Ed-note (Sabba) – “Jewish groups have asked the Vatican to freeze the process that could lead to sainthood for Pius until all wartime archives are fully opened to historians”. Lol!!!
So many archives from that time have already been opened up to Historians and to what effect? They enacted laws to prevent Historians to do their job which is precisely to consistently revise what we think we know, at the light of new archives, new archaeological findings, new methodology etc. To revise IS the work of the Historian. Revisionism is the essence of History (revisionism being of course applied to all historical eras).
Now, what will these deniers of History discover which they do not already know and which they keep concealed? Will they tell us about a man called Israel Zolli?
In 1946, Israel Zolli, the chief rabbi of Italy, did something unheard of: he converted to… Catholicism. Despite the immense pressure from all jews around the world, despite the threats and blackmail, Israel Zolli refused to bow down and added more salt to their injury by changing his name to Eugenio, in honor of Pope Pius XII (whose real name was Eugenio Pacelli). This was his ‘thank you’ to Pope Pius for everything he did to protect and save as many jews as he could during WWII.
Where are the Christians? How many more insults can they take before they wake up? What more do they need to get off their knees and start to fight back? When will they start to follow the teachings of the Messiah who never came to bring peace but a SWORD?
0 thoughts on “Catholics and Jews pan film defending wartime Pope Pius XII”
Christians need to show more guts! We seem to stand on the side and watch the Jews – make films that disrespect Christ, falsify history, introduce filth in the society and commit some of the most heinous crimes against Palestinians, destroy independent countries and continue their usury to enslave nations – and say nothing?
The Jews say that the Goyim are stupid and I think they are right in that respect. Christians not only have no guts but they are ignorant about many things that are happening. They are so naive that they can’t see the evil of the Jews and think the Jews are the “Chosen” and all the lies the Jewish controlled news media have told us for so many years including the HOLO-HOAX.
Reuters is owned by the Rothschilds. This is a Reuters article so of course it would, alas, carry their bias.
I do believe ZioChristians are almost lost beyond retrieval they have been so mired in Hageepoop and Scofield sickness and Jewish opportunism that … well…. many are more Jewish than the Jews themselves. I don’t even bother trying to discuss much with these types any longer. Makes me almost ill to do so!
All access to righteous indignation has been removed from the Christian vocabulary. We must turn the other cheek while they are allowed to take an eye for an eye. Does this make sense to you? About as much sense as letting only Judaics carry weapons in France!
Am I diverting? No, not really. Catholics don’t teach their own history too much any more. The reasons are so many but Jesuit/Jewish infiltration might be a good part of it. That Black and White Pope stuff…
After The Passion of the Christ, you can bet that the Kosherites had all their ducks in a row for this one before letting it out. Remember, Muslims were the only Abrahamics that boycotted that movie because depicting Jesus is considered disrespectful ~ as it was according to the Catholic standards I was raised by in the 1950’s and ’60’s. Now He is everywhere and totally desecrated by the Judaics at every possible opportunity they can find.
Also (gets up on soapbox) … with the need to keep the death of those 6 million poor Jews from WW2 fresh in the minds of the world…. all with the creation of “International Holocaustianity” in mind, they will seize on EVERY chance they can find (and those they can manufacture) to keep the pity party alive.
If it costs the reputation of one paltry Pope who must be summarily slandered, well so be it. He was, after all, just another gentile. Forget what he did. I mean, some of these vengeful folks want to sue the Americans for not getting them out of the camps fast enough. NOTHING will EVER be good enough.
Steps down from soap box.
Even if you are a Pontiff. After all, your lambs are busy turning the other cheek while their eyes are being gouged out.
Christians need to show more guts! We seem to stand on the side and watch the Jews – make films that disrespect Christ, falsify history, introduce filth in the society and commit some of the most heinous crimes against Palestinians, destroy independent countries and continue their usury to enslave nations – and say nothing?
The Jews say that the Goyim are stupid and I think they are right in that respect. Christians not only have no guts but they are ignorant about many things that are happening. They are so naive that they can’t see the evil of the Jews and think the Jews are the “Chosen” and all the lies the Jewish controlled news media have told us for so many years including the HOLO-HOAX.
Reuters is owned by the Rothschilds. This is a Reuters article so of course it would, alas, carry their bias.
I do believe ZioChristians are almost lost beyond retrieval they have been so mired in Hageepoop and Scofield sickness and Jewish opportunism that … well…. many are more Jewish than the Jews themselves. I don’t even bother trying to discuss much with these types any longer. Makes me almost ill to do so!
All access to righteous indignation has been removed from the Christian vocabulary. We must turn the other cheek while they are allowed to take an eye for an eye. Does this make sense to you? About as much sense as letting only Judaics carry weapons in France!
Am I diverting? No, not really. Catholics don’t teach their own history too much any more. The reasons are so many but Jesuit/Jewish infiltration might be a good part of it. That Black and White Pope stuff…
After The Passion of the Christ, you can bet that the Kosherites had all their ducks in a row for this one before letting it out. Remember, Muslims were the only Abrahamics that boycotted that movie because depicting Jesus is considered disrespectful ~ as it was according to the Catholic standards I was raised by in the 1950’s and ’60’s. Now He is everywhere and totally desecrated by the Judaics at every possible opportunity they can find.
Also (gets up on soapbox) … with the need to keep the death of those 6 million poor Jews from WW2 fresh in the minds of the world…. all with the creation of “International Holocaustianity” in mind, they will seize on EVERY chance they can find (and those they can manufacture) to keep the pity party alive.
If it costs the reputation of one paltry Pope who must be summarily slandered, well so be it. He was, after all, just another gentile. Forget what he did. I mean, some of these vengeful folks want to sue the Americans for not getting them out of the camps fast enough. NOTHING will EVER be good enough.
Steps down from soap box.
Even if you are a Pontiff. After all, your lambs are busy turning the other cheek while their eyes are being gouged out.