HAARETZ – Holocaust survivor, Nobel Peace Prize laureate and prolific author and outspoken activist, Elie Wiesel died Saturday the age of 87. Wiesel was perhaps best known for his major role in promoting Holocaust education, and for perpetuating the memory of the Holocaust in the post-World War II era with his memoir “Night,” based on his experience as a teenager in the Auschwitz concentration camp.
Eliezer “Elie” Wiesel was born on September 30, 1928 in the Romanian town of Sighet, to Sarah and Shlomo Wiesel. His maternal grandfather, Dodye Feig, was a member of the Vishnitz Hasidic sect; his strong influence over Wiesel was seen later in some of his writings. Wiesel received a traditional religious education while growing up in Sighet; many years later, in 2002, he returned to his hometown to dedicate the Elie Weisel Memorial House at the site of his childhood home.
The Wiesel family’s lives were seriously disrupted in 1940, when Hungary annexed Sighet and all the Jews in town were forced to move into one of two ghettoes. In May 1944, the Nazis, with Hungary’s agreement, deported the Jewish community of Sighet to the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp. The teenage Wiesel was sent with his father Shlomo to the Buna Werke labor camp, a sub-camp of Auschwitz III-Monowitz, where they were forced to work for eight months before being transferred to a series of other concentration camps near the war’s end.
The malnourished and dysentery-stricken Shlomo Wiesel died after receiving a beating from a German soldier on January 29, 1945, several weeks after he and Elie were forced-marched to the Buchenwald camp. Wiesel’s mother Sarah and younger sister Tzipora also perished in the Holocaust. He would later recount those and other events in his 1955 memoir “Night.”
After the war, Wiesel was sent with other young survivors by the French Jewish humanitarian organization Oeuvre de Secours aux Enfants to an orphanage in Écouis, France. He lived for several years at the home, where he was reunited with the only surviving members of his immediate family: his older sisters Beatrice and Hilda.
In 1948, the 20-year-old Wiesel pursued studies in literature, philosophy and psychology at the Sorbonne, but never completed them.
Around the same time, after working a series of odd jobs including teaching Hebrew, Wiesel – who mostly wrote in French throughout his life – became a professional journalist, writing for both French and Israeli publications. In 1948, he translated Hebrew articles into Yiddish for Israel’s pre-state Irgun militia. Wiesel visited the nascent State of Israel in 1949 as a foreign correspondent for the French newspaper L’arche. He was subsequently hired by the daily Yedioth Ahronoth as its Paris correspondent, and also worked for the paper as a roving correspondent abroad. He also covered the 1961 trial of Nazi war criminal Adolf Eichmann for the New York-based Yiddish newspaper The Forward.
It was during his time in Paris that Wiesel was said to have studied with a mysterious and renowned Jewish scholar known simply as Monsieur Chouchani (also spelled Shushani in certain sources) after meeting him at a synagogue. Wiesel described Chouchani in an article in Yedioth Ahronoth as “a modern legend,” and after the man’s death, went on to pay for his tombstone in Montevideo, Uruguay, and wrote his epitaph: “The wise Rabbi Chouchani of blessed memory. His birth and his life are sealed in enigma.”
Despite or perhaps because of the major traumatic impact the Holocaust had on his life, Wiesel did not write about those experiences until encouraged to do so during a conversation with French Nobel Laureate for Literature Francois Mauriac, in 1954. The original version of his first memoir was over 800 pages, written in Yiddish and entitled “Un di velt hot geshvign” (“And the World Remained Silent”). He wrote a much shorter version in French, published in 1958 as “La Nuit” and it was translated into English as “Night,” two years later. Despite, its eventual popularity, “Night” sold less than 2,000 copies in its first 18 months in the United States. However, the book did attract much attention among reviewers and created a higher media profile for Wiesel; it has gone on to sell more than six million copies.
In 2006, popular talk-show host Oprah Winfrey selected a new translation of “Night” by Wiesel’s wife Marion for her book club, helping to push the book to a top spot on The New York Times’ best-seller list for nonfiction paperbacks. The book now appears in 30 languages.
“Night” would form the first part of Holocaust memoir trilogy that would include “Dawn” and “Day.” All told Wiesel wrote more than 40 works of nonfiction and fiction, including “A Passover Haggadah” and “Wise Men and Their Tales: Portraits of Biblical, Talmudic, and Hasidic Masters.”
