HAARETZ – U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton on Monday said removing President Bashar al-Assad is the top priority in Syria. Clinton, speaking at a town hall meeting in Hollis, said the United States should pursue a diplomatic solution in resolving Syria’s internal conflict. Her comments come at a time of a growing gulf between Russia and the U.S. on the appropriate place of the Syrian President in the fight against ISIS.
Very dangerous time
Horse manure!! It’s all about serving Israel’s desires. What has Assad done to deserve being overthrown?? Resisting Jew hegemony and not pledging allegiance to the Rothschild banking cartel.
THE FIRST PRIORITY of the American people should be sending the Bushes, the Clintons, and the Obamas to the federal prison in Leavenworth, Kansas for massive treason and sedition against the American people and their Constitution (and those would be the least of the charges). The treasonous, of course, have three choices: Door #1 – firing squad, Door #2 – the hangman’s noose, or Door #3 – the guillotine.
#1 and 2. I agree with you 100%. Removing Assad and all the Israel’s adversaries is the #1 priority of the Rothschild’s Criminal Mafia who have created all these wars. Hillary Clinton is an agent of the Rothschild’s. Look it up on You tube.