ed note–Man, if they keep going at this rate, we might just be able to convince these schizoid Christian supporters of Israel that the Jews are not their friends and that no decent Christian worthy of the name has any business lending his or her support to this little gangster state and its anti-Christ, anti-Muslim, anti-human and anti-God ideology.

The latest? Well, another one of those pesky little videos that unfortunately made its way onto the internet showing another one of those ‘nice Jewish boys’ in Israel we hear so much about these days as he struts around in typical haughty, violent, foul-mouthed, Jewish-supremacist fashion.

Replete with curly locks and his Rabbi-mandated beenie, one of those who considers himself the apple of Yar-way’s eye is caught on tape succumbing to the inevitable madness attending the poison known as the Judaic mindset, ranting and raving the typical ‘God gave this land to me’ business as he threatens to kill the impure Goyim who dare dirty the soil of Judea with their presence.

Granted, the young fool with the swelled-facial features resulting from centuries of clannish-inspired inbreeding was carrying around a bottle of whiskey which no doubt caused his tongue to become a little loose, but what has to be kept in mind here is that the whiskey merely opened floodgates to what were/are already ugly and septic waters boiling up from below, or, as Jesus famously put it, ‘Out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks’. Anybody who knows anything about Judaism knows that it possesses an implacable hatred for Jesus and non-Jews that is as intrinsic to its nature as wood is to trees.

Therefore, none viewing the piece should be surprised to see this little monster obediently spewing forth the poison that has been infused into his soul from the earliest days of his yoot by the devil-possessed Rabbis who hacked into his spiritual/mental harddrive.

Some other notable quotables from this ‘nice Jewish boy’ who is receiving billions of dollars a year from the great ‘Christian’ nation of America–

‘You asshole, you and your fucking Jesus can kiss my ass…Screw you and screw your mothers…We killed Jesus and we’re proud of it…’

Is there something in the air in Hebron causing all of this? This is an almost word-for-word repetition of what was said a few months ago by some other ‘nice Jewish folks’ as they broke the face of non-Jew by smashing her skull with a wine bottle.

What is (or at least what will be) surprising is how little effect it will have on Christians around the world who happen to stumble upon this little video. ‘It doesn’t matter’ they will say. ‘The Jews are G-d’s chosen people and that means we have to let them do whatever they want. Besides, the Rapture is coming, so don’t rock the boat by saying anything bad against them,’ and even when it is word-for-word what Jesus had to say about them as well.

And yet comes daily the stampede, the wailing, the gnashing of teeth and rending of robes over ‘anti-Shemitism’ and how it has no rational explanation other than ‘Gentile hatred’.

2 thoughts on “Candid Camera”
  1. The British and American Christian, Judaizers and Zionists gave the money to cause this insanity. They will never learn. Why shouldn’t Jerusalem be in the hands of true Christians, not this sad sort of hate filled inbreeds. This video should be shown on NBC, CNN, ABC, and MSNBC non stop as if it were a “hands up don’t shoot video”. It won’t happen and you know why. It won’t even be shown on FOX News, because “they” control that, too. It’s all just too despicable and risky for even their ilk to air.

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