ed note–the obvious relevance being as follows–

1. All can JUST IMAGINE the nuclear event that would take place if some ‘Christian’ city official in whatever locale characterized a Menorah using the same word–‘disgrace’, which would certainly be justified given that while the Christmas tree represents and celebrates the birth of Jesus, the H’Nooka Menorah however represents and celebrates the religiously-driven mass murder of those who happened to entertain opinions contrary to the teachings and protocols of Judaism.


2. I thought we are all ‘the same’ now, that it was all ‘live and let live’ and a ‘new era’ where Christians and Jooz were BFFs.

Oh, I see now…It only goes in one direction… 


An Ashdod mall put up a Christmas tree for the first time — that’s not sitting too well with the northern Israeli city’s haredi Orthodox deputy mayor.

“This is something intended to hurt anyone who identifies as Jewish,” Avi Amsalem said in a post on his Facebook page.

He called on the Big Fashion Mall to remove the “disgrace.”

The mall had responded to previous criticism by erecting a giant menorah next to the trimmed tree on Monday, even though Hanukkah was ending.

While the Christmas tree was making its debut at the mall opened in 2015, Haaretz reported, other malls in Israel owned by the same company, which keeps open on Shabbat, have featured trees.

The company told Haaretz that the Christmas decorations are an attempt to bring a “European atmosphere.”

A large population of immigrants from the former Soviet Union live in Ashdod, a port city about a half-hour’s drive from Tel Aviv, and many are believed to celebrate Christmas.

The city’s haredi population was accused of religious coercion in recent municipal elections.

2 thoughts on “Christmas tree in Israeli mall called a ‘disgrace’ by Orthodox Jewish city official”
  1. I don’t want to tell you how to suck eggs, but the reason why we use the technical term ‘Jewe’ rather than the more colloquial ‘Jew’ is because historically ‘Jewe’ has referred to both Jews and Freemasons.
    What do Jews and Freemasons have in common? Well they both serve the same master. Whilst feigning allegiance to ‘The Nation’. For this reason, they share the same characteristics … secretiveness and duplicity. While they both masquerade as ‘nationalists’ when expedient to do so, they both serve the Empire of Money (EoM). Which is separate. Indeed … sovereign. Thus they never engage with ‘gentiles’ in good faith. On principle.
    ‘Nation’ is different to ‘State’. A ‘nation of people’ is an extension of family … same language, similar beliefs, similar habits, similar aspirations. Squabbling yes, but only over details. State by contrast, is a legal fiction sitting atop Nation, draining its resources, and locking it down with rules and regulations. The State appears to serve the Nation. But the opposite is the case. Increasingly, Nations themselves are vanishing like the morning mist. Except, conspicuously, one nation we never hear the end of.
    The EoM sits atop the State. It is a somewhat diffuse and decentralized entity, but its prime loci appear to be … a) the City of London, b) the Bank of International Settlements in Luciferne, c) and the Federal (sic) Reserve of New Yoik. The EoM is of course entirely predicated on the historically loathed and despised practice of usury. As such, as surely as night follows day, left unchecked and uncontested, the EoM winds up owning everything. Not just Meeja. Not just Banks. EVERYTHING that ever was … and ever will be. Amen.
    The EoM regards humanity en masse as, in essence, trespassing on Its property. That’s why It feels no compunction, for instance, in blasting the homes of Californian residents with DEW technology. Or spraying whole areas, even cities, with chemtrails. Causing tsunamis via undersea atomic explosions. Or hurricanes via HAARP technology. Doesn’t matter. Them pipple is a-trespassing on EoM property!
    The OeM is the single largest, most powerful empire ever constructed in the history of the world. Totally criminal, of course. But what does criminal mean when there is no ‘State’ to oppose it? When the State is in fact part of it?
    Let me tell you about heartache and the loss of god
    Wandering, wandering in hopeless night
    Out here in the perimeter there are no stars
    Out here we IS stoned
    – Jim Morrison

  2. you don’t get it, do you, mark … it’s all because of holocaust™, y’know.
    ever since its worldwide patent protection was granted, it has been strictly ONE-WAY, THE JEW-WAY where the truth is nothing but roadkill on the highway to tikkun olam.
    if jew tells the river to flow uphill, well, it’s got to be done or otherwise, don’t wait for moses to show you how.

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