In 1955, Wiesel moved to New York to cover the United Nations. During his time in the city he was hit by a taxi, requiring a prolonged convalescence in the hospital. Following his recovery, Wiesel applied for permanent residency and in 1963 became a U.S. citizen; this was the first citizenship he held since becoming stateless during the Holocaust.
A longtime bachelor, Wiesel eventually met his wife to-be, divorced Austrian Holocaust survivor Marion Rose, in New York. They married in Jerusalem in 1969. Marion served as the English translator for Wiesel’s subsequent books.
The world-renowned Holocaust survivor received numerous awards and honors over the years, including the U.S. Presidential Medal of Freedom and the rank of Grand-Croix in France’s Legion of Honor, and he was knighted as Commander of the Order of the British Empire. Perhaps the highest honor of all was the Nobel Peace Prize in 1986 for his role in speaking out against violence, repression and racism. Wiesel was also the recipient of over 100 honorary doctorates, and received France’s distinguished Prix Medicis for his 1968 book “A Beggar in Jerusalem,” describing the Jewish response to the reunification of Jerusalem following the Six-Day War.
In Israel, in 2007, then-Prime Minister Ehud Olmert reportedly suggested nominating Wiesel as candidate for president of Israel on behalf of the Kadima party, but Wiesel was said to have declined the offer. Olmert eventually selected Shimon Peres as Kadima’s candidate for president; Peres would later award Wiesel the President’s Medal of Distinction in 2013.
Despite his life experiences, Wiesel was not without a sense of humor, which he displayed, for example, when given the World Jewish Congress’ Theodore Herzl Award by former Secretary of State Hilary Clinton in 2013. “There were two great men in Europe at that time: Herzl and Freud,” Wiesel was quoted as saying, by The Forward. “Luckily they never met. Just imagine Herzl knocking on the door of Dr. Freud: ‘I had a dream.’ Freud would have said, ‘Sit down. Tell me about your mother.’”
In addition to his writing, Wiesel enjoyed a second career as an academic. From 1972 to 1976, he was professor of Judaic Studies at the City University of New York. Thereafter, he was Andrew W. Mellon Professor in the Humanities at Boston University, and a member of both its philosophy and religion departments. Wiesel was Henry Luce Visiting Scholar in Humanities and Social Thought at Yale University (1982-83), and visiting professor of Judaic studies at Barnard College of Columbia University from 1997 to 1999.
It can be said, however, that Elie Wiesel was best known for his role in keeping alive the memory of the Holocaust and for promoting Holocaust education. Over the years, he spoke of these subjects innumerable times, before countless audiences, around the globe.

Pop goes the Weasel.
Everyone should leave a large pile of shit on lying weasel Elie Wiesel’s grave.
Loving the title. Too bad the old bastard died before anybody had the chance to mob him and rip the sleeves of his shirt – exposing his lack of any tattoo.
I hope they are not going to ask the German people to pay for the funerals, as a symbolic ‘last reparation’.
Happiest Fourth of July in my entire life!
Rest in Peace, Elie…
The proper place for him now to be is hell.
I just heard a long eulogy of the Weaz on NPR, i nearly barfed at the way they protray him as a “humanitarian,” when really he was a total liar (he was never in any camp except on the guided tour) and all he did was spread vicious libel about Germans and Palestinians. What an evil scumbag.
Of course, not a word about his book “Night” being total BS. Somewhat of an omission, eh?
I’m happy that the king of the big-mouth “Holocaust” liars is dead and silenced!
there are those who always overstay
his leave-by date long ago
didnt have decency to go
his legacy of obvious lies, deceptions
will be his gift to the world
his extended stay will help
to crumble the hoax
This is the guy who scolds Palestinians for “making Israel kill their children,” right? I’ve actually read Night, because it was MANDATORY.
Hopefully, he’s now living every lying lie he ever told.
Holocaust “education” ? The ruling kosher oligarchy really mean indoctrination.
The Jewish Holocaust Cult founded at Auschwitz
Sung to the tune of Pink Floyd’s
“Another brick in the wall”
We don’t need your indoctrination.
We don’t need your Thought Control.
No dark bamboozle in the classroom.
Deceivers, leave them kids alone.
Hey! Deceivers leave them kids alone.
All in All you’re just another prick
enforcing this CULT.
All in all you’re just anther prick
enforcing this CULT.
