David Lau says Chief Rabbinate should be consulted to give ‘religious and traditional Jewish view’
ed note–but, but, but, but…we are CONSTANTLY being told the deliberately-confusing mishmash that there is nothing ‘Jewish’ about the ‘zionist’ state of Israel (even though her supporters refer to her as ‘the Jewish state’) and that Judaism and Zionism are COMPLETELY DIFFERENT and that we should not confuse the two.
And yet, here comes this rabbi–CHIEF Rabbi at that–saying that the religious authorities need to be consulted viz a viz civil regulations in making sure that religious (Jewish) laws cooperate and compliment civil laws.
Those who buy into this ‘Judaism and Zionism are different’ nonsense need to check out as registered guests on Fantasy Island and check back in as guests at the Hotel Reality.
“Those who buy into this ‘Judaism and Zionism are different’ nonsense need to check out as registered guests on Fantasy Island and check back in as guests at the Hotel Reality.”
I could not agree more.
Right you are, Mark. Anyone who uses the term “Zionist” when they should be using the label “Jewish” is admitting that either they don’t fully understand the real problem or are working for the kosher criminals. How many years have we been saying this?
@pseudoskylax, there is a third category, large and growing due to the internet: those who understand the general problem, are not working for the kosher criminals but are afraid to speak out without using fallacious euphemisms. I think Paul Craig Roberts is such an example and there are many more.
Judaism cannot seperate itself from Zionism. They go hand,and hand….Jews do not believe in “salvation”,but are already “Gods Chosen People”.Please remember their “God”,Yahweh is NOT,your “God”. That tribal diety promised the Jews Israel. The entire world Gentile world,is to be brought about to worship it,and prepare to be led by the Jew Messiah,who is the Anti-Christ. These Rabbinical Laws are meant to preserve the Jews excluveness for this future subjugation of all of us !
look at how the ZIO MASONIC syndicate have staged events to “fulfill” prophecy. sickening how these pathetic, stupid sheeple eat up this Pharisee Elmer Gantry, without a single flicker of spiritual questioning