

4 thoughts on “CIA Rebrands ‘Moderate’ Rebels: Now They’re the ‘Syrian Democratic Forces’!”
  1. During WW 2, the world British Empire,which was the most racists, exploitive ,and richest system ever devised was presented as ,” poor little England”.

    The Communist Soviet Union ,run by s very dark man ,Stalin was a ” Democratic Nation”.

    This name change for the terrorists is so Orwellian .
    The Jews are expert at this.

  2. The Jews can change names but the whole world already know what kind of lizards we have in Washington. The Jews call the oppressed the victims in Palestine “Terrorists” and the real terrorists they call them “Freedom Fighters”. Our soldiers are welcomed as “Heroes” when they are nothing but trained killers.
    I am glad Mr. Putin unmasked the “Moderates” as mercenaries paid by the Zionist Jewish Criminals.

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