Sabba – As a comment, I would like to share an interesting article posted by Henry Makow: Bikini vs. Burka: The Debauchery of Women
I find myself often disagreeing with Makow but he raises valid points, asks the right questions and over all often touches upon key issues which none but a few dare touch.
I had read many years ago an article about the new craze in Europe where teen age girls are now auctioning their virginity on-line. The writer of that article concluded that he would much rather see his daughter dressed the way the Blessed Virgin Mary dressed (which is now called ‘Islamic’ fundamentalist fashion) than see her sell her virginity on line. He was viciously attacked by…surprise suprise, low-IQ, sexually frustrated white supremacists who accused him of everything we, at TUT, are being accused of.
Fathers and Mothers: how would you feel if your daughter decided to auction her virginity on line?
I am sad to report that I am finding rampant Islamophobia among many rank and file Canadians. Where once before they were apathetic, finally the Jewish conditioning is beginning to reap its sick benefits. That includes Islamophobia among many other brain dead behaviours.
Amen to that, and particularly the article written by Henry Makow. It was the first article I had read of his almost 13 years ago and which established my admiration for his work on those topics he covered dealing with Islam, marriage, and how the family unit/fatherhood/motherhood is under assault. Like Sabba’s ed note about not agreeing with everything he says, I second that, but all-in-all on the aforementioned topics he has explored/discussed/explained to his readership vitally important items that people need to fit into the giant puzzle in better understanding the nature of the war that is being waged against us by organized Jewish interests.