This Just In! Weasel Not Going to Hell
Satan Stands at Gate to Hell -Says
“No Farggin Way is this Most Despicable of the Despicable, this most Depraved of the Depraved is getting into my realm. My residents, perpetrators of some really unspeakable crimes, and I can cope with the stench of brimstone and other noxious fumes but the stench of the carcass of Eely Weasel as he known here is just more than too much. Hey, we do have some standards. He’d stink out the house!”
Old Nick went on to say,
“There’s huge pit at a level below Hell Central filled to about 2 feet deep with fetid pig blood. This is where The Weasel is going spend eternity. He is going to be joining the likes of Chaim Weissman, Simon Wiesenthal, Menachem Begin,
LT. Albert Rosenberg, Psychological Warfare Division of the Allied Forces, who set up the display at Buchenwald with the phony shrunken heads, and the phony human skin lampshades and the phony soap made supposedly rendered from the bodies fat of roasted Jews. David Ben Gurion, he’s there along with Moises Dayan.”
Asked is there were any nonJews in the pit, Beelzebub explained that because of the propensity for mendacity, it’s mostly Jews that are in this particularly rotten place, but he went on to say,
“It’s none sectarian. LBJ is there, and so’s his Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara… that USS Liberty thing was just too much. By the way, betcha didn’t know that Churchill and Roosevelt are wallowing around in the stink too!
It’s a good thing that pit is as large as it is because there are a lots more that are headed there when they go toes up. As you’re well aware, I’ve been around for a long time and there is a particular group that has been particularly evil from their founding days, some more depraved than others The Weasel is an example. But, I gotta tell ya, that bunch has really infected a huge number of “outsiders” so we’ve got big expansion projects going on for Hell Central and the pus pit where Eely going. It’s our version of combo Abu Ghraib/Git-mo. I must add that there’s no respite from there… Hell no! Pun intended. There’s no upgrading to Hell Central. That pit is surrounded by huge square pails of pig feces. When the creeps get sent there – that’s where they remain for eternity. There will be no going “beyond the Pails of Excrement.”
There was a little twinkle in his eye and the fiendish smile on his face as his tail flicked with a crack like the sound of a whip.
I heard this at about 2:00 PM PST.
I was heartbroken.
Easy now. Don’t consider me too sentimental.
My heart ached only because this inevitable happened 75 years
after it shouda’.
Almost ashamed to say that I would love to have seen the fear in
his eyes at his last breath.
He did not perpetuate the memory but the myth,good riddance to a liar and hypocrite.
“Elie Wiesel, the Master propagandist – Any political movement would give its eye teeth to have him on its side,” Jewish Tikkun magazine.
Elie Wiesel in an interview with Israeli daily Ha’aretz’s Ofer Aderet, published on November 2, 2012 had proposed that Israeli Mossad should kidnap Iran’s President Ahmadinejad as it kidnapped the famous Zionazi Adolf Eichmann .
“For the past three years, I have been waging a struggle against Ahmadinejad around the world, demanding that he be arrested and placed on trial as was done to Eichmann. He should be charged with a desire to commit genocide. I hope the Mossad, which caught a man like Eichmann, will be able to catch him and get him tried in an international court. Someone like him must not be allowed to sleep quietly,” whined Wiesel.
Good riddance to an Oscar winning liar and as for those dupes taken in by him, you’re a disgrace.
Just imagine founding your entire life on a gigantic lie, spending your entire life as a highly paid professional liar; promoting yourself as a labor camp prisoner and victim of anti-Semitism in WWII Europe while the whole time you were living in British Mandate Palestine working as a terrorist for the Irgun and murdering British soldiers and administrators. All these arrogant con men (or should I say con people) who think they have fooled everyone and cannot be touched or punished, have forgotten that they cannot fool the Great Spirit and that they shall ultimately be judged and punished. Undeniable Death and its certain judgmental aftermath cannot be bargained with. Against his will and deepest desires, Elie the Weasel has now gone on to the special Jewish section of Dante’s Inferno to be flayed alive over and over with his buddies like Ariel Sharon and Moshe Dayan. Some folks just have to learn the hard way I guess.
diseased belief system
diseased minds
lies for brain cells
you people are fucking sick. the man is dead can you just respect that? the way you are all talking is disgusting and there is no reason for it at all. I understand that you’re just voicing your opinions but can’t you do that in a more respectful manner? how would you feel if you died and everyone around was relieved instead of heartbroken? it doesn’t matter what he did or didn’t do in his life, he is a human being and deserves to live in peace. so can you all just shut up and leave already😡
you guys are pricks lol, complete asshats with no regard of what this man has gone through. you, my friends, are the faggots who are going straight to hell.