© Atef Hassan

ed note–the slant of the piece suggests the Brits are doing this only to gain closer access to the group for the purpose of engagement, but the rest of us are aware of the more realistic implications associated with it all.

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0 thoughts on “Brit Special Forces disguised as ISIS fighters operating in Syria”
  1. Sorry, I posted this in the wrong section:
    Because this is a war on perception, and media is THE tool used for the manipulation, those that control the media will take any even and, through editing and scheduling, exaggerate and manipulate and reshape the actual footage and deliver it *at just the right time* to counter anything anti-human (anti-Jewish). False flags most certainly to exist. But not every event is a “false flag” (like the Fetzers of this world believe). It’s much more nuanced, more subtle, more complex–but it’s actually very simple. Anybody who has worked in the industry (film, tv) or even edited a simple Youtube video, with just the right music, just the right selection of images, knows something of the raw power that can be evoked with the right skills and techniques. A lot of Israel’s loss in power isn’t just that the truth is getting out (because of unfiltered exposure) but because people are actually becoming more “visually literate.” It’s like the difference between someone who has never seen a book before thinking the illustrations of monsters in them are real; think about when the Spaniards first showed a book to the natives. Just turning the pages was an act of magic. It’s the same with media today. The magic of frame rates, the sorcery of image and sound fusing together to change, literally, someone’s world, because everything is really thought-based, everything starts first as an idea. Jewry caught on to this before anyone else. They didn’t invent it, but they make tweaking it their means of SURVIVAL. It’s just fascinating how as we expose the techniques of these kind of manipulation, the very foundations of “Judaism” begin to crumble. It is all a LIE. Israel = IsNOTreal.

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