)
This shaykh did an excellent audio set on the Prophets and I miss he often. May Allah have mercy on Him and punish his unjust murderers. I used to buy this back in the day and now it is free online.
Ps his hereafter series is also free online.
Try http://islamica.ir/books/download/epub/5970.html
Or simply find a copy of the Quran : ISBN Hardcover 0-940368-84-6 , paperback 0-940368-85-4
Try this digital library : http://www.al-islam.org/