putin obama

Ed-note (Sabba) – “US Assets in Syria”? Which US Assets?!? Come on Brzezinski, spell it out: you know you want to! As a side note on this man, we hear that he is of aristocratic polish background. He is more than that: he is of a Frankist polish background. In other words, a crypto jew, follower of Jacob Frank who upon pretending to accept Christianity, brought in his judaic and sickening belief of Redemption Thru Sin. The more we sin, the lower we bring the world, the faster Redemption will come. And nothing can be too bad, shameful, too disgusting. There simply is no limit anymore: incest becomes ok, orgies become ok, zoophilia is ok and… child sacrifice is the best of all the acts which can speed up the arrival of ‘Redemption’, in other words, the jewish moshiach, our Anti-Christ.

 Jacob Frank was a disciple of Sabbatai Tsevi who had infected the world of Islam before him, who gave the world this community of donmeh which rules all over most of the so called “Islamic” arabic world today.

So knowing that he is a Frankist, we can understand better where his deep rooted hatred for Christian Russia actually comes from.


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