0 thoughts on “CNN Blunder: The US and ISIS are working together in Syria”
  1. Tell us what most of the world already knows! Reminds me of the former israeli mossad agent who let the cat out of the bag regarding the London subway bombings while doing a TV interview, on Fox I believe.

  2. Hmmm

    “ISIS” like Al Qaeda” before it, is a mercenary force created by Israel/US masquerading as “terrorists”. Since its creation the primary job of ISIS has been to bring about regime change in Syria and ensure the continued destabilization of Iraq. It bears remembering that President Obama told the American people that military intervention was required in Syria to stop ISIS. He specifically stated that we were not in Syria to institute regime change. Clearly like Bush Jr before him he lied.

    9-11 was carried out by Israel in order to create the justification for the US to invade the Middle East. Ostensibly the US invaded to fight “terrorism”, then weapons of mass destruction, then evil dictators, then Al Qaeda, and now ISIS. In each and every case the justification fabricated by Israel and the US was a lie.

    Israel through its manipulation/control of key elements of the US government and media ordered the US into the Middle East to destroy the infrastructure, institute regime change and place puppet governments into power favorable to Israel. The US hasn’t been fighting “terrorism” in the Middle East. The US has been fighting wars of conquest for Israel. Very soon now the US will leave the Middle East. At which point Israel will have gained effective control over virtually the entire region.
    And it hasn’t cost Israel a single shekel or soldier’s life. Contrary to the US where the cost is approaching 10 Trillion, half a million wounded and well over 100,000 dead American soldiers. Not to mention the millions of dead and 10’s of Millions of refugees in the Middle East. All for Israel and its vision of empire from sea to sea.

  3. It has been fully documented since the 1990s that ISIS is Israeli Secret Intelligence Service recruited by the USA to replace BlackwaterXe in order to carry out terrorist operations, including cannibalism, beheadings, rape and bombings,also under various bogus names like Bokoharam, Al-Qaeda, ISIS, Islamic Caliphate, etc. The US and ISIS are not working together, the US-ISRAEL is ISIS! I see even serious authors wasting their time with this nonsense and this keeps distracting people who do not know better or who are here and on the Internet only for entertainment! Sad world! In the same manner the GIA (AIG) was not an Armed Islamic Group that carrying out the same kinds of atrocities in Franco-Jewish Algeria, but an ISRAELI ARMED GROUP! Basheer

    by John Bovay

    (JOHN BOVAY is also an idiot for mixing Islam, Islamic Jihaad and Islamic Sharia with CIA-MOSSAD-NATO Al-QAEDA and ISIS while totally ignoring BLACKWATERXE! And talking of “Islamic Extremists” as if they had anything to do with Islam or Muslims.

    What the heck! It is proven that the USA and ISRAEL with NATO, Western complicity and aid have recruited criminals (animals, thugs, rapists, cannibals, etc. of their own fabrication!) of the worse kind from around the world including from their own armies to form Al-Qaeda, BlackwareXE, Bokoharam, Daesh, ISIS, ISIS, ISIL, “Islamic Caliphate”, etc. with a view to blame Islam and Muslims. Bovay and others keep blaming “Islamic extremists” Islamic Sharia, when this is not the issue at all, while also totally ignoring the plight of Mauslims who are the main victims of WESTERN TERRORISM AND IMPERIALISM.

    BAFS 5th of October 2015)

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