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0 thoughts on “Cheney: Obama is giving Iran means to destroy U.S.”
  1. And it is War Criminals like this baby killing, less than human, spawned from the anus of something demonic, and his ilk that would provoke such an attack.Whatever tiny drop of substance resembling that which mankind recognizes as the “the milk of human kindness” that Cheney may have possessed when born, disappeared in the first crappy diaper change of this beast.

  2. Cheney cares about well being od the USA?? what a pathetic joke?
    This satan’s henchman only cares what his Big Boss from pits of hell wants.
    All the rest is optional for him

  3. Here he comes ! The old man who crys wolf at every turn,and the only wolves, there are is his own backers.

    Take a look…the Jews scripts never change….his ” warnings “, parrallel how the Jews paid Winston Churchill to push for war, with Germany,in 1930 s, and trotted him out again for the Cold War, after he had his fun, ” I enjoyed every minute of it”, in the late 40s.

    Cheney, like Churchill is on the Jews payroll I assure you.
    Just as Churchill was… See ,Churchills War, David Irving.Com.

    Everytime, he is pushed onto the stage, his offshore accounts are relosded with shekels.

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