TIMES OF ISRAEL – A Canadian man convicted of spreading anti-Semitic material online was sentenced Monday and banned from posting publicly on the internet, but will not serve any jail time. Arthur Topham, a 70-year-old former teacher and miner from Quesnel in British Columbia, was found guilty in 2015 of promoting hatred against an identifiable group on his website, Radical Press.
YAY!!! So glad to hear this!
As we all know by now, all Arthur did was take GERMANY MUST PERISH!, a 1940’s publication by Jew Arthur Kaufman, dedicated to detailed manners in which to erase all German people from the face of the earth, and changed it to ISRAEL MUST PERISH! and change Hitler to Netanyahu, etc. It was done word for word. Including the part about forced sterilization of Germans.
But the Jewish organizations consider GERMANY MUST PERISH! to be a joke, something meant in jest. As with the Protocols, or any other revealing publication, they deny it as a hoax or unworthy of notice. Somehow, the verstion Arthur put forth “triggered” the vindictive leader of Canada’s Bnai Brith who had been gunning for him for some years.
Considering Shasta Topham, Arthur’s devoted life partner, is Jewish, it seems a tad ludicrous to call him a “Jew hater”.
Of course the Brith is “disappointed” in the results; they are good Jews and would prefer to see the guillotine used on Arthur Topham. To shut the rest of us up.
Can not someone interview him by phone and post his work for him?
Good news. I’m glad for Arthur. What did he post that was so upsetting to the zios? Nothing that was not penned by them or by others. You cannot “crucify” the messenger. Canada has fallen into a horrible pit of zionist alligators and we have to see if ladyboy Troo-doh can muster up enough courage to have a look a this pit. Arthur’s case was being watched worldwide. It will be good news for the world. FREEDOM of speech, if you don’t have it, you are simply not free. 1933, “Judea Declares War on Germany”. “Germany must perish”.
PS: Glad to see Jim’s comment above.
The Brith guys shows up in court with two bodyguards in fancy garb. They can be such children at times, can they not? Yoyos. I had to laugh at the “forced sterilization part”. Can you imagine what the Palestinians have to endure day in, day out?
Attention jews: Do you stupid ass-wipe EVER look into the mirror? Do you EVER consider why it is that you’re a pariah to humanity? Bad behavior breeds resentment and even hate. Any half-conscious Gentile hates the jews. You’d better hope that more don’t become radicalized against organized jew interests and policies. You’re a racist, supremacist tribe. You’re lucky to have escaped extermination thus far.
It is indeed great that Arthur Topham didn’t physically ended up in the slammer, but the freedom of speech in Canada has indeed suffered a most terrifying blow with the verdict made known.
Orwell’s ‘1984’ is over us, and the court case proves, once again, that ‘The Protocols of the Elders of Zion’ indeed is a conspiracy revealed… spelled out in details. 😉