DAILY MAIL – Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu was booed at Broadway show. He was met with cries of ‘Free Palestine’ by crowd at smash-hit Hamilton. CONTINUE READING
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When people are chanting “Free Palestine!” on Broadway, in the heart of Joo York City, it is a sign that the gentile revolution may finally be at hand.
Soon, Bibi, soon you will be resting next to your scum-of-life Simon Perski, or Shimon Peres as you like to cover him with six feet deep and soul rotting in hell. Another psychopath dead and a few more to go. Soon.
Soon you will be joining Simon Perski or as you pretend, Shimon Peres. Enjoy it because you batch of murderers are all going to be standing in line.
since you are booing benyammerin nuthinyahoo, go ahead and boo hamilton
Hamilton was an advocate of a privately owned central bank in America.
The same thing that Jefferson opposed and that Ben Franklin stated was
the primary reason for our revolutionary war against the privately owned
Bank of London (England)
I would chant and throw my shoe to his face and say !!!! FREE PALESTINE !!!!