
“Also known as: Odin’s Cross, Sun Cross, Wheel Cross

The white supremacist version of the Celtic Cross, which consists of a square cross interlocking with or surrounded by a circle, is one of the most important and commonly used white supremacist symbols. Although usually called a Celtic Cross by white supremacists, its origins date to the pre-Christian “sun cross” or “wheel cross” in ancient Europe. Norwegian Nazis used a version of the symbol in the 1930s and 1940s. After World War II, a variety of white supremacist groups and movements adopted the symbol.

Today, this verson of the Celtic Cross is used by neo-Nazis, racist skinheads, Ku Klux Klan members and virtually every other type of white supremacist. It has also achieved notoriety as part of the logo of Stormfront, the oldest and largest white supremacist website in the world.

The Celtic Cross, as typically depicted, is a traditional Christian symbol used for religious purposes as well as to symbolize concepts like Irish pride. As such, it is a very common symbol and primarily used by non-extremists. Most renditions of the traditional Celtic Cross feature an elongated vertical axis (often accompanied by Celtic knotwork) that resembles that of other Christian crosses. Although white supremacists will occasionally use this version of the Celtic Cross, the overwhelming use of this version of the Celtic Cross is non-extremist and, in the absence of other hate symbols, does not denote white supremacy or racism.

It is the short “sun cross” version of the Celtic Cross, surrounded by a circle, that is more commonly used by white supremacists, although even here care must be taken always to judge it in context.”

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0 thoughts on “CHRISTIANS WAKE UP!!! ADL names Celtic Cross as racist symbol”
  1. Give ma fat break. This typically Jewish obsession with symbols (hollow ideologies always rely on symbolic representations to fake depth) must not be adopted by the rest of the world. A cross is a cross is a cross.

  2. The Celtic Cross can be found all over Scotland in graveyards ancient books on Scotland yes it is associated with the Vikings as the Northern part of Scotland was owned by them including the Western Islands before 1000 AD going back from then to the Druids time and the Picts who were pre Viking owning roughly the same area of Scotland , many “Druid Stones” still exist symbols carved into the rock usually showing colored circles where the blood of sacrifices ran and filled them up in worship to the sky . IN regards to the Swastika I have a 1920,s/1930,s steel badge of a Scottish bank no longer in existence it has a swastika on it as a symbol of Thrift.

  3. Thou shalt have no other Gods but Yahweh. Make no graven images of me…..the Jews fear anything they conceive to be opposite of this.

    The despise ALL crosses I assure you…whetrr it be ” Christian “, or not.
    As they all stand for ” Pagan”, to the Jews.

    They so fear the Swastika they out on a campaign in the early ninties, to have them taken off of history books, and true to life !model kits, and diecast.

    I assure Christian s this is aimed at their symbols.
    You are not immune.

  4. I’m gonna get myself one of these.
    I am Irish(Celtic).
    I also know that none of my neighbors
    nor relatives will recognize this as a
    “White Supremacist” token either.

    None that I am aware of believe in such
    nonsense(white supremacy?). Really?

    I do not like wearing any type of Jewlery.
    Not even a necklace or watch.

    If I am wearing a T-shirt that says,
    “Israel, Terrorist State
    Since 1948”, and talking to my Pakistani Muslim
    neighbor, while wearing my Celtic cross, I am pretty
    sure my good neighbor is not going to mistake me for
    some retarded white supremacist.

    But if it might promote some conversation
    with myself and another about our own peculiar
    and accidental genetic heritage, well then maybe
    it is not a bad thing.

  5. Just bought one from Galway Ireland.
    I bet nobody that sees me wearing it will
    even notice aside from my girlfriend.
    And before I can share the story with her,
    she will give me grief because I am a
    supposed man wearing Jewlery around
    my neck.
    She, like any other that speaks with me,
    will consider it only a crucifix and a symbol
    of Christ and will not be offended.
    She will however question this adornment
    since she knows I do not believe personally
    In wearing such things.
    Carhartt pants, a clean T-shirt and Vasque
    boots is real and sheik enough for me.
    In my own simple vision, it’s the clean shaven ‘men’
    wearing nice suits and ‘proper’ haircuts that are
    causing most of the worlds problems.
    I just prefer the smell of fresh air much more
    than I do kosher ass.
    I am no different than most men in that I want to
    get up in the morning and work using my mind and
    hands to provide for myself and all others that concern
    God has allowed me this freedom.
    Judaic usury and vice has denied it to many others
    in our world.
    For this, they will pay for in the next life. I have no doubt.
    I am just tired of the rest of us paying for Jewish crimes
    in this short life we share with each other here in this world.
    There is enough for ALL OF US HERE to be satisfied.

  6. Bravo Todd, really BRAVO! I think all Christians or people of ‘Christian culture’ should start wearing it. More than a religious symbol, we have to make it a strong political statement.

    I also think it is now time for all men to start growing beards as another strong political statement to los judeos.
    They are the ones who told us that a man must be clean-shaved like a woman. All throughout History, when they had no power and were living in the depth of darkness of night, all throughout History it was seen a manly thing to do to have a beard. Since they came out into the open, they first started promoting clean-shaved men, then half naked women, now fully naked men and women, gay marriage, incest etc. etc. etc.

    Wearing a cross and having beards would be a form of BDS, a loud statement saying “we are free from your joodoo spell”.

  7. Wear them at all times! One never knows when some Jew-be-gone will be needed. Wear them openly to drive parasites away and to engage Christians in conversation about our problem.

  8. This is about ADL having another stab at destroying all white European people and their cultural heritage. Celtic Cross, Thor’s hammer/mjölnir, swastika, runes etc, are symbols that European peoples have used for thousands of years. Only a really hate-filled and anti-European organization like the ADL would demonize somebody else’s heritage and turn it into symbols of “hate.” The ADL is the hate group that needs stamping out.

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