jewish espionage

A physics professor at Caltech says that an Israeli scientist at the school shared secrets from NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory at the school with a top Israeli government rocket scientist in violation of federal law, but that when she reported the matter to Caltech authorities, she was punished for the disclosure. Sandra Troian is suing Caltech for her mistreatment.

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0 thoughts on “Caltech professor claims Israeli spy infiltrated JPL”
  1. Jews invented spying. They had too;as they are at war with the entire world-“By deception,thou shal do war” Duetaronomy. Motto of Mossad. The professior dared to speak out:I am sure they are comjuring up “Mc Carthyism’,against her,or “Conspiracy Theory”. “To learn who rules you,find out who you cannot criticize’. Voltaire. Jews are above all criticism;after all they have been’unfairly’ ‘persecuted’for thousands of years. The cliche of the LEFT/RIGHT Matrix,which they use as a mechanism of rule.

  2. Good on Professor Troian. Let the hammer drop (criminal prosecutions) on the complicit Caltech admin and faculty for the cover up and harassment.

  3. “Soon after Gat was hired, Troian says, she began to suspect him of security violations. He allegedly stored sensitive information on his personal laptop, not his work computer as required. He is also alleged to have purposely entered erroneous numbers into design software codes.”
    Gat admitted that he had shared details about the micropropulsion system with Daniel Weihs.
    “Gat also allegedly made 65 Internet posts about operating principles for the system, also in violation of the security agreement he signed with the lab, and was caught wandering around, alone, in an access-restricted experimental area.”
    “As a foreign national I did not have any security clearance and thus couldn’t work on secret projects.” No kidding, huh? THEN WHY THE HECK ARE DUEL NATIONALS privy to America’s most secret information and running many aspects of our government?
    I dislike preaching to the choir 😉

  4. Just more proof America has been infiltrated at every level by Israeli agents leaving America but a hollow shell while the Israeli breathern, International Jewish Crimial Banksters are flooding American corporations with cash and incentive to relocate and to invest Billions in American corporations in China R&D. What do they have instore for crumbling America?

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