KATHEON – Famous American political scientist Zbigniew Brzezinski once again frightened mankind by saying that “the end of America’s global role … would most probably be global chaos”. To avoid this, the supporter of the American hegemony of the United States suggested Global Realignment. That’s the name of his article in the Journal The American Interest. So, what is the American Interest according to Brzezinski?

To briefly summarize the content of Brzezinski’s article it boils down to two theses:

1) The United States is no longer a global imperial power.

2)  As was already mentioned above – the probable chaos as a result of the collapse of the US imperial hegemony. In order for the United States to maintain its power, Brzezinski offers several recipes:

a) Make the main geopolitical rivals of America – Russia and China – work towards US interests. This is supposed to use the crisis in the Middle East as a source of supposed common threats to all three powers.


One thought on “Brzezinsky Forced to Downsize US Imperial Ambitions”
  1. U.S. hegemony? Why is our government worried about that when its chief purpose should be to protect and advance its own tax paying citizens? Because there’s not a buck in it for their dammed cronies. It’s high time the present system falls. Damn the chaos, full speed ahead!